Ch. 2

It's All In The Timing

Baekhyun remembers freshmen year, the first party he’d went to as a young, naïve, fresh out of high school kid who had no idea what was waiting for him on the other side of the door. That night was the most drunk he’d ever been; the next morning was the first hangover he’d ever had, and he promised himself he’d never let it happen again. Baekhyun broke that promise last night. Actually, he destroyed it, put it in a spaceship and sent that to the sun.

He was ed up, beyond ed up.

He can remember flashes of the night; he remembers Chanyeol’s room, Chanyeol going out every so often to bring them more drinks as they talked about their project. He remembers the conversation drifting as they drank more, but he doesn’t remember what they talked about.

At one point, he’s pretty sure Minseok was dragging him around by the wrist, yelling something at him about not being able to leave him alone for two seconds. No, he’s absolutely sure that happened because he remembers losing his balance and tripping, taking Minseok down with him. Did he make out with Minseok on the hardwood floor at the frat house? No. Well, probably; he doesn’t remember, but that sounds like something he’d do under the influence of lethal amounts of liquor.

He woke up this morning on the living room floor of his own apartment, thankfully; Minseok was on the couch beside him, still passed out, snoring softly. It was almost peaceful, but then he sat up, opened his mouth to speak, then slapped a hand over his mouth as he raced to make it to the bathroom before the puke came up.

So, he’s at work, nursing a mean hangover. The screaming children are doing nothing to help him and the fluorescent lighting is even worse than the noise. He groans and sips from his water bottle. Jongin isn’t much better; he’s been sighing in the seat beside Baekhyun, rearranging and groaning with each movement. Frats really know how to throw a good party.

It isn’t until after they order lunch from the sandwich shop next door that they start feeling better. They sit in the breakroom alone, across from each other at the large round table, and eat in silence.

“So,” Jongin says, voice raspy, “Where’d you disappear off to last night? Minseok was looking around for you and couldn’t find you.”

Baekhyun slows his chewing; should he lie? “Um,” he swallows, “I uh, may have ended up hanging out with Chanyeol in his room.”

Jongin’s eyebrow raises. “Hanging out?”

“Yes,” Baekhyun grumbles, “hanging out. We sat and talked and figured out what we’re gonna do for our project…and drank so much mystery punch.”

“And then ed?”

“Dude, what the ?” He fakes a gag, “Gross. Chanyeol? No.” He fights down a sudden nausea and swallows another bite.

“You think he’s into guys though?”

Baekhyun rolls his eyes, “I have no idea. I told you, we talked about our project and that’s it.”

Jongin leaves the conversation at that, but keeps the smug smile for the rest of their break. He knows Baekhyun and how Baekhyun thinks, and he knows that the smile will bother him.

The slow day moves even slower after lunch and Baekhyun just wants to go home, to curl up in his bed with his head under his pillow as he tries to keep himself from throwing up anymore (he’d already run to the bathroom twice at work to puke); he just can’t handle hangovers like he used to anymore.

The end of the day finally comes and Baekhyun couldn’t be happier. He’s all ready to go, stuff packed up and in his arms, and then Chanyeol walks in with a big smile and an excited wave his way.

“You look terrible,” Chanyeol says as he approaches Baekhyun; Jongin snickers behind him.

“Thanks,” Baekhyun deadpans, “I feel terrible. You nearly gave me alcohol poisoning with all the drinks last night.”

Chanyeol laughs, boisterous and animated, smacking at his own thigh. “I’m sorry. I sometimes forget that everyone doesn’t drink like my frat brothers. But in my defense, you kept accepting the drinks.” He turns to slip money into the token machine and starts colleting them in his cup when they begin shooting out of the slot. “Did you wanna play a few games with me?” he asks, looking back to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun doesn’t know whether Chanyeol or Jongin is giving him a harder stare. He wants to go home, but Chanyeol just looks so hopeful. He sighs on the inside, but gives in with a nod and a small smile. “Yeah, sure. Why not?”

They stand side-by-side, both focused, both silent. Baekhyun is concentrated on what he’s doing, secretly aggravated at how terrible he is at this game that Chanyeol had convinced him to try. It’s some dumb timing game where you have to get a light to stop in the right spot and he can’t do it. With each win Chanyeol gets, Baekhyun’s aggravation only grows. Finally, he huffs and stomps his foot, turning away from his machine.

“How do you do it?” he asks, looking up to Chanyeol with wide eyes. “How do you just win at everything, all the time? How?”

Chanyeol looks confused, a little bashful, but he grins. “I don’t know…I’m just lucky? I’m really good at timing these things,” he pats the side of the machine he’s at. “I can show you, if you want?”

Baekhyun has to literally swallow down a scream, grit his teeth, and take a deep breath. “Please?” he says, totally not sounding desperate.

“Okay watch,” Chanyeol says with a smile. He slips behind Baekhyun and reaches an arm around him, placing his hand over Baekhyun’s. “You just gotta keep cool and time it right.”

Baekhyun can’t hear a word Chanyeol is saying over the heartbeat pounding in his ears. The arm wrapped around him and the hand on top of his is an uncomfortable feeling; it has a lump growing in his throat he can’t swallow down. He can feel his muscles tense when Chanyeol leans a little closer. It’s warm and strange and he doesn’t know what to do with someone this close to him.


Baekhyun blinks and turns, realizing Chanyeol is no longer pressed against him. He looks back to the game and he’d won, well Chanyeol did, did it for him. “I won?”

Chanyeol laughs, puts his hand on the machine beside Baekhyun’s head and leans toward him. “You did.”

He still doesn’t know how to react to what just happened; does Chanyeol like him? Does he just not understand personal space? He needs to speak; he’s just staring at Chanyeol like an idiot. He just won 500 tickets. “Can you show me how to win on other games too?”

Chanyeol smiles.

They stay and play around the arcade for another hour. Baekhyun runs out of tokens and then sticks around to watch Chanyeol kick at a few more games. They talk a bit, a little about where to meet up to work on their project, a little about the games they’re playing. It’s nice; Chanyeol is nice, Baekhyun thinks as he listens to Chanyeol ramble on about something funny that happened in one of his classes.

“So, why do you want to win the big bear?”

Chanyeol looks over his shoulder, over to the prize counter, “It’s cute, and huge,” he shrugs. “I just want it.”

Baekhyun pouts behind Chanyeol’s back; he already knows that Chanyeol is going to win the bear before he can, and now he remembers why he’s supposed to hate Chanyeol. But, he can’t bring himself to hate him anymore, not now that he’s gotten the chance to actually get to know him a little. He’s too happy and bubbly, and so god damn likeable that it’s impossible to have any kind of negative feelings for him. He sighs as Chanyeol wins yet another jackpot; he needs to get home and work on his homework. So, he says goodbye and they set up a time to meet up to work on their project.

They text on and off throughout the week. He finds himself smiling at his phone when a text from Chanyeol lights up; it doesn’t mean anything though, Chanyeol is just a fun person to text. Minseok thinks it’s weird, he says, “It’s just interesting, is all,” when Baekhyun informs him that he and Chanyeol never actually talk about their project. He nearly begs Minseok to tell him what he means by that, but Minseok refuses and gives him an indiscernible expression instead.

The next week comes quickly. Chanyeol had been busy with work and classes, so Baekhyun didn’t see him in the arcade much, and he’s almost, kind of excited to hang out with him again. It’s nothing, though, Chanyeol is just cool. Minseok gives him that weird look again.

They agreed to meet up at Baekhyun’s on Friday to finally get started with their project. Chanyeol sent Baekhyun a few articles to read earlier in the week and, of course, Baekhyun said he would read them but didn’t.




“We’re doing what?”

“I thought you knew?” Chanyeol sounds as confused as Baekhyun looks mortified. “We literally talked about this all night at the party.”

Baekhyun stops tapping his pen on the desk and glares. “I was drunk as hell, thanks to you. You really thought I remembered what we talked about?”

“I sent you articles on it the other day. Did you not read them?”

Baekhyun gives a sleazy smile, one that says he obviously didn’t even read the titles of the articles.

“You’re the worst partner ever,” Chanyeol teases, clearly amused at Baekhyun’s distress. “Oh come on, it won’t be that bad.”

Silence. Baekhyun just stares. “ual dysfunctions, Chanyeol. Literally,” he says, giving the page in his book a quick onceover, “we’re doing a project about ual sadism.” He lets out a long sigh and leans back in his chair, letting his head hang over the back.

“And masochism,” Chanyeol adds happily; it annoys Baekhyun.

“Whatever, it’s the same thing.”

Chanyeol scoots closer in his chair now, giving Baekhyun a very serious look. “No. No, not at all,” he shakes his head and flips the page of Baekhyun’s book. “Sadism and masochism are totally different.”

Baekhyun leans in, narrows his eyes; he’s ready to argue.



“Hey Baek, what was that song…Oh my god!”

Baekhyun slams his laptop shut and whips around in his seat, eyes wide and cheeks red with embarrassment. So Minseok had walked in on him and Chanyeol watching some very questionable , no big deal, right?

Minseok doesn’t move from the doorway; his hand is still on the knob. He looks like he wants to speak but can’t figure out what words to use.

“It’s for school, I swear. Strictly…educational… watching.” He gently elbows Chanyeol and motions for him to agree.

“Yeah. Yeah, it’s for our project. Baekhyun wouldn’t listen to me about the difference between two things and so we were watching to prove my point.”

“Uh-huh,” Minseok says, eyeing them skeptically. “Educational, right.”

“Min, no seriously. It was just—“

“Well, I’m just gonna leave you guys to it then,” Minseok says, backing out of the room slowly. He softly shuts the door, leaving them alone.

“Well,” Baekhyun sighs, “that was weird.”

Chanyeol laughs and reaches over to open the laptop. The video automatically resumes with the sound of a sharp slap and a whimper, and Baekhyun hurries to exit out of the video. “Okay no more of that,” he chuckles awkwardly, “Point proven.”

“Aw, you don’t wanna keep watching with me?” Chanyeol pouts and bats his eyelashes, then laughs at his own ridiculousness. “The girl was hot though, you know, under all the bruises and like, blood.”

Baekhyun pauses for a moment, that’s the first mention of his uality he’s heard from Chanyeol. Not that he’s curious, really, but he has been a little since Jongin mentioned it the other day. So, Chanyeol thinks the girl in the video was hot; Baekhyun is gay, he doesn’t think she was hot. He stares at Chanyeol, trying to figure out how to respond.

“She was…pretty?” Yep, totally convincing.

Chanyeol blinks. “Pretty? Dude, her s were great. Did you not see them?”

Baekhyun feels like he’s being backed into a corner, like he’s back in high school and that big mean senior is bullying the new little gay freshmen. He’s happy with who he is, comfortable with being himself, but he hates this feeling. He hates the uncertainty of people’s reactions to finding out he’s gay. No, he has to already know, right? He is friends with Sehun, after all, and he'd seen them kiss at the party. “Um,” is all he can manage to say as he stares at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol looks away, leans in close to his book like he’s reading; Baekhyun knows he’s not actually reading. He clears his throat. “You know I…I’ve before,” Chanyeol isn’t looking at Baekhyun, “It’s…there’s nothing wrong with that.” He does look at Baekhyun now, a sort of embarrassed expression on his face as he bites his lip; he looks…nervous? Which confuses Baekhyun, because why would he be nervous to tell someone who is so clearly gay that they’re a little gay too?

It’s Baekhyun’s turn to stare bashfully at his psychology book. He smiles at the pages. “I’ve um…I’ve only ever uh, ,” he laughs at himself, feeling ridiculous for saying that, but he looks back to Chanyeol with a small smile. “I’m very gay,” he says, his smile widening at the amused look Chanyeol gives him.

Chanyeol perks up, a wide smile growing on his face. He reaches over and reopens the browser, motioning to the keyboard. “I can find some more suitable for you, if you’d like?”

Baekhyun bares his teeth and swats Chanyeol’s hands away from his laptop, shutting the screen and pushing it out of Chanyeol’s reach. “You’re literally the worst. Go home, it’s late.”

“It’s seven.” Baekhyun raises an eyebrow at him. “It’s not late.”

Baekhyun stands and pulls Chanyeol from his chair; he tries his best to push him toward his bedroom door. “Out! Go home you giant idiot.”

Chanyeol laughs at Baekhyun’s effort, he’s pushing but Chanyeol isn’t moving. He grabs Baekhyun’s shoulders and spins him around, grabs him around the waist and picks him up off the ground; Baekhyun immediately begins flailing and shouting. He looks like a little kid, just hanging limply in Chanyeol’s arms, and he hates it, but he can’t stop himself from laughing when Chanyeol beings shaking him around.

“Oh my god!” Baekhyun is wheezing and laughing, “Oh my god, put me down you monster!” Instead of down, Baekhyun goes up, over Chanyeol’s shoulder. His face is dangerously close to Chanyeol’s and, speaking of asses, Chanyeol has his hand on Baekhyun’s to keep him in place. “Chanyeol, I swear to god I’m gonna hurt you! Put me down!”

Chanyeol just laughs and spins around, and Baekhyun starts flailing as hard as he can, swinging his arms and kicking his legs. Chanyeol is stumbling, Baekhyun is sure they’re going to tumble over and hit the ground hard. He’s screaming and laughing and smacking Chanyeol in both cheeks like bongos, and…the door opens again.

“Okay, I’m not even going to question what the you two are doing this time, but I wanted to ask if you guys wanted pizza because I’m starving.”

Baekhyun shimmies his way down Chanyeol’s body, feet landing softly on the carpet in front of him. They just stare at each other, both with small smiles, and Baekhyun leans over to peek at Minseok from behind Chanyeol, “Yeah, I could eat.”

Minseok and Chanyeol get along surprisingly well and Baekhyun can’t believe it; Minseok usually never likes anyone, or it at least takes time to warm up to new people. But, Chanyeol doesn’t seem to have any trouble getting Minseok to talk or laugh, and Baekhyun’s a little jealous. Minseok wouldn’t even talk to him for a good week after they’d been paired together as roommates in their first year of college. Okay, he’s not actually jealous, it’s more shocked than anything. Chanyeol really is good with people. Baekhyun’s eyes scan Chanyeol’s face as he talks; maybe it’s that great smile of his, or the dimple. He wonders how he’d never noticed the dimple before.

He shakes his head, brings himself back to the conversation he’s supposed to be a part of; he tells himself no more staring at Chanyeol, no matter how attractive he may be. He makes a face at his own thoughts, what the actual is he doing?

“Are you okay?” Minseok asks suddenly, “You look like you’re trying not to yourself.”

“What? Oh, yeah I’m fine!” He’s a little too quick to answer and a little too perky. Minseok gives him the I’ll get you to talk later face and goes back to whatever he and Chanyeol we’re discussing.

Against his better judgement, and seemingly against his will, Baekhyun immediately returns to watching Chanyeol talk. He likes the way his lips twitch before he smiles. He likes Chanyeol’s lips in general, really. And, his eyes are pretty. He thinks back to when Chanyeol was holding him and smiles to himself, he’s strong too.

“Is that cool with you?” Minseok asks.

Baekhyun knows he’s got a stupid look on his face, but he can’t help it. He has literally zero idea what he’s just been asked. “Uh, yes.” He can tell Minseok knows he wasn’t paying attention. Damn it why does Minseok know him so well?

“Okay, so why don’t you grab a pillow and a blanket?”

Baekhyun narrows his eyes, his heart skips a beat. Oh god, what did he just agree to?

“God are you like high or something?” Minseok makes a fist and gives Baekhyun’s forehead a couple knocks. “The couch is uncomfortable enough already, go get him something to sleep with.”

Oh, okay. So, that’s what’s happening, Chanyeol is staying over. “He can sleep in my bed.” He goes numb as soon as the words leave his mouth; he’s sure that both Chanyeol and Minseok can see the color leaving his face. When will he learn to keep his big, stupid mouth shut?

“Are you sure?” Chanyeol asks as he reaches for another slice of their now cold pizza. “Like really, I’ve slept in worse places than an uncomfortable couch. I don’t mind.”

“I mean…it…uh…yeah, it’s fine.” He lets out a very ugly, very awkward laugh and digs his nails into his thighs through his jeans. “A lot of has happened on this couch and Minseok’s cleaning can only do so much.” Okay cool, Baekhyun, tell Chanyeol to sleep in your bed with you and talk about at the same time. Perfect. He wishes he could just get up and walk out but he’s in his own apartment.

Chanyeol makes a face, not quite repulsed, and pulls his hands from where they’re resting on the cushions to place them in his lap.

“Please,” Minseok says, “like your bed is any better?”

Baekhyun scoffs and stands, “You know damn well that I almost never make it all the way to my bed when I bring guys home.”

Chanyeol laughs, “I’ll take the bed.” He stands and follows Baekhyun to his room.

“I don’t know if anything I have will fit you, because you’re enormous. My sweats might be capris on you. But it’s­—“ Holy , Chanyeol is in his underwear. His brain stops.

“I mean, I usually sleep like this, but I’ll take your tiny pants.” He watches Baekhyun stare and he laughs, then poses like a bodybuilder. Baekhyun thinks the way his face looked sculpted in the light earlier is nothing compared to his body. “Maybe I should take a shirt, too?” he teases.

“Shut up.” He throws the sweats at Chanyeol’s face and turns back to his closet to find himself something to sleep in. “I warn you,” he says, turning back toward Chanyeol with his fingers curled around the bottom of his shirt, “My physique is incredible, so you might want to look away.”

“I’ll be good,” Chanyeol says, and Baekhyun has to literally bite his tongue to keep himself from saying something inappropriate.

The shirt comes off and drops to the floor, and then he slides his jeans down his legs. He ignores the fact that Chanyeol is totally checking him out and changes quickly, telling himself he’s here to sleep, not to get his pounded. When his head pops through the shirt Chanyeol has already tucked himself into the bed and god, does he ever look good in Baekhyun’s bed.

Baekhyun gulps, “I’m gonna go talk to Min for a sec, be right back.”

Minseok opens his door and is immediately forced backward, the door shut and locked.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Literally…freaking out right now.”

Minseok stares, narrows his eyes, and Baekhyun can see the second Minseok figures it out. “Oh my god! You ing like him, don’t you?”

Baekhyun clenches his jaw, “Will you be quiet,” he hisses. “And no, I don’t like him…I’d probably like to ride him. Oh my god, Min he took his shirt off and,” his eyes roll back into his head dramatically, “holy , he’s hot.”

“So that’s why you were a ing airhead the entire time we were talking! You we’re too busy checking him out.” He claps his hands together and smirks, “You were staring at his lips, weren’t you?”

“Why do you know me better than I do? Like honestly, are you psychic or something?”

“If I was psychic we’d live in a penthouse with all the money I won playing the lottery, not in this ty apartment.”

“Hey,” Baekhyun gasps, “this apartment is great, apologize to it.”

They’re not quite whispering, more like yelling in hushed voices. Baekhyun really hopes Chanyeol didn’t leave his room because he’d totally be able to hear them.

“Don’t change the subject. How long have you liked him?”

“I don’t like him; you know I don’t like people. I’m really ing attracted to him though.”

“How long?” Minseok urges. “You literally hated him like two weeks ago.”

“I think I realized I wanted him inside of me, I don’t like him, at some point while he had me over his shoulder? I don’t know?”

“Dude he’s literally in your bed right now, just go slip in and grab his .”

“No! I can’t.”

Minseok is silent and it scares Baekhyun. Silent Minseok means he’s thinking, and that’s never good for Baekhyun.

“You do like him,” he points a finger and pokes it into Baekhyun’s chest. “You like him, Byun Baekhyun, don’t even try to lie to yourself. If you didn’t you’d have no problem marching in there with your out.”

Baekhyun deflates and lets out a long sigh. He sits on the edge of Minseok’s bed and pouts. “Let me sleep in here tonight? Please?”


Baekhyun’s chin trembles, “I’m scared, Min. Please?”

Minseok’s tough exterior crumbles and he sits beside Baekhyun, pulls him into a hug. “Okay,” he speaks into Baekhyun’s hair, “you can sleep in here.”



He wakes up in the morning to an empty bed and a guilty conscience. He told Chanyeol he’d be right back before he left his room last night, but never left Minseok’s room after he almost broke down. He feels terrible and he hopes that Chanyeol isn’t mad.

He lies still in bed for a while, wrapped up in Minseok’s soft blanket, and has to talk himself into getting up. He leaves the room slowly, the blanket still draped over his shoulders. Minseok is in the kitchen cooking breakfast, so he makes his way over and sits at the table, waiting for Minseok to notice he’d entered the room.

“He went home about twenty minutes ago,” Minseok says, still facing the stove. “Just thought you’d like to know.”

Baekhyun doesn’t know if he’s upset or relieved. “Oh,” he says, resting his chin on his hand, trying to sound indifferent.

“He asked me where you went last night. Told him you just fell asleep in my room talking to me,” Minseok continues. He turns; there’s a spatula in his hand and he’s wearing the pink frilly apron Baekhyun got him as a joke gift for Christmas last year. “Pretty sure he was totally expecting to get laid.” He his teeth and shakes his head, “Way to be a disappointment, Byun.”

“I hate you,” Baekhyun pouts. “Why am I like this?”

Minseok brings his plate to the table with him, smacks at Baekhyun’s hand when he reaches for his bacon. “Because you’re broken and scared of other people’s affection. You think everyone is going to do what…he did.”

“That’s not—“ Baekhyun leans back and sighs, he can’t even argue because he knows Minseok is right, as much as he wishes he wasn’t. “I know,” he says instead, eyes downcast, “I know.”

“Baek, you know not every guy is an , right?” Minseok lets him take a piece of bacon now, scoots the plate a little closer to him.

“I know,” Baekhyun mumbles through a mouthful of food. He smiles, “You’re not an . Minnie, can’t I just date you?”

Minseok throws his head back and laughs loud, wiping away tears that aren’t even there. “Oh. Oh, god no. , that would be a disaster.” Baekhyun’s pout has intensified and Minseok almost wants to feel bad for him. He puts a serious look on his face and sits up in his seat. “Baek, look—“

“No!” Baekhyun whines, kicking his feet under the table like a child, “Please don’t ‘Baek look’ me, you know I hate that.”

“Look, I went through my phase of crushing on you and I ended up in the friend zone like every other guy that’s interested in you.” He watches Baekhyun’s jaw drop at this new information and gives a small smile; he’d never told Baekhyun about his crush on him before. “What you did with me is the same thing you do to everyone else. Flirt, charm your way into their pants, make them fall for you—“

“I don’t!” Baekhyun argues, “I don’t try to make guys fall f—“

“But they do, Baek,” Minseok interrupts, “they do.” 

Baekhyun scrunches up his entire face into the ugliest pout he can manage. “But why? I don’t want that. I just want to have freely but the guy always has to catch feelings and it’s so gross.”

Minseok doesn’t speak. He raises an eyebrow and just gives Baekhyun a look, but Baekhyun knows what that look means; that Minseok knows Baekhyun is lying to himself.

“Relationships scare me. I don’t…” he pauses and, for a minute Minseok thinks he looks like he’s going to be sick, but instead Baekhyun whimpers with the force he’s exerting to hold tears in. “I don’t wanna be hurt again, Min.”

Minseok waits until he’s finished with his last few bites of food to respond. He leans back as he chews; it’s makes Baekhyun nervous. “Okay, be mad at me if you want, but I gotta say it.” He stands, places his dishes in the sink and turns, leaning against the counter. “You are going to be miserable your entire life.”


“Baek, I love you, but you’re an idiot.” He moves to sit on the table and runs fingers through Baekhyun’s hair. “You can’t just push your feelings down and expect them to go away. Just like with what happened in the past, you gotta deal with it, not ignore it.”

“It’s worked fine so far.”

Minseok’s eyebrow raises, “Has it?”

“No,” Baekhyun mutters.

“I think Chanyeol really likes you. I have to go to work. Think about what I said.”




“I know mom, I miss you too. Tell dad I said I love him for me.” He hangs up and sets his phone on his chest, heaving a heavy sigh. He has to close his eyes and clench his jaw. It’s like this every time he speaks with his mom, the pain is the same with every phone call. But, it’s never enough to convince him to go home. He rolls onto his side and curls up, trying to think of anything to take his mind off of his reason for leaving home.

Baekhyun does think about everything Minseok said to him, for the next few days it’s almost the only thing running through his mind. It’s a lot of hurt and pain he has to sort through from his past, and it , but Minseok is right. Ignoring his problems won’t make them go away.

It takes a while for him to finally admit it to himself, making it to Starbucks, waiting in line, getting his coffee, and finally, he finally admits he maybe, probably, definitely likes Chanyeol. It’s weird and terrifying, but he does. He absolutely (maybe) likes Chanyeol.

This admission makes him think further and he realizes something else; he pulls his phone out and calls Minseok.

“Oh my god,” he says instead of hello when Minseok answers. “I think I liked Sehun, too.”

“Yeah, no ,” is Minseok’s response.

“Min. I think…I’m the .”

“Yeah,” Minseok says, as if it was obvious. “You are. You lead Sehun on for a long ing time even after you knew he liked you.”

“I’m awful.”

“Glad you finally realized that. Apologize to him, he deserves that much from you.”

Baekhyun grumbles at the idea of talking to Sehun, let alone having to sit him down and say he’s sorry for being a to him. But, once again, Minseok is right; he owes Sehun a sincere apology.

He’ll worry about that later though. Right now, he has to get through work and most likely seeing Chanyeol after running out on him last night. He shivers; Jongin is going to make fun of him so hard.



“Okay, so I might have a small, teeny tiny, little confession.” Baekhyun grins at the eyebrow Jongin raises.

“Wait let me guess,” Jongin interrupts, “You’ve got the hots for jackpot boy?”

Baekhyun sputters, throwing in a small glare at his coworker. “His name is Chanyeol, you know this.” Baekhyun huffs, aggravated at Jongin for always being right about everything (Just like Minseok, Baekhyun thinks bitterly). “Okay, so maybe I do.” He turns his back to Jongin to hide his embarrassment and begins straightening the prize shelf.

There’s a long pause from Jongin and then he chuckles. “I in’ knew it! I knew it, oh my god! I knew you wanted that tall, lanky weirdo!”

Baekhyun turns, with a much more furious glare this time, and stomps his foot. “Quit it! He’s not weird,” he whines. Jongin raises his eyebrow again. “Okay, so he’s weird...but so are you!” He points and waves his finger in Jongin’s face, “You literally clap when you so no one will hear you, don’t go around calling other people weird you…you clapper!”


“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun nearly screams, whipping around so fast his knee cracks. “What are you doing here? Probably here to play some games, win some tickets, do your thing!” He lets out an ungodly screech that’s supposed to be a laugh and looks around for somewhere to hide. He so wasn’t expecting to see Chanyeol this early in the day; he needed more time to prepare himself to face him. God, he hopes Chanyeol doesn’t mention the fact that he’d stayed over at his apartment last night; he can only take so much teasing from Jongin.

“You Okay?” Chanyeol asks, taking a cautious step forward.

“Super busy! Can’t talk. Lots of work. Have fun! Tickets!” He continues muttering meaningless things as he ties his apron around his waist and walks away in search of something to do.

Baekhyun doesn’t run into Chanyeol for another hour. Then, he rounds a corner and slams right into him, spilling tokens on the floor all around their feet.

“Sorry. I’m sorry!” Baekhyun drops down and starts cleaning up, shoving handfuls of tokens back into Chanyeol’s cup. “I’m so clumsy.” He’s panicking and he knows it; having feelings is a lot harder than he expected it to be.

“It’s fine,” Chanyeol laughs, “You’re good.”

The smile Baekhyun sees when he looks up takes his breath away and his brain unhelpfully supplies him with the image of Chanyeol standing in his room in nothing but underwear. He can feel it in his throat that he’s dangerously close to screeching again.

He doesn’t know how long he stares up at Chanyeol, but he knows it’s been much to long when Chanyeol clears his throat and throws another sweet smile his way.

“There you go,” Baekhyun says, breathless for some reason. He tosses the last few tokens in the cup and rushes off in the direction he came from, not even looking back to see the confused look Chanyeol is giving the back of his head.

“Smooth, Baek,” Jongin says, cackling from behind the counter. He’s divvying out candy to a couple rowdy kids, but nothing is distracting enough to keep him from making fun of Baekhyun. “Why don’t you just tell him you like him? Save yourself some embarrassment.”

Baekhyun clenches his fists and tightens his jaw. He wishes Jongin wasn’t surrounded by children because he has a few words he’d like to say. He settles for a middle finger in the air, and then stalks off to sulk in the break room.

He only makes it half way before he’s stopped with a tap on the shoulder. “Hey...Kyungsoo?” He looks around, expecting Chanyeol to be nearby. “What’s up?”

“By now I assume Jongin has told you.” He’s speaking quickly, staring straight down. “I’d just really appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell anybody? I’m know...” he looks up now and blinks twice, “out, yet.”

Baekhyun’s mouth is open and he’s blinking stupidly, his brain racing to piece together any sense in what Kyungsoo is telling him. He lets out a long, raspy, “Uhhhhh?”

“Oh,” Kyungsoo says, eyes widening as he backs away, “He didn’t even tell you, oh my god, forget I said anything.”

Like an explosion, Baekhyun’s brain lights up and he gasps loudly. He jumps forward and stops Kyungsoo, curling his fingers around his shirt and pulling him back. “It was you!” He’s excited, but he stays quiet. “On the phone that day when I was getting coffee, it was you I heard in the background with Jongin!”

“Please don’t tell anyone.” Kyungsoo is looking everywhere but into Baekhyun’s eyes; he’s nervous, embarrassed, scared. Baekhyun didn’t think it was possible for his eyes to get larger than they already were. “Please?”

Baekhyun smiles and it’s bright and warm, and it comforts Kyungsoo just a little. “Not my business to tell, I won’t say anything.” He lets go of the shirt in his hand and Kyungsoo walks off with a soft thank you.


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So.....straight out the gate, nun? I am excited!!
Chapter 5: omfg yixing and baek were so friggin stressful to read through, im so glad baek came to his senses and set his priorities straight ?? the ending was satisfying and adorable.
161 streak #3
Chapter 5: I love this.... I like how Baek realized his mistakes and actually tried to change his behavior.... and Yixing is an
Chapter 5: This is so good!
Great work❤️
Chapter 5: y mke such good stry its really nice my chanbaek daily dose is full!!!!
Chapter 2: Awww. Baek being so panicky and its painfully cute.
Chapter 5: This was so good! I loved the story, it was great. I find the characters really cute, especially Baekhyun with Minseok, that was soso adorable, how Baekhyun acts like he's a 'baby', in need of affection. It's so cute. And how Chanyeol and Baekhyun were with each other. Gosh at some points I got so much feels, like when Chanyeol saw Yixing's text and then acting like that to Baekhyun, making him upset. My poor heart TT but I loved this, I got really into the story. Thank you so much for writing this wonderful story ❤
on a different note minseok is a real one and I love him and I wished I had a friend like that /sobs/ OK but I rly liked this fic :'( thank you