puppy's new home~

Mine (Jaejoong Ver.)



Hi again~~ ^_^

So my trip to the doctor was…tiring. I have to schedule to get bloodwork done because it seems my red-blood cells&iron were somewhat low the last time I went. I hate getting bloodwork done.. TToTT syringes. nooo. hopefully everything turns out alright though..

moving on, here's a link to that psychological drawing test with DBSK that I mentioned in the closing comments of the last chappie. 


Enjoy!! haha



Things at home were pretty chaotic, to say the least. As soon as you and Jaejoong had set your feet just slightly past the doorway, Junsu had come running out of nowhere and froze in place with a blank expression as he stared at the dog in your arms. 


"Uhm, Junsu-oppa, you okay?" You questioned as you notice his lips twitching slightly at the corners. 


"OH MY GOD, PUPPY~!!!" He suddenly exclaimed with a huge grin as he rushed towards you and started jumping around hyperactively. 


Jaejoong started laughing to himself as Junsu continued his off-the-wall behavior. You lightly scratched the puppy's ear as it had started to struggle in your arms from being startled. 


You weren't surprised when Changmin and Yoochun appeared from the living room doorway with curious expressions.


"Can I hold him, sis~?"Junsu questioned with a childish pout and pleading eyes.


A soft laugh left your lips as the puppy buried its head against your chest with a soft whine. 


"She's a girl, Junsu-oppa. I'd love to let you hold her, but she's in a fragile state right now so it'd be best if we let her rest a bit for now." You responded before handing the puppy carefully to Jaejoong. 


"Where'd you get her?" Yoochun questioned, eyes on the small white puppy as she nudged Jaejoong's arm with her nose. 


Soft ruffling could be heard from the hallway closet as you gathered up blankets to make a  temporary make-shift bed for the puppy. Seeing how finding her was a surprise, you and Jaejoong didn't have much time to prepare anything for her asides from her food which the vet thankfully gave you some of to last for a few days.


Jaejoong chuckled as the puppy yawned in an adorable manner before settling into his arms quietly. "We were on our way to the mall near the beach when we heard this little girl crying. ~~~~ and I found her with blood coating quite a bit of her fur, so we went ahead and took her to the vet. There we were told that she's been through quite a lot and seeing how she has no owners, we decided to keep her."


"Exactly," You called out as you shut the closet door and started back towards the entryway, "Jae, can you bring her upstairs. I'm going to set this up in our room close to the bed so we can keep an eye on her…"


Junsu, Changmin, and Yoochun were all silent as they watched the puppy with sympathetic eyes. It was a good thing you two had come across her then, they all thought as the puppy yawned again.


"Nawww, as soon as she gets better you have to let me carry her, ~~~~!!" Junsu exclaimed as he fidgeted in place, already wanting to carry the cute puppy.


"What's her name anyways?" Changmin asked as you started up the stairs.


You glanced at Jaejoong over your shoulder before looking contemplatively at the puppy in his arms. A slow smile was making its way on your lips as you met Jaejoong's eyes, "…How about Sayuri?" 


"That sounds great," Jaejoong responded with a grin before you two continued on your way to your room.


Junsu was still fidgeting happily in place as he was still in awe over Sayuri. 


"They're going to have their hands full for the rest of today," Yoochun commented, "We'd better get a move on then."


"Alright," Changmin announced as he started walking towards the front door, only to turn back with a sigh to drag Junsu along with them. 




12.30.2010; update 1 of 6.

kinda dull chappie (seems rushed), I wrote this one out as I was waiting to be called into the doctor's office. Have another one half-written out so I'll continue working on that then post it once it's done.

lol, I purposely left out how the guys got into reader's & Jaejoong's house how do you all think they did it? xDD 

AND~ reader & Jaejoong were too busy with Sayuri to even stop and think about what the guys were doing in their house, haha.

puppy's name- japanese; Sayuri--> small lily. (:

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great job!
shawol03 #3
What's their plan? T__T come on Yunho! If you love her set her freeeee!!! Lol so cliche. Kekeke sorry I so want her and jae to be happy always, even though that sounds unrealistic but who cares! This is a fic anyway. Haha! I like the puppy! Its just like their own baby. Lol jae isn't that erted here unlike in somr of the fics I've read but that's okay though I like the sweet and ful of fluff jae. :"> update soon~
leedictator #4
I do like where this is going, but it`s hard, to imagine Yunho as the bad guy when he was so good in the first part. Also, how can someone love someone for so long, I mean, Yunho hasn`t seen her for 4 friggin` years! Why can`t he get over her and be a good guy >.< It`s all Soonyi >.> I don`t get what she is doing. I mean, she was the one who rejected Jae, and made his life miserable, now she wants to do it again? What`s wrong with that girl -_-" Anyways, do update sooon! I miss this story, and I miss talking to you also!
Unnie how come u haven't been online for so long =[
naomi777 #6
good chapter please update soon thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!
sakura #7
Omg they are back! The two hated people! Sorry -_-<br />
She may have won Yunho trust a bit but Jaejoong...don't believe him please<br />
Soonyi...I wonder what her plan is in meeting Jaejoong and her<br />
Good job Sayuri! Nice going at not liking Yunho!<br />
Tha is for the update<br />
Update soon please :)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
<br />
Yunho & Jaejoong...
jinsajinsa #9
Let the bad spirit leave Yunho...<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update...XD
Ugh. Yunho destroyed the good moment! T^T Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy? I like Sayuri! She really is smart! :D Eh... So Yunho goes for the girl while Soonyi goes for Jae? I think it will be like Soonyi will catch Jae's attention then slowly Yun will also catch the attention of the girl then they will slowly pull them apart? noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! that can't happen! O.O Hmp. I want more fluffy moments~ nyahaha xD Go Jae! Go Jae! :D <br />
Update sooon~~~~~ <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333