gift from above

Mine (Jaejoong Ver.)


Sayuri was laying between you and Jaejoong asleep, as you were flipping through bridal catalogs in search of a wedding dress, or at least so you could get an idea on what kind of dress it is you wanted.


There were so many beautiful dresses, all different cuts made with different fabrics, and while they did hold your attention for a few seconds…there was really nothing special about them in the end. The dress you were looking for had to be one that you could actually imagine yourself walking down the aisle in. It had to be a dress that redefined the meaning of gorgeous. Maybe you had very high hopes, but you weren't planning to give up your search, for you were soon to be wed to the guy of your dreams. Everything had to be perfect. 



"None of these stands out to me at all," You murmured with disappointment as you set the catalog down.



Jaejoong glanced over at you as the commercial breaks started. His hand lightly rubbed at yours as he gave you a wholehearted smile, "Any dress you pick will look absolutely perfect on you, baby."




You felt your own lips forming a smile as you voiced out a thanks before slowly reaching for a different bridal catalog. 




Sayuri's small paw brushed against your hand as she stretched out a bit before settling back down with a small yawn. Jaejoong reached out enough to rub her head just lightly enough so she wouldn't wake. 




"It really is great, having someone so tiny and adorable to look after, I mean," He hummed with a subtle smile.




The smile wouldn't leave your lips as you watched Sayuri sleepily move closer to Jaejoong as he rubbed her head. Such a small, beautiful puppy was placed into your lives so suddenly in such a fragile state… Others would have probably panicked and taken the easy way out by dumping her into someone else's care, but from the moment you placed one hand on her trembling form, you knew you had to protect her. 


You weren't going to let anyone else hurt her, such a small, precious being didn't deserve such treatment. You'd do everything in your power to keep her content and make sure she was only showered with love and care.



'…Is this how Jaejoong feels when it comes to my well-being too?' you found yourself thinking as Jaejoong laughed when Sayuri slowly rolled over so she was resting on her stomach, head placed somewhat on Jaejoong's stomach.




It was with a small laugh that you resumed to flipping through the bridal catalog while Jaejoong continued to carefully pet the slowly awakening Sayuri. 




You couldn't help but think that this small puppy was a gift from above. 




12.30.2010; update 4 of 6.

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great job!
shawol03 #3
What's their plan? T__T come on Yunho! If you love her set her freeeee!!! Lol so cliche. Kekeke sorry I so want her and jae to be happy always, even though that sounds unrealistic but who cares! This is a fic anyway. Haha! I like the puppy! Its just like their own baby. Lol jae isn't that erted here unlike in somr of the fics I've read but that's okay though I like the sweet and ful of fluff jae. :"> update soon~
leedictator #4
I do like where this is going, but it`s hard, to imagine Yunho as the bad guy when he was so good in the first part. Also, how can someone love someone for so long, I mean, Yunho hasn`t seen her for 4 friggin` years! Why can`t he get over her and be a good guy >.< It`s all Soonyi >.> I don`t get what she is doing. I mean, she was the one who rejected Jae, and made his life miserable, now she wants to do it again? What`s wrong with that girl -_-" Anyways, do update sooon! I miss this story, and I miss talking to you also!
Unnie how come u haven't been online for so long =[
naomi777 #6
good chapter please update soon thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!
sakura #7
Omg they are back! The two hated people! Sorry -_-<br />
She may have won Yunho trust a bit but Jaejoong...don't believe him please<br />
Soonyi...I wonder what her plan is in meeting Jaejoong and her<br />
Good job Sayuri! Nice going at not liking Yunho!<br />
Tha is for the update<br />
Update soon please :)
pls update again :) <333~!<br />
<br />
Yunho & Jaejoong...
jinsajinsa #9
Let the bad spirit leave Yunho...<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update...XD
Ugh. Yunho destroyed the good moment! T^T Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy? I like Sayuri! She really is smart! :D Eh... So Yunho goes for the girl while Soonyi goes for Jae? I think it will be like Soonyi will catch Jae's attention then slowly Yun will also catch the attention of the girl then they will slowly pull them apart? noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! that can't happen! O.O Hmp. I want more fluffy moments~ nyahaha xD Go Jae! Go Jae! :D <br />
Update sooon~~~~~ <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333