One More Night


{Rated M for slight ual situation, not detailed but still wanted to give warning}

Youngjae is struggling with an abusive ex-boyfriend who cannot seem to let him go.

Jinyoung is Youngjae’s best friend who is fighting heartbreak while trying to help Youngjae.

Naturally, they make mistakes.

One night is all it takes to unravel their carefully built relationship.

Is it possible for two broken people to climb back up into a better reality-together?


Writing this for Fluffy_Kittiez birthday 

It is on Thursday the 7th, so, today being Sunday as I am typing, naturally I’m gonna figure out a way to update with a new chapter  every day.

please pray for me idk how im gonna do this and I thought of it 5 minutes ago aHHHHH

Happy birthday? ^~^

(im nervous)

Still haven’t edited whOOPS


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Chapter 4: Wow. Namjoon needs to stop cutting onions. I’m so soft when it comes to my beb Youngjae. THIS WAS GR8888888888! YISSSSSS! I love. Thank you for writing it makes me so happy. Oh lord. Just wait till I start screaming about it. Ok. Love you. Love the story. Have a great day. <3
Chapter 3: WOWWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! I AM DONE! YES! YES! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I love it. I live for it. I- I just- oof.
So gr8. 10/10 would 2young again
Chapter 2: that was not ok to do. why must you make me suffer? GREAT CHAPTER THOUGH!!!!!! CANT WAIT FOR EVEN MOREEEEEE! <3
Chapter 1: This just makes me happy. I love. Plz. I’ve been re-reading it for like 10 mins. I love. Yes.
Chapter 1: AHHHHHHH! More! This fuels my SOUUULL (that I hardly have any of in the first place.) I NEEEEEEEED THIS IN MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEE! Plz. Winged. Beb. I need. Plz. <3 ;-;