Chapter 2

Fighting For This Love

-- Minah's POV--

I felt fresh after showering. My hair was nice and smooth, unlike before, it was sticky and messy. I wonder who that guy was - the one who thinks he's all that. What right does he have to make everyone respect him so much? And why are they so afraid of him? He's just another human, just like the rest of us, isn't he? I wonder if Hoya oppa knows him? I bet if oppa knows him, he would hate him. I know him too much. He hates those who are like that jerk : conceited, heartless, disrespectful toward girls, player, snobby, and stubborn.

"Minah open the door. I need to talk to you!" Oppa yelled, as he was banging on the door.

"Yes?" I opened the door.

"The maid told me you came home nasty looking. What happened?" He asked me, as he leaned his body against the wall.

"It's a long story." I walked to my bed to sit on it. 

"Did anyone bully you? If they did, I'll take care of it for you. No one messes with my little sister." He sat next to me.

"Well I wouldn't call it bully, but more like disrespecting a girl." I said.

"Who is he?" He asked.

"I don't know who he is. It was during lunch and I was walking toward a table with a plate of food in my hand. While I was walking, the plate accidently slipped out of my hand and fell onto someone. Out of nowhere, that jerk yelled that I should watch where I was going and blah blah blah. We started arguing and then he just poured soda on me. Oppa, you need to teach this person a lesson! He has no manners! And what type of man pour sodas on girls?" I said as my voice rised to a higher tone each time a word came out of my mouth.

"When you first spilled your food on him, did you apologize?" He asked me.

"He didn't deserve an apology! He's a bully! Its a good thing I didn't apologize to him either. If I did, he might assume that I'm scared of him; which I'm not." I yelled.

"It's both of your fault. If he was just to pour soda on you without any reason, then I would do something. But you both are wrong; therefore, you both should apologize each other." He said calmly.

"OPPA! You don't get it at all! You need to see how he is, then you will get it! I will NEVER apologize to him. Gosh you're no help at all!" I said as I pushed him out of my room.

Aishhh pabo! I guess I can't count on oppa anymore. Everytime I have a problem with someone, he likes to take their side! Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!

4 hours have passed and I was still in my room. I was so hungry to the point where I could hear my stomach growling. I didn't want to go down to the kitchen either or else I have see that pabo. I didn't want to see him right now; just thinking about him makes my head hurts. I heard noises downstair, which was unusual. Usually oppa was his room doing his own thing, and the maid was doing their job quietly. I quietly opened my bedroom door and stuck my head out. I heard oppas' friends. I wonder if his friends know that jerk? Maybe I should go down and ask them.

I lightly tip toed down the stairs. The voices were getting louder and one of the voices sounded familiar. It must be that jerk! But why would he be here? It can't be him... I tip toed closer to the living room and peaked. I carefully looked over and it was him!!! It was really him!

"YAH! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I yelled as I stomped  to the living room.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as his eyes widened.

"WHAT AM I DOING HERE? THIS IS MY HOUSE!!" I screamed louder.

"Oppa this is him. I remember him. Deal with him!" I said as I grabbed oppa's arm and tried to smack it on that jerk.  

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yeeppp.....update soon
Is that guy L???
U-P-D-A-T-E!!!!!!! It's dam hell cute!!!!!!!
update soon ;)