Chapter 1

Fighting For This Love

--Minah's POV--

"Ughh! Let me down!" I struggled.  "Who are you?! What do you want to do with me?" I kicked, punched, and slapped him, but the mysterious man didn't seem to care. He was carrying me (bridal style) and covering my eyes. 

"Scream all you want, but no one will hear you." I felt a shiver down my spine. *Gosh his voice creeps the heck out of me. Eoteoke?!*

After what felt like forever, he dropped me on the cold concrete. "Ahh!" I yelled in pain. Just when I was about to take the blind of my eyes, he grabbed held of my hands and legs and tied it with a rope. I started to shake from fear. *What is he doing to me? Please someone help me!*

He slowly started ripping my thin shirt and shorts apart. I kicked and tried rolling somewhere else, but he wouldn't budge. No matter what I did, I still felt his hand on my body. "Get your filthy hands off me!" You cired. Just when he was about to rip my shirt, I felt someone calling my name.

I sat up straight and I felt like I just lost my soul. My eyes were bulging out from fear and my breathing was heavy and fast. *Thank god it was only a dream.* I turned and saw Hoya intensely staring at me. I blinked a few times and fell down to sleep again. I started to pull the covers over my head, but Hoya pulled it down. 

"What do you want oppa?" I asked him.

"Time for school." He pulled me off the bed. I couldn't keep my balance and fell flat on my face.

"Yahh! Can't I just not go today? I just came back from America! Plus, I couldn't sleep at all last night! The time in America and here are so different." I rubbed my eyes and started heading toward my bed again.

"I know, but school is important. I can't let you skip a day of school." He pushed me toward the restroom door. "Wash up and come out. We're leaving soon."

*Ughh. I hate life. No one cares for me. No one understands me.* I started to brush my teeth, change, and fixed my hair. I slowly took my time and wanted to annoy oppa at the same time. I was in the living and started to plan something. *okay, my bag is right there. And the door is a few steps away. All I have to do is run super fast before oppa can catch me!* I started to get into the running position and everything happened to fast. I grabbed my bag, ran for the door, opened it, and slammed it! *Yes! Mission accomplished!* I did a fist pump.

I started to walk to school and at the same time, looked side to side. *Gosh Korea is so pretty. I don't remember a thing!* As I walked to the front gate, I stopped dead. *oh my gosh! This has to be the prettiest school on earth!* I walked in and everyone started looking at how I reacted. *Is my reaction that weird?* I changed my expression and acted all cool again, but inside, I was dying of excitement.

When I walked through the hall, I heard "Go go go! Beat him up!" I saw a guy getting ready to beat up this helpless kid. As I walked by, I stared at the bully in disgust. "He's such a jerk. If I ever see him again, I'll probably make him pay back for hurting that kid," I whispered to myself.

"Yah, What did you just say?" This girl stared angrily at me.

"I didn't say anything." I acted all innocent. As I walked away, I swear, I felt her doing a death glare at me.

I went to all my class and it was finally lunch time. I haven't seen Hoya oppa yet, but I saw that jerk again. The one who beat that kid up. He was in my class.

I walked to the lunch line and patiently waited in line. The worker gave me a plate of food and I walked toward a table. All of a sudden, I felt the tray of food slip out of my hand. *Oh shoot!* "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Let me clean it-" I looked up and saw that jerk! *Gotta act cool. He's not worth saying sorry to.*

"Watch where you're going!" He said in disgust.

"Dude calm down. You're not going to die from getting food all over you." I said as I crossed my arms around.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like this? No one had ever talk back to me before." The jerk glared at me.

"Well that's because they are stupid. I don't know why they treasure you so much but definitely I'm not one of those people." I said as I took a step foreward.

"Fine. You want to play this game? Then we shall." He grabbed a cup of soda from the girl's tray, who was walking by and poured it on me. *He did just not pour soda on me!?!! That bastard.*

"You don't know me enough. If my oppa knows about this, you will definitely get in trouble." I looked at him in the eyes.

"Go ahead and tell him! I'm not scared. He can't do anything to me. If he knew who I was, he would be begging on my feet for me not to take action at you." He said.

"Just watch." I walked away as I pushed him out of the way. 

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yeeppp.....update soon
Is that guy L???
U-P-D-A-T-E!!!!!!! It's dam hell cute!!!!!!!
update soon ;)