
Experiment 00

“You shouldn’t have told him,” Yifan said, and he didn’t speak again. He merely his side, away from Yixing. With the way he moved, Yixing was sure there would be green grass stains on the white fabric of his shirt, but it was still as pristine as ever.

“It felt wrong to keep it to myself,” Yixing whispered, inching closer, but not touching him. He could only hear Yifan’s breathing, and the silence of the other was beginning to get to him. “I’m sorry, Yifan.”

“It was supposed to be just us,” Yifan murmured. When Yixing sat up to view the other’s face, he found Yifan staring at the glass, his long fingers tearing at a single green blade.

“What do you mean? It still is just us.”

“He’s going to want to leave too, Yixing. He’s just like you. You told him there’s a world out there, better than the world in here, and he’s going to want to come out and see it, too.”

The smaller’s hands drifted to Yifan’s shoulders then, smoothing the white fabric over his sickly colored skin and sighed. “Why can’t it be everyone? This is no place for a human, Yifan.”

“If you say it like that,” Yifan spoke a little louder, sitting up and making Yixing’s hand fall away, “Then nowhere is a place for us.”

“We belong in a place where we’re all happy and safe. I want everyone else to feel love. I want them to all meet someone like you. Because, Yifan,” Yixing began to whisper, quite the opposite from the tense form Yifan had taken on. He cupped the other’s cheeks and rubbed his thumbs against the skin. “You’ve already shown me how to feel love. Don’t you want everyone else to feel that love?”

“Would it make you happy?”

“It would.”

“Then I want everyone else to feel loved.”

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Chapter 21: Aww I love this work
Short and sweet and full of so much
Looking forward to more
ZeldaZeng #2
Chapter 21: Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for the update. So hot!
Chapter 21: hhhhh happy birthday~~~ Hope your seventeenth birthday was a good one~~ ^ ^

These are always so short but there is so much emotion and feeling in it. I've probably said this in like every single comment I've ever posted on this story but it's always true!! Their relationship is such an interesting one and I'm always feeling anxious. I'm always just waiting though.
ZeldaZeng #4
Chapter 20: Thank you for the update.
They might be short, but I love the emotions that are packed in.
From the love that's developing between them, which is blossoming into a more universal love for everyone around them, to the hope that is present now that they know that Tao has already successfully escaped.
Love it!!!!!!!! Thank you again.
Although, I have to admit, I'm selfishly in it for Yifan and Yixing. As long as they come out of it happy, I'll be satisfied.
Can't stop smiling as Yifan only dotes on Yixing and no one else. Soooo cute! But hopefully everyone else gets a happy story too, or at lease a bit of action.
This story is awesome. Supporting you all the way, no matter how it turns out!
Chapter 20: Wow that last line was amazing. It was short, (but i don't even care) yet lots of emotion to be felt. Yifan isn't even sure what's real and what's not real but he knows that he doesn't want to lose Yixing hhhh
Chapter 18: Hhhhh these two chapters were very disheartening as you could see Yifan dreaming of Yixing's future, a future of endless posibilites and what-ifs. And Yixing even mentioning to Junmyeon about his past life, thinking that he could meet his mother. But at the same time, you can see how selfless both Yixing and Yifan are, thinking of other people and not themselves. This is such a slow build up that I'm completely loving, you can evolve your characters more but there will always be the underlying tension and fear between them and the scientists.
ZeldaZeng #7
I've been following this story since the beginning. So glad you updated. Seriously appreciate it.
Just some ideas I had for the future of this story:
They both give up their powers to be together, except their captors refuse to release them even after their sacrifices. Then they realize that their powers actually come from their souls and they become even more powerful, fueled by their love. At which point Yixing's healing powers restore everyone's memory, resulting in a revolt. Yifan can maybe gain some super strength, or transform into a dragon, or command a dragon spirit or something, and lead the rebellion.
Just some thought. Would love a happy ending. But all up to you. Whatever you decide, I will be happily anticipating..
Love you!
Love fanxing!
Thanks again.
Chapter 16: Yixing's last line is gonna haunt me forever it's so good.

I think it's gonna continue with Yifan getting a chance and escaping, yeah he wants to take Yixing with him but he doesn't. (as if the scientistics would let him go that easily) And basically my lovely fanxing is torn apart. Yifan is racked with guilt since he was unable to take Yixing as well. But Yixing isn't sad or upset, he's just glad that Yifan got away and could see the galaxy whenever he wanted like he's always wanted. (THEY'RE NOT EVEN UNDER THE SAME SKY BECAUSE YIXING CANT SEE THE SKY *SOBS*)

And for me, it ends there. Kind of a bittersweet ending where nothing goes right for fanxing but hhhh I'm just feeling melancholy these days ^^

(p.s you can't just ask where I think this is going and NOT expect me to comment and word vomit about my thoughts)
Chapter 14: Don't apologize for only posting a single chapter!! I can very much relate to how you're feeling, and it's hard. Truth be told I appreciate every single chapter you put out for us and I don't even mind if you have no direction. I just hope it's a distraction for you to get your mind off of things.

(ps I like how they do everything together even though everyone else is like no, we shouldn't allow this to happen. and an excited puppy fan is cute.)
Chapter 13: I have no idea where this story is going but honestly I don't even care I just need fanxing in my life.

Can I just say, I really like how in this chapter you don't have them talking to each other?? Hear me out, it's less about what they can say to each other but more about the physical affirmation that the other isn't a dream/illusion. They're right in front of them and they're not going to be ripped away from them (at least not yet anyways) It's more about the physical actions and their responses say more than anything they could ever say.

Or at least that's how I'm feeling about all this.

Tbh I'm pretty satisfied with the end of this chapter, in a way I think it feels far more intimate? But however you decide, I'll be here, reading it!!

See you next update!! It was simply amazing like always!!