Chapter 4


The table was rather silent. Silverware clinked with the white porcelain plates, and Changhyun annoyingly chewed harshly on the crispy bacon. The situation turned quite dramatically awkward when Chanhee came swaggering in, singing the lines of Lee Hyori's "U-Go-Girl" His eyes averted to the somber girl with black hair sitting next to Byunghun. She brought her eyes up to meet the man's, and he covered his exposed chest with his just as scrawny arms. His ears turned red as he heard the two youngest boys snicker. A boy with mocha brown hair came in and passed his hyung a t-shirt without giving him eye contact. He slumped into one of the empty seats and chugged down the glass of milk by the plate. Chanhee quickly pulled on the shirt and situated himself next to the dejected boy.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, who is she?" He asked without sounding a bit apologetic, eyes not leaving her's. The girl was about to speak, answering the straightforward man, but was beat to it by Byunghun. "Her name's Sanghee, hyung. She's staying over for awhile." Chanhee nodded and shoved a pancake in his mouth, not really eased with the other's words. Changhyun shifted his seat closer to Sanghee and smiled.

"Noona, I can call you noona, right? My name's Changhyun, but a lot of people call me Ricky. Where are you from, noona? Do you have any siblings? What are your thoughts about psychics? Owwwww.." A smack was given on the boy's head and he frowned, shoving Jonghyun on the arm.  "You can stop now. I think she had enough questions to answer for today," Minsoo said and glared at Changhyun, who rolled his eyes and completed the meal on his plate. 

After the interesting breakfast, everyone gathered in the living room. Today was what they called, a free day. The stayed in their comforting home without going outside or meeting with other friends. Changhyun and Jonghyun were on the floor playing some violent first-person shooting game on the T.V. Chanhee was reading a book, looking over at Sanghee from now to then, Minsoo laughed and insulted on the boys fails and found joy in messing up their game. Daniel silently watched the group from the couch, not really doing anything. Byunghun cleared his throat, not catching neither of the boys' attentions. He sighed and looked over at Sanghee. She stood up from her seat on the couch and followed the boy who motioned her to come closer.

"I'm taking Sanghee out for a walk. If you guys even care...." He trailed off and chuckled as no one raised their head to the boy. Sanghee walked with Byunghun to the front of the house and exited. The lost girl followed the man and walked into the elevator. Her eyes wandered the simple box she was in; her fingers gliding on the numbers. "What is this?" she whispered, her eyes averting to Byunghun, who was pressing the main lobby button. "Where are we?"

Byunghun hesitantly turned to Sanghee, puzzled. "You seriously don't know what this is?" She shook her head. "I've never seen, or been in this before...What is it?" A chuckle escaped his pink plump lips and he smiled. "Well, this is an elevator. You press a button other there, and it takes you to that floor." He pointed at the keypad of numbers by the side of the doors. "Like for example, we were just in Floor 5. Now we're going to Floor 1." The doors slid opened and Byunghun led the fascinated girl out of the building. Little snowflakes descended from the white-bleached sky. Sanghee let out a hand, the white specks landing and melting on her palm. The man looked up. "Huh. Snow came pretty early this year..." 

"Yeah," she whispered and placed her feet in Byunghun's footprints in the snow. The two walked in silence as they passed by twinkling lights hung by store owners and children creating snow angels on the ground. Sanghee followed the man into a small warm cafe. She waiting by the door as Byunghun joined the waiting line. A beverage with hot swirls escaping it was appeared in front of her. She looked up and Byunghun smiled. "It's hot chocolate. Drink it slowly. It's hot, hence the name." She gratefully took it, and took a long sip, not effected by the drink's burning touch. "Or not." He chuckled and brought his lips up to the cup.

Byunghun and Sanghee left the cafe, the hot chocolates still warm within their palms. "Sanghee." Her twinkling brown eyes drifted from the ground to Byunghun. He coughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it but, from the question  Changhyun you recall anything from your past? When you weren't sleeping on the steps?" Sanghee stayed silent, looking away. She wasn't able to complete making a lie of her life yet. She couldn't tell them the truth. Though they've been awfully kind to her, they would throw her back to where she came from if they found out. 

"O-oh. That? It's no problem." She timidly smiled and brought her eyes back to his. Think. Think. Think. "I ran away from my family. I know it's such a harsh thing to do, being their only daughter and all. But, it was too much pressure being under their watch. I just wanted to be-" "Free." Sanghee blinked at the man and he looked back up to the street in front of them. "I know what that feels like, trust me. I understand what it feels like to have your every movement monitored. You feel trapped, and just want out," Byunghun said with a solemn tone. He sighed and tried to brighten up the atmosphere. "But it's all good now. I live with my five best friends and I'm alright; better than before." His lips brought forth a smile and tossed out the empty cup of hot chocolate. "But my situation is worst than your's. One day you have to return, and you know it. You'll start to miss them, but by then it'll be too late."

Byunghun began to tell Sanghee the craziest stories the group back home had encountered. He found himself laughing at her giggles, and surprised himself. He didn't remember the last time he laughed along with someone so carelessly before. "Help! Help! I'm stuck!" It came out muffled, the man was trapped underneath a flipped-over car. A crowd was gathered around the man, but only a few volunteered to shove the car to it's rightful position. Their efforts were wasted; the car was far heavier than all of them. Byunghun stared at the scene for awhile, then turned around, walking again. His side felt empty and he spun around, catching Sanghee awed by the crisis.

"Come on. I think we should be getting back now." His words were left unheard, Sanghee eyes were frozen. "I think we should help him. They need more people to push the car." She said and walked closer to the crowd. "Sanghee, no." Byunghun grabbed her arm. "We should stay away. See, look. They're doing fine. Let's go." She shoved his arm away. "What's wrong with you, Byunghun," she whispered and felt guilty when she saw hurt appear in his mocha brown eyes. "There's an injured man, and you want to walk away? Come on." Sanghee slipped her hands in his and pulled him closer. He drew out a long breath and pulled her back. "Byunghu--"

Hyung! A boy's voice was heard and Byunghun groaned as he gripped his head. Ughh, what is it Changhyun? His voice was heard again in Byunghun's head. You should help him. You'll be known as a hero, hyung. No! I'll be a freak. I'm not going any closer. He gritted his teeth and argued back with Changhyun. It's not like that. Come on. Just this once. Sanghee already thinks you're a . Byunghun shifted his eyes to the worried girl who stared back. "Are you alright?" He nodded and sighed, letting go of her hands. He advanced toward the car.

"Get back all of you, not unless you want to me smushed like him." Byunghun said and the crowd plus the helpers gave their distance. I hate you, Changhyun. Love you too, hyung! Make me proud. He rolled his eyes and sighed once more. Byunghun placed his hands on the sides of the car, pushed with little effort, and it was tumbled over. He lets down a hand, and the person grabbed it. He stood up and bowed to his savior. "Thank you, thank you. What can I do to repay you?" Byunghun shook his head his pushed the man's checkbook out of his hands. "Nothing. I don't want an award. Try not to flip your car over, and just so happen to be under it. Because I won't be there when it happens to save you." Byunghun said and turned around. He took Sanghee's hand and dragged away from the amused stares. "Byunghu-."

"No. No questions for today." He muttered intently and walked forward, back to the dorm.



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Muchacho #1
Update pleaseee:) its really nice.