Chapter 2


My eyes were opened slightly when I saw rays of sunlight making their way into my room.  I groaned and started to stretch, pulling my arms upward, only to immediately stop when I felt something behind, breathing softly. I leaped off my bed and slammed my back on the wall, making a thud. 

I let out a breath of relief, and realized how silly my actions were. I had almost forgotten of the girl I brought in yesterday, the girl that was now, still sleeping soundly, on the bed. I smiled and tiptoed my way to her side of the bed and brought the blanket up to her neck, tucking in any openings. With silent steps, I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. 

"Yah, Lee Byunghun," I jumped when I heard Minsoo hyung's booming voice call my name. "Ah," I recomposed myself and turned around to see him leaning against the wall. "Yes, hyung?" 

"Mhmm, I was wondering if you wanted to come grocery shopping with me? I want our new guest to have a nice welcoming breakfast." I smirked and walked to the bathroom, applying toothpaste on my brush.

"You? You want to make her feel welcomed? If I'm not mistaken, not even 24 hours ago you said she was a threat." I said to him and I heard the sliding of a chair against the wood floor. 

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I just wanted to be sure that you knew what you were doing." He chuckled and shook his head. "You know, Byunghun. I-I, when I saw her...she." He took a pause, recollecting his thoughts. "Doesn't she remind you of someone? Someone from back home." He asked when I stepped out of the washroom. "From back home?" Oh god, I really didn't want to be reminded of that place. "Yeah, I know. I sound like I'm not thinking straight. But I just cant help but think, what if she's another Runaway? Or,or someone from the Administration. What if they sent her here to find us." He spoke with a whisper and looked up at me. I tried to smile, to reassure him. 

Thats ridiculous hyung." I say and pull him up by the arm. "Another runaway? Us 6 were the only runaways who escaped. Well survived. All the others, they died. They weren't strong like we were. They didn't work hard like we did. We were put through a lot of to get here, hyung." I sighed and looked at him as we made our way into the elevator to the first floor. "That girl. Is it even possible for someone as weak as her could even endure the pain to get here?" He chuckled to himself and shook his head. We were now exiting the elevator and out the building, the cold winter air greeting us. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess your right. But it would be nice to know someone other than us was able to escape. It would make me feel less guilty that way." He whispered softly and I saw his small eyes getting watery. " They should've made it, Byunghun. They were strong, like us. But why couldn't they make it, huh?" 

I sighed once more. " Its not your fault, hyung..."  I shook my head.
"It's not."
Once we finished our food shopping, which was more quieter than usual, we headed back to our apartment.
 When I took off my black converse, Me and Minsoo hyung heard the booming crashing sound coming from my room. I quickly dropped the bags in my hand to the ground and ran to my door, slamming it open. 
The girl was awake, cowering in the corner with the  blanket tightly around her. She looked up at me, head shaking slightly.
was moving up and down, yet know noise was coming out. I turned around to see Minsoo hyung just as confused as I was. The girl was shaking, bringing her hands up to . 
Clearing my own, I tried to smile. " I-I'm Lee Byunghun."
lolololl omfg guise. I updated. I don't believe it myslef. Hahahaha~~
ahh thank you for still subscribing when it's almost been  like half a year since I started. ; n ; Pease enjoy and comment!!! ^___^
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Muchacho #1
Update pleaseee:) its really nice.