Chapter 3


The next few minutes were filled with awkward silence as Byunghun was left hanging. The eldest in the room, Minsoo, cleared his throat, causing the two to shift their heads in his direction. "I'm just going to go wake up the others.." He trailed off and walked out the door, staring down at the wooden floor boards.  Byunghun turned his head backed around and displayed a nervous smile. "H-hold on. I'll be back in a few minutes," he said then  stood up. He walked out of the room and headed to the door the farthest down the hall. Byunghun went inside and saw Minsoo struggling on waking up the youngest of the group. "5 more minutes, hyung," a voice moaned from under the blankets.  Minsoo scoffed then turned around surprised. "Why're you here? Where's the girl at?" Minsoo asked  and Jonghyun jumped up from mattress, his blankets flying off.

 "Girl? Did she wake up already?!" Jonghyun questioned excitedly. Byunghun rolled his eyes and headed for the closet. "I'm taking some clothes from Changhyun's closet." Changhyun had the smallest body size from the six, so Byunghun could only imagine that the female would somewhat fit the younger man's garments. He shifted through the clothes that were lazily hung up on hangers.  He pulled off the green Celtics jersey and dark grey sweatpants, then exited the room. Byunghun walked back to his bedroom, only to see that the girl was still in the same position. He tossed the clothing at her. She stared at the shirt and sweats in front of her.  She was beyond terrified at the moment, but the male's reassuring smile made her ease just a bit. "I'll be outside. Come out when you're done getting dressed."

Once the door was shut, the girl examined the shirt by poking at it. She picked it off the floor and pulled it over her head. She smiled as the feeling of clothes on her gave comfort. She stood up and slipped on the charcoal pants. The pants were a bit baggy, and were sagging on her waist. She searched in her tangled hair for the useless bow that was supposed to keep it up. The girl found finally the black cotton ring and struggled to unknot it from her ebony, lengthy hair. She scrunched up the top of the pants, and tied the little gathering of cloth together.  She turned around and looked in horror and what stood before in the mirror.

Scratches were scattered around her pale, white face. Purplish bruises left their mark, running down her high cheek bones. To top it all off, dark, circle bags hung underneath her eyes. She looked at the contents neatly organized on the dresser. She picked up the brush, and ran it through her hair. She struggled with some parts, but soon finally managed to straighten the wild mess. She bent down to retrieve the blue blanket and skillfully folded it, placing it on the bed. She exited the room, and the aroma of foreign food filled her nostrils. Following the scent, she walked to the kitchen and swung open the door. Byunghun was hovering over the stove, flipping eggs with a spatula. He turned his head and smiled delightfully. "Morning! We're having western-style breakfast this morning, since I'm not really sure what you want...But you can wait in the front if you would like," Byunghun informed the girl, who was staring at his toes silently. He went back to preparing the food, and the only sound for a while was the sizzling of the pan and the spatula clanging on it. 

"Shin Sanghee. My name is Shin Sanghee," her voice wavered and she finally tore her eyes from his pale feet to his eyes. He stood baffled for a few seconds then broke out into a grin. He noticed a slight accent in the girl, but didn't feel the need to mention it. "Sanghee? Thank god you're talking, Sanghee. I was worried that you were mute. Then we wouldn't be able to find where you used to live," Byunghun said and as he saw her eyes breaking his gaze, the sense of fear gave off of her. "I-if you don't want to wait, theres plates and cups in the cupboard right over there," Byunghun turned around and pointed at the wooden cupboard overhead. Some forks and knifes are in that little shelf right there, so you can take a few and set them up on the table in the front," Byunghun said. Sanghee seemed to be confused by his words, as if listening to a foreign language, nonetheless followed his directions. She headed to the cupboard, raised herself on her tippy toes, and balanced the plates on one hand. Sanghee grew unstable. Her arm was shaking, plates wobbling, but before the plates could topple and crash, sturdy and bold arms caught them. Sanghee was trapped between Byunghun's arms and his broad chest, his hot breath was blowing down on her. He backed away and set the plates down on the counter. He chuckled,  and raised 2 of the plates, handing them to her. "Don't take more than a few at a time. They're glass; brittle and sharp. It hurts a lot if you're cut, so just stick with 2. If that's too much, leave one here and comeback for it later," Byunghun informed Sanghee. She glared at the time ground, and her cheeks became rosy. She hesitantly nodded and apologized, still smiling like an idiot. 


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Muchacho #1
Update pleaseee:) its really nice.