Chapter 1


The girl sat there. Knees brought up to her chest, head leaning on the door's casing. Her eyes were shut, and a rumpled, old blanket was laid on top of her pallid, and small body. She wasn't dead. Her shivering and slight breathing told me so. I didn't know who she was, Why she was here. After returning home from some outside duties, I saw the frail, small girl sleeping here.

I wanted to shake her; wake her and tell her to scram.

But, she seemed so enervated.

The crew wasn't present this time of day. Its was 4:00 am. They were probably doing their own personal business, still. Days like these, I was always the one to come home first. I tapped the girl on her pale forehead. Her eyes shut tight, and she brought her bony hands to her shoulders." Cold," she whispered, smoke escaping her racked, pink lips. "So cold." Her body shifted and the useless rag started to slip off of her. Exposing her bare shoulder and part of her chest. My eyes widened and I quickly wrapped the blanket around her neck again. 

A girl is in front of my house. Should I be happy?

I couldn't think, so I acted fast. I slipped off my black leather jacket and wrapped it on her shoulders. I got up, scooped down, and securely wrapped my toned arms around her thin frame. Without a hassle, I managed to dash into the house and laid the enigmatic girl on my bed. I took my cobalt blanket, and laid it on top of her, after removing the dirty rag that was used to cover her body. I sighed and sat down on the bed next to her. "When you wake up, you have a lot of explaining to do, araso." I managed a small smile, and brushed some hair out of her eyes. Just as I was about to stand up, her small hands grabbed onto my shirt and I was dragged onto the bed next to her. She snuggled her head into my chest, and her arms rested on my waist. I laid there shocked, and I tried to get free from her grip. She didn't budge. I couldn't use my full strength on her. She seemed so weak, I was afraid I would break her. I gave up and wrapped by arms around her thin figure. As time passed, I felt my eyelids gradually fall lower and lower, until I fell asleep. Snuggling with a stranger.




I peeked my eyes opened and jumped at the closeness of our faces. The younger boy beamed. "Byunghun hyung! You're awake, finally!" I opened my eyes, and, surprisingly, the girl was still fast asleep. I carefully slipped out from her, and turned to Changhyun.

"Lower your voice. You'll wake her," I hissed. "Speaking of 'her', Minsoo hyung wants to see you," he said and walked out my room. I sighed. As I walked out of the room, I heard Minsoo Hyung in the kitchen and the other guys in the living room. I slipped in the kitchen. 

"Lee Byunghun," Minsoo hyung called out. His back was facing me. He was making late lunch for us at the stove. "What the hell were you thinking," he turned around with an ominous glare. I flinched.

"Bringing someone over? Do you not understand the complication, the crisis that can happen because of this, Byunghun." Minsoo hyung said firmly. I gulped in fear. "Hyung, I..she" I stuttered.

"When I arrived home this morning, I saw sitting in the front, shivering to death. You taught me better than to leave someone in need in help alone." He stared at me intently.


"She was when I found her, hyung."

He sighed. A sign that meant he gave in.

"Fine. She can stay. But if any crazy happens, you'll be help responsible."

I nodded and walked out of the kitchen. I glanced at my watch. It was nearly 5:00 pm. It was hard to believe that I slept that long. I walked to my bedroom and noticed the door was open. Oh god. You couldn't expect leaving the crazy kids in a room with someone important and expect something sane to happen. I quickly jogged in. 

"What exactly are you doing, Daniel?" I said firmly and dragged him aside by his collar. "Reading her of course, hyung." Daniel chimed. The other 2 youngest boys were crowding over the unconscious girl. "Leave her alone. She looks tired. Read her when she gets up, okay?" I said and the 3 nodded, sauntering out of my bedroom. I sighed and timidly laid on the bed again. 'Sleep Well, and wake up soon,' I leaned over and gave a small kiss on the cold forehead. 

Now that everyone knows, I should probably introduce myself.

Lee Byunghun was the name I was born with.

L.joe is what I prefer to be called by. Everybody outside this house only calls me L.joe. Everyone inside, they're family. We've been with eachother since the beginning. They're my best freinds; my brothers.

The oldest; Bang Minsoo, he's the almighty leader. The strongest and wisest. He was our father, basically.

Next: Lee Chanhee. The second oldest, and was a few ymonths older  than I. The blunt and childish one who was like second in command to be leader.

Then would be Ahn Daniel. The dour and impassive one, who was predominantly somber. He had the eyes of black, endless eyes. Yet, when he was with his beloved family, he lightened up.

Yoo Changhyun: This crazy boy. Changhyun is the light of the group, you may say. The sunshine. He is the hyper, active one who knows how to make his hyungs smile. Yet, he was the weakest fighter, and we always worry about him because of that flaw.

Next in line would be Choi Jonghyun: The youngest, but he looked the buffest, after Minsoo hyung.He's like, Changhyun. yet more tamed. 

Well there you go~ AING



Hello~ The is my first fanfics, and I hope you will enjoy it.

If you think this is just another one of those gangster could be right. But because that type of story is common, I added the touch of superpowers and all that.


Sorry if its a bit crappy. I wrote this AWESOME, GOD-LIKE one, but because of the accidental backspace, it deleted and I had to start over. ^^;

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see you next time. 

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Muchacho #1
Update pleaseee:) its really nice.