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RESULTS ———   19 . 4 . 2019      thank you ALL WHO HAVE GRACED US WITH YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS LITTLE CONTEST, WE DEEPLY APOLOGISE FOR THE DELAY, BuT WE HAVE FINALLY COME TO THE END OF THE JUDGING PROCESS, AND THE TOP 3 WINNERS HAVE BEEN SELECTED.   ONCE AGAIN, WE'D LIKE TO HIGHLIGHT THAT THE RESULTS ARE BASED ON THE SCORING RUBRIC WE HAVE PROVIDED, AND THAT NUMEROUS CRITERIA PLAY A PART IN THE FINAL SCORE YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN. WITH THAT, WE HOPE ALL PARTICIPANTS WOULD KEEP AN OPEN MIND WITH THE RESULTS.   WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, HERE ARE THE WINNERS:   first place: onetoomanybias - The Coward Hunter and The Hopeless Beast second place: bloopblop - until morning light third place: gladwere - swim farther, while i keep the currents honorary mention: sylviaplant - scapegrace     if your username has been listed above, you will be contacted within the next four days regarding your prizes, through pm by ambrozia.   to the rest of our participants, once again, we'd like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the efforts you have put in, and of course, for having the courage to take part. we've truly enjoyed getting to work with all your lovely stories, and we hope you had fun writing them too!   on a final note, this contest has officially ended. keep on writing, and perhaps we'll see you again soon!         signing out, ambrozia, moonwhite, shin-oppa  
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RÊVEUR Writing Contest | Results are officially announced, congratulations to all and thank you once again for your participation!


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Chapter 43: jdjjdndbdnndnjdjdjdjd thank you so much? I didn't even get past like,, the second chapter,, but I had a good run of it while I was writing the bit that I did !!! big enormously huge congrats to first and second place your stories are great and your brains are big and you deserve this lots!! :D
Chapter 43: congrats winners!! :D
Chapter 43: Congrats to every writer who placed and special applause to everyone else! We're all winners. ♡
hello,,, i finished my story and its completed, but I am having a problem with one of the requirements. Since I work and upload on a school laptop a lot of sites are blocked by my school's firewall/protection (whatever it is) so I can't get an image of the banner on my story since imgur is blocked on my laptop (ive tried multiple times). But I have credited and hyperlinked this contest in my story. is that enough to compensate? Thank you,,,
1301 streak #5
I did plan on submitting an entry but I found myself not having any inspiration. But I did like the prompts and the graphics are very pretty.
Hello do the pairings have to be boyxboy or girlxgirl?
Thank you ! The graphics here are so pretty btw