Well, this is new

How interesting

The bar was calm today. Not too overcrowded and the music wasnt as loud as it usually was on weekends and Fridays. In the music industry he was known as a producer and songwriter Bang Yongguk. His real name. But right now, late in the night he was just Jepp. Noone knew they were the same person.

Right now, he enjoyed his red wine sitting at the bar looking at the female dancers swipping their bodies to the slow jazzy music. He liked luxury clubs like this. They may seem daring but in a high visual way. Not too vulgar. Yongguk was a classy man after all. He liked expensive beautiful things and the best quality.

´I-im sorry´

An almost whisper sounded from his right side and Yongguk turned his head blinking at the person that dared to interupt his precious alone time.

It was silent for some seconds.

There was a boy standing in front of him and he seemed nervous not even looking at Yongguks face. His eyes were focused on the floor, or went from there to the side of the club, just trying to avoid Bangs eyes.

Yongguk put his wine glass down on the bar table and raised his brows, giving now his whole attention to the unknown stranger.

´Are-are you Jepp?´ the young one asked and finaly lifted his gaze up staring directly into Yongguks eyes ´you are....aren´t you?´

´That depends´Yongguk smirked and leaned his face closer to the obviously very much younger male ´what would a boy like you want from the so called Jepp?´ and he chuckled at the end.

´More important, how did the name Jepp even come to your radar, huh?´

The other bit down on his lips, he was indeed nervous. Yongguk noticed that almost half of his face was covered by his dark brown hair. He had really small but plump lips. His nose was also small but somehow perfectly fit into the face and his eyes, or rather just one, that was visible was dark chocolate in color. He looked like a scared deer in front of a tiger.

´T-The bartender told me´ the boy pointed his shaking finger at a man behind the bar ´he showed me the person i ´needed´ in his opinion.´

Yongguks eyes traveled to the figure that was pointed at. He rolled his eyes when getting it.

ing Himchan. Gonna fix your ´perfect´ face later.

The said one felt eyes on him, lifted his gaze and smiled showing his bunny teeth, then waved at Yongguk amused. After some seconds he continued his work again serving costumers.

´i want to...´the boy began ´no, I need Jepp to take care of someone for me´ interrupting Yongguks mind again and his stare was serious.

The older smiled amused ´so what, can i guess? You are a poor nerd at a prestige school being bullied by some rich kids and they interrupt your student life. Am i right? You want me to beat them up for you so you can again live happy with your books? No offense but you kind of look like the innocent type that would cry even over a lost pen´

´No!´ the answer came out rather harsh and in a dominant tone from the scared boy.

Yongguk titled his head to the side surprised at the sudden courage the other got.

´I want Jepp to´ the boy lifted his one hand up, it was shaking slightly but he placed it in front of his face, the part that was still unseen ´i want him to kill the one that did this to me´. The hand put the hair that covered half of his face away to show the reason.

Yongguks expression hardened at the sight and unconsciously his hand tightened arround his wine glass, almost breaking it. The sight wasnt very pleasable to look at and that felt the boy as well.

Huge bruises were seen in blue, violet and green colors almost covering half of his face. It was swollen and through that one eye was a long cut, begining on the forehead and ending in the middle of his round cheek. It was still bloody and unhealed. The once chocolate brown orb turned white in the middle. He was blind now on the eye, for sure.

´I want him to suffer like me. Even more. I want him to dissapear so i wont be scared to close my eyes to sleep´ the boys lips trembled while he was pouring his anger out to the hitman.

Yongguk calculated by the view that it must be a very fresh wound, made maybe one or two days ago.

´Who´ Yongguks death glare send shivers trough the youngers body ´who did this to you?´ His deep voice came out almost like a growl.

The younger looked like a doll. Yongguk had to admit he was stunning. He wasnt even interested in males but even for one, this boy had very beautiful features. But he was now broken. Like a glass puppet that shattered when falling to the ground and was put back together. Not perfect anymore.

Out of nowhere he was cupping the boys bruised cheek with his hand and that made the younger jump from shock.

´Tell me and i will take care of it for you´ his thumb was gently carressing the hurt skin of the boys cheek, whos eyes were wide open and lips parted. He didnt expect it to go so smooth.


Yongguk was himself surprised at how he acted. Usually when his clients didnt pay him huge amount of Money, the conversation didnt even start in the first place. And here he is, taking a job offer from a young hurt boy.

´I-I want...´ the boy took a deep breath ´my step father´

Yongguk noticed his eyes getting glossy, forming unshed tears in them.

´This is not the only thing he did to me and i want him to pay...´the youngers breathing started to get harder and it came out as a whine ´if this continues he will kill me for s-sure one day´

Yongguks eyes studied the boys face but then landed on his neck.

´I dont want to die...not yet´ 

Another blue bruise.

His hand moved to the turtleneck the other wore and pulled it more down till to the collarbones.

He gritted his teeth. There was another red mark of what...teeth? and just a little next to it was... what, no. A scar from a cigarete burn?

´Whats your name´

The boy blinked ´Y-Youngjae?´

´You are asking me?´ Yongguk chuckled and the other bit down on his bottom lip again avoiding his eyes.

´You know what?´Yongguk lifted the boys face up by his chin and got really close to him making a gasp come out his lips ´I will do this for you for free.´ He smiled evily showing off his shark like gummy smile ´seems that i will show how real fun looks to your step dad´

Yongjaes eyes widened ´y-you will?!´ he was still bewildered how this night turned out. His plan was to get drunk and not come home but somehow he poured his hurt hearth to the bartender -Himchan and he told him about Jepp. Oh how wanted Youngjae to hug the hell out of Himchan for this.

Maybe he could really be saved.

´So we can meet tomorrow and you can tell me all the details i need to kn--´ Yongguk began but

´No!´ the boy grabbed Yongguks hand suddenly ´p-please do it tonight! I-i dont want to go back home, he is still there and h-he---´´

´Whoa! Calm down!´ the older pulled his hand away ´Take it slow, you have nowhere to go for one night?´

The boys shoulders slumped down and he looked to the side sadly ´No..i dont have any friends and....i dont have enough Money to rent a hotel room. Just....please could you do it fast?´

Well this didnt go as easy Yongguk wanted to. It was getting more complicated and it irritated him.

´Give me the address and stay here till i come back.´

Youngjae quickly grabbed a paper and a pen from the bar and started writting all information the hitman needed to know. He then gave with trembling hands the little sheet of paper to Yongguk.



After maybe 4 hours, the bar was already almost empty and Yongjae felt tired. Yongguk still didnt come back.

Was it all a prank?

He started to feel sick just at the idea his step father being still alive. His body shivered and he hugged himself.

He was a good person....He wouldnt do this if it wasnt neccessary...

He wanted to live.

Noone would believe him...

´Relax kid´

The boy lifted his head up not expecting someone to talk to him. It was the bartender Himchan.

´When Jepp says something, there is no need to doubt his words. He will take care of everything you asked him to do. And i am your perfect alibi for the police, if something´ Himchan winked at the younger and put a glass of whiskey in front of him.

´I-i dont drink´ Youngjae pointed at the alcohol.

´Dont worry, you wont get drunk just from one glass. Lets say its for the nerves. Relax. Its on me.´ then he dissapeared to start cleaning before closing.

After maybe 15 minutes, Jepp finaly came back.

He had his hoodie up on his head and his long curly hair almost covered half of his face.

Youngjae gasped when he noticed some blood on his skin.

´Lets go boy. We are leaving´Yongguk grabbed the younger up by his shoulder ´Himchan see ya´ he then smashed the cash on the table for his wine.

´W-where are we---´ Jae was getting panicked.

´Chill. You are going to stay with me for the night. Just in case´ Yongguk


That was the first time i met him.

He looked so small, innocent and pathetic.

I tought i wont see him ever again after i made his step father ´mysticaly´ dissapear, but..

´What do you want now?´ Yongguk looked amused at the familiar face that once again stood in front of him at the same bar. Only this time it was Friday and it was overcrownded with dancing  people. It was rather loud there.

Yongjae bit down on his lips and Yongguk found like a deja vu hit him.

´You are aware i did the job for free because´ he stopped in his track because, hell, he didnt even know why he did that for free that time.

´I-I will pay you this time´ the younger attempted.

´Oh?´ now the older was trying to remain calm and not burst out laughing at the boy.

Yongjae puffed his cheeks ´ i do!´

Yongguk blinked at the sight. Was he really pouting at a hitman? Well this was amusing indeed.

´What amount of Money do you think i get for jobs like this? Do you think im that cheap a college student could afford me?´

The younger sighed ´I need help....please´

What was the boy thinking, that he could get another job done by Yongguk just like that for free? And why was Yongguk so willingly helping him?

´Let me see´ the hitman lifted his hand up and pulled Youngjaes hair out of his face, making him jump from shock.


´Be quiet´the older ordered and was observing the youngers face.

The unpleasant colorful bruises were now compeletely gone, leaving just a long scar from the cut through the eye. It didnt look that bad now as when Yongguk saw it for the first time. Just the eye, it remained white, blind.

 ´It really angers me that this decorates your beautiful face because of a disgusting sadistic pig.´ Yongguk locked eyes with Youngjae ´he paid for it, your step father. But´ his eyes landed on the youngers lips where a bloody cut was seen ´what is this? This was not there before´

Yongguks brows furrowed and expression hardened. Youngjae stayed silent just studying the olders face.

´WHO did THIS to you´ it wasnt a question , it came out as and angered growl.

This whole scene was like the previous one.

A hurt Yongjae seeking help from Yongguk, the hitman.

´My stepfather...he...he owed Money to a man from his work..or he called it ´work´. The man wasnt very pleased after he realized his ´worker´ was dead. And...´

Yongguk titled his head to the side ´and?´

´ I wanted to see you´ Yongjae gave him a stern look, but its seriousness was destroyed by the blush he had on his face.

The older blinked, not expecting such blunt words out of the boys lips to come out.

´To see me? Bull´

´Yes to see you´ Jae leaned closer to the hitman so their faces where just inches apart ´i wont do this job for free this time. I want to thank you´

Yongguk knew very well where this was leading to and chuckled ´Sorry boy, but i dont sway this way. Im not interested in men.´

´No problem. I can crossdress. Im more beautiful than most woman anyway, you dont have to see me as a man.´ the younger wasnt giving up ´you wont even notice the difference´

´I said NO.´ Yongguk said sternly and made a step back to create a distance between them but Youngjae was faster. He quickly trapped the older and pressed his lips to the others ones. Jae cupped Yongguks cheeks so he couldnt escape any more.

The hitman was stunned, his eyes wide from shock.

After some seconds he broke free and pushed the boy but the impact made Youngjae hit his back to the bar counter. He gasped ´Ah-h, that hurt´

´Listen you little--´ Yongguk wanted to curse at the younger but stopped when he saw tears roll down the others cheeks suddenly.

´I-Its alright you know....´ Jae whiped the wetness from his face with his sweaters sleeve ´i never ever asked someone to help me. After all these years...Actually you were the first one, but that was a deadly situation with my step father...´he locked eyes with the older ´i often thought that it would be better when i was dead...but even for that. Death doesnt want me...´

Yongguks throat tightened, this kid was indeed pathetic.

´If you wont help me, then be it. I already gave the man all my step fathers Money i could find, even all my savings. It should have been enough but he wasnt satisfied and wanted even more....i honestly dont know what to do when he comes back...´ Youngjae smiled sadly it hurt Yongguk to look at him.

´I have noone....i wont be missed, maybe that would be for the best. If he just kills me.´ he walked past the hitman ready to leave, when he was suddenly grabbed by his wrist and stopped.


Both were facing each other by their backs not looking at each others.

´If i help you again, what will you do?´

Jae smiled ´i will thank you in a way you will never forget. You will want to keep me.´

Yongguk chuckled ´what are you, a puppy?´

´A very lovable one´ Jae sing-sang.

This time did Yongguk look up and smiled, he showed a sincere smile to the boy. He gulped his wine in one shot and paid ´im leaving, thanks for the wine Himchan!´

Youngjae was confused when the older walked past him ready to leave but then.

´What are you waiting for pup? Come to master´Yongguk smirked and titled his head to the side ´you will stay with me till I take care of ´things´. ´

Youngjaes eyes sparkled from joy. He did it. He made the hitman change his mind and help him.



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I forgot a warning, thats why i tagged this story as Mature. Because of the language and writting about violence and mental issues. So if you are not ready to read angst, or dont like this stuff, beter not read it at all please.


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Chapter 6: This was so cute!! haha, I love your portrayal of YoungJae and it's nice how you don't fail to remind us that Yongguk finds every part of him - even his 'flaws' beautiful. He indeed is, no matter what he has gone through. I like that you didn't forget to incorporate the element of trauma, because he of course will not be the same after years of abuse. Thank you for the update authornim! <3
tt_9800 #2
Chapter 6: Awwwh, (fortunately for us yongguk) you are in big trouble, yj has got you wrapped around his fingers haha! Wah was not expecting an update but you did it so quick and I'm so pleased!! Everything was so cute and fluffy yet intense I can't explain it but it was hella enjoyable seeing a very bold yj and a yg who is starting to give in. Push and pull I see ;) thank you for the update!! Take care =D
Chapter 5: I love this story already! And like the previous commenter said, there aren't many BangJae fics out there and not only have you brought us one but nailed it. I'm looking forward to seeing how their story will turn out. YJ is so cute and YG has this sort of tsundere thing going on haha. Thank you for the story and your hard work.
tt_9800 #4
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Ahhh another update!! Seeing the notif brought a smile to my face :’) I loved this chapter too! Like you said you’ve definitely created yj as a sensitive yet honest and straightforward character- I like that a lot! Makes things so much easier haha, but ooh cute! And JongUp~ kind of cute hehe, we know that guy is cuteness personified. I like that you had the after effects of yj’s past incorporated, the pain doesn’t just go away. I’m happy that this didn’t just stay as a one shot as I would’ve been itching for more! ;) thanks for the update, hard work and interesting story! Take care!
tt_9800 #5
Chapter 4: Oooh so happy you updated! I loved everything about this chapter. They’re so cute haha, yj is direct and forward I like that. And that question about him being a hitman, I was expecting some deep answer and he was like ‘it’s kinda fun’ lol had me laughing but thinking at the same time. It’s interesting how he can switch between his two sides so easily.I can feel their chemistry and connection through your writing. Thanks for the update :’)
tt_9800 #6
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Oh!! This was a captivating read, I really do hope you can update soon! Your writing is so addictive and everything about it has me reacting lol. There’s not a lot of BangJae fics, and this is really well written with a hooking plot! Thanks again and I look forward to your next update! =) ?
tt_9800 #7
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Oh my goodness this was an absolutely amazing first chapter!! I could not stop reading, the details the speech and your style of writing! Everything was perfect! Wow, thank you for giving us a such a beautiful story! I’m totally here for it!! My heart goes out to YJ ‘death doesn’t want me’ ㅠㅠ ?
Chapter 2: Wow, this was amazing! I loved the characters!!
Interesting..hope u can update soon..hwaiting~~