TINA:  What does Yunjae represent to you?
HANA: My love and most fav OTP of all times.


TINA:  Why are we obsessed with Yunjae?
HANA: Because Yunjae is the royal OTP and the most realistic and timeless one.

TINA:  Why is that Yunjae in stories can do anything and we support them?
(Ex: affair, , homewrecker)
HANA: I guess we write about them because we can’t tell for sure what they do in reality, so we imagine them in different scenarios and support them like we would do in real life if they came out as a couple.

TINA:  Tomorrow headlines Jaejoong confirms he is in a relationship with a girl. How do you feel?
HANA: I would be devastated for sure, at the same time I’ll wish him all the happiness in this world.

TINA:  Asian celebrities often get married in secret and hide the fact they are indeed married..So one member of TVXQ is in that married status. How do you feel?
HANA: I’ll be happy for him.

TINA:  How real is Yunjae and how much is in fact Fan service?
HANA: YUNJAE IS REAL, no fanservice. Their stares and gestures tell the whole story. Don’t be blind.

TINA:  Do you think Jaejoong is gay?

TINA:  When Yunjae comes out publicly……..
HANA: I will be the happiest person on the face of this planet.

TINA:  Does yunho look gayer than Jaejoong?
HANA: No, Yunho and Jaejoong are gay ONLY for each other.

TINA:  Do you think they meet secretly and still friends or even lovers?
HANA: Yes, always keep the faith.

TINA:  I heard Jaejoong song Nine is for Yunho even though he denied it?What do you think?
HANA: By denying it he only made us believe it indeed is for yunho.

TINA:  What is about Yunjae that makes you sacrifice your time and energy upon writing fictions..
HANA: Because they are REAL.

TINA:  Your future plans for fanfics?
HANA: I have a few plots in mind, hopfully I’ll start a new story soon once I finish Shot in the dark. I don’t leave one story hanging before moving to another, I prefer finishing my story then start a new one.

TINA:  Thoughts on homouality?
HANA: Love has no boundaries.

TINA:  What do you think of people who think homo uality is a sin and a disease which can be cured?
HANA: Disgusting, we are all human beings, and everyone has the right to love who they want.

TINA: What do you think we should do to make the world accept homouality?
HANA: Write more Yunjae stories. lol

TINA:  In the future your kid comes out to you. What will you do?
HANA: Perhaps I’ll be shocked but I think I’ll accept it eventually.

TINA:  Pride or love?
HANA: Absolutely Pride.

TINA:  Love to me is…………
HANA: A lie, except for Yunjae. But in my life I don’t think I’ll ever find it.

TINA:  Do you believe in love at first sight?
HANA: No, except for Yunjae duh.

TINA:  What are your views on Yoochun scandal?
HANA: I don’t know, I prefer not to give any opinion regarding it.

TINA:  Since Junsu has been in a relation with a girl has Yoosu ship sunk?
HANA: I don’t know either, I ship Yunjae but I’m not into Yoosu to be honest.

TINA:  How did you react to the news of “yoochuns” upcoming marriage?
HANA: No reaction, he searches for his own happiness like we all do.

TINA:  I have read somewhere that Jae and chun are looking more like lovers than friends..What do you think?
HANA: WHAT? Of course not, Jaejoong is only for Yunho.

TINA:  Are we deluding ourselves by making these OTP’s?
HANA: No, always keep the faith.


TINA:  Opinions on plastic surgery?
HANA: Personal choice, people are free to do what they want.

TINA:  Do you think jaejoong’s in famous beauty had help from the plastic surgeon?
HANA: Never, Jaejoong is an angel designed by God.

TINA:  Why should we be obsessed with pop idols when they don’t even know we exist?
HANA:Kpop is life ^^


Dearest Hana,
            Thank you for the wonderful interview..we had fun reading it and getting to know you. Hope you
 continue to keep the Yunjae love alive by your wonderful fanfics…will be waiting to see many more fanfics from you.WISH YOU ALL THE VERY BEST.

Readers check out HANA’S AFF account to read her stories.HANERRR


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YHLover #1
Chapter 1: I love reading the interviews. Getting to know the authors, their mind and thinking... makes me thinking. Too.
farasha #2
Chapter 1: i love her♡♡ she's SO talented
Chapter 1: (^_^)b