TINA: Before we begin the interview what do I call you with..
AUTHOR: You can call me Hana.

TINA: Hi­­  HANA Welcome to the interview..

TINA:  Any special reason behind your journal name or aff account name. if yes what and how did u come by it ?
HANA:  I don’t have a preference for it really. It’s just the first letters of my name and other letters that has a deep meaning to me.

TINA: Where are you from?
HANA: Jordan.

TINA: What is your occupational status as if right now?
HANA: Junior Electro Engineer.

TINA: Birthday ?
HANA:  April 20th.

TINA: What is your favorite past time or what do u do in your free time?
HANA:  I listen to music / write Yunjae Fanfics and read all kind of ships.

TINA:  Favorite color/s?
HANA:  Black

TINA:  Favorite food and favorite country cuisine?
HANA:  I have a sweet tooth so I think pastries and chocolates are my fav.

TINA:  Favorite movie/s. why?
HANA: Horror, I don’t know why really, but I like the thrill and anticipation it causes me.

TINA:  Favorite book and favorite Author/s. why?
HANA:  Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, it’s just this writer is my inspiration. I love her way of portraying love in the most beautiful ways, she focuses on the characters’ emotions, it’s also my style in writing.

TINA:  Favorite Dress code?
HANA:  Formal, since I work in companies it kinda rubbed off on me.

TINA: Comfort or Fashion?
HANA:  Totally Comfort.

TINA:  Favorite designers dress/shoes?
HANA:  No particular one, I wear all kinds of shoes out there, from sneakers to high-heels and all that.

TINA: Personal style statement?
HANA:  Be myself.

TINA: Dream destination?(fav place u want to go)
HANA:  Bora Bora Islands.

TINA:  Favorite perfume?

TINA:  Branded or Generic clothing?
HANA:  Generic clothing.

TINA: Hobbies you are involved in?
HANA:  Work Lol and I love Pets. I have two hamsters and a cat.

TINA: Ideal man /woman?
HANA:  I don’t have an ideal type, I’m really a simple girl. All I want is someone to love me and cherish everything that I am, be loyal and responsible.
TINA: Have you ever been attracted to the same ?
HANA:  Nope never.

TINA:  Who and when is your first crush?
HANA: In my elementary school, memories…

TINA:  Natural hair and eye colur?
HANA: Black, also black.

TINA: Beauty according to you is?
HANA: There isn’t an absolute definition of beauty, I think it’s what touches the heart. It could be a person or a place or even a feeling.

TINA:  What’s in your purse?
HANA:  Wallet, my smartphone, headphones, pens and a small notebook, my credit cards,keys, make-up like lipstick, cream etc..

TINA: 2 things you cannot live without?
HANA:  My family and my work.

TINA:  If u get to meet one celebrity either dead or alive who will it be and why?
HANA: Jaejoong or Yunho , so I can finally prove that Yunjae Are Real just then I’ll rest in peace.

TINA: I am obsessed with______ fill it?
HANA:  Food and work.

TINA: Iam Passionate about____________ ?
HANA:  Feminism.

TINA: Motto in life:
HANA:  Love yourself no matter what, if you have no monsters inside others outside won’t harm you.

TINA: If u get stranded on a isolated island .name 3 things you want ?
HANA:  Wi-Fi, My phone, Food.

TINA: Proudest moment ever?
HANA:  My graduation day, the best moment in my life was having my degree after so many years of hard studying .

TINA: Most embarrassingmoment?(if answer if u want to )
HANA:  More than I care to admit Lol.

TINA: One day you open the door and find Yunjae on your door step?
HANA:  Faints right then and there.

TINA: If you are to write your life story what will the title be?
HANA:  Just another girl.

TINA: Goal in life:
HANA:  Achieving my dreams.

TINA: How do you describe yourself?
HANA:  Mature and passionate, a bit of an introvert sometimes.

TINA: Lastly feel free to include anything else u wants us to know..
HANA: I think it’s something I believe in and want our dear readers to also follow: Don’t be ashamed of who you are, it’s only one life and it’s up to you if you want to live it to the maximum or not so don’t let anyone steal this from you, also Please spread love ..



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YHLover #1
Chapter 1: I love reading the interviews. Getting to know the authors, their mind and thinking... makes me thinking. Too.
farasha #2
Chapter 1: i love her♡♡ she's SO talented
Chapter 1: (^_^)b