TINA:  How and when did you decide to be a fanfic author?
HANA: I prefer if you’ll call me a Yunjae devoted fan cos I don’t consider myself a fanfic author yet, I still have a long road to be a professional writer.Three years ago I guess, the reason  was that because there weren’t any new ideas or creative plots other than the cliché ones. And please don’t get me wrong. I love all my fellow Yunjae writers, but I couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I decided to write my own stories based on the plots that I personally was searching for.

TINA:  What made you to sit down and actually write something?
HANA:  Actually there was no particular reason, one day I found myself sitting in front of my Laptop pouring my heart and soul and all the thoughts I had for so long in my head on the keyboard. This ended up with me writing my first fanfic in one go which happened to be Horns Of  a dilemma, I spent more than six hours just sitting behind the screen writing whatever rushed to my mind. I didn’t feel the time or care about anything else other than the story I was writing until suddenly dang I finished the plot in my mind with a dot.Since then I couldn’t stop, it was like a dam that broke down and started to flow nonstop.

TINA:  What is the first fanfic you completed?
HANA:  It was the first fanfic I’ve written, a one shot called Horns Of A dilemma .I finished writing it in one go and came up with the title in the span of one moment, I uploaded it after that without ever reviewing the grammars or the typo errors. And I preferred leaving it the way it is, because this story is my first born baby and I love it the way it is.

TINA:  How did you get your idea for your first fanfic?
HANA:   It was an idea lurking in my mind for so long, just like what I said above, suddenly I found myself sitting in front of my laptop writing what I had in mind.

TINA:  Have you had any prior experience of writing before your first fanfic?
HANA:  if you want the truth, I didn’t. other than writing essays for school, I would have to say Yunjae fanfics are where I started.

TINA:  Have you ever plagued by doubts on your storyline?
HANA: Sometimes I do, when I first started writing a few people posted mean and hateful comments, but now most of the time I love what I write, because I was never the kind of writer who plans what to write beforehand. I’m just a girl who loves Yunjae and when I feel the argue and the spirit to write the things I’ve always imagined my OTP to be, there you’ll find me sitting in front of my screen, smiling and imagining my Yunjae babies in different scenarios then writing them down. Most of the times I keep on writing nonstop until I finish.I’m so proud of how this always ended, my stories are my babies and the fruits of my imagination, why would I doubt my own story? ^^

TINA:  How did you promote your fanfic to readers?
HANA:  I write for fun and for other Yunjae lovers. I want to keep our fandom alive, I don’t care about promotions or being famous and what not. I just tag the story with the needed tags that gives the readers an idea about the storyline.

TINA:  Have you ever been anxious about how the readers receive your story?
HANA:  At first I did since I received some hate and truth to be told it affected me at some point until I stopped writing, but as the time progressed I discovered that what it matters the most is loving what you do, to write what you desire without being afraid of judging or hate from others.And I’m sure most of Yunjae readers are sweethearts who appreciate our efforts to keep our fav OTP alive, so I don’t care about haters anymore.

TINA:  Thoughts on how you felt when you see the first comment on the first story? Do remember who is the first commenter?
HANA:  I don’t remember the first commenter but I remember being so happy that some people are actually reading the stuff I wrote.

TINA:  How do you prepare yourself before writing a fanfic?
HANA:  I don’t have to be in a special environment to write, when I feel my head flooding with so much ideas I just sit anywhere I can find with my laptop in hand then I begin writing.

TINA:  Do you work out plot line or do you prefer to see where your ideas or inspiration take you?
HANA:  No I don’t, I’ve always had my fantasies about Yunjae and when an idea comes up I let it carry me to where my imagination wanted me to go.

TINA:  When and how does your inspiration or muse come to you?
HANA:  No specific time, suddenly I’m writing what have been swirling in my head about Yunjae in a particular fiction.

TINA:  What is the weirdest place you were struck by inspiration for your fanfic? Did you write the plot?If yes what is the title of the fanfic?
HANA:  I have imagined Yunjae as lovebirds, an actual yellow lovebirds who were mates and loved each other but was forcefully separated in different cages and sold out to different owners just for money. So yeah.. I know it’s weird to imagine them as birds but the similarity of this to real life sometimes bring me to tears. It’s just a simple plot I guess, no need to start a fic about it ^^

TINA:  How much research do you do for your story?
HANA:  A little if needed.

TINA:  What is the easiest part of writing?
HANA:  Describing emotions, I like to portray the feelings in my fics in the clearest way possible, because  the most important thing in my stories is to understand how the characters feel rather than what they do. I don’t like humor or crack stories to be honest, I like deep ones.

TINA:  What is the hardest part of writing a story?
HANA:  I would have to say the first chapters, I mean you want readers to be interested and feel the vibe, to also understand what the plot is about without being explicate exposing the whole plot.

TINA:  The writer’s worst nightmare the dreaded writer’s block.When is the worst writer’s block you ever had? How did you overcome it?
HANA:  I didn’t have one until now, thankfully. I hope I will never have one.

TINA:  Have you written any collaboration with other author’s? If yes name of the fanfic.
HANA:  No I haven’t.

TINA:  How do you describe your writing style? Do you think you have your own personal writing style?
HANA:  Yes I think I have my own writing style. In my historical ones I like a more complicated and romantic one with a balance between being narrative and adding dialogues yet in others I like being simple. All in all my style focuses on the emotions more than events.

TINA:  How do you think you have evolved creatively throughout the years? Do you notice any change in the way you write?
HANA:  To be honest I noticed  improvements in my way of writing, it’s inevitable when you write so much you’ll  get better.

TINA:  How important are readers and their comments?
HANA:  They are one of the reasons why I write, I mean all my efforts are for them and all Yunjae lovers out there. The comments and upvotes make me so happy and encourage me to write more and more.

TINA:  I have been a silent reader for few months before taking the steps to comment..Any words for silent readers?
HANA:  Just give your opinion about the stories we write, believe me when authors get positive reactions through comments and upvotes it encourage them strongly. Sometimes one beautiful comment can make a difference, and with that you prevent authors from leaving this site if they felt loved.

TINA:  Do you read other yunjae fanfics? If yes name of the fanfic you loved?
HANA:  I read a lot of OTP’s not just Yunjae. But when it comes to writing I only love Yunjae, I can’t imagine anyone but them because they have been my first and only OTP since I got into kpop for the first time, and that was seven years ago.

TINA:  Are you friends with any other author’s?
HANA:  I don’t recognize other authors really, but I have friends maybe some of them are writers.

TINA:  How do you make your stories standout when there are heaps of other stories with similar plot lines?
HANA:  I don’t care about fame or standing out, I just love what I write, I do what makes me happy which is keeping Yunjae alive in our hearts. I don’t care if my stories weren’t the most loved ones.

TINA:  Thoughts on others stealing your work?
HANA:  Pathetic, I mean this is sick. Please get a life and be creative by your own. If there is something I hate it would be losers.

TINA:  How do you manage your time between your daily activities and updating stories?
HANA:  When I have free time and got the spirit I update, though I never began a new story if I haven’t already finished the one before.

TINA:  Do you have any favorite time of the day to write stories?
HANA:  Evenings I guess.

TINA:  Your favorite genre to write?
HANA: Mpreg, I love this genre, all my stories are mpreg,I like historical too.


TINA:  Inspiration and thoughts  behind the one shot “ON THE HORNS OF A DILEMMA”?
HANA:  I saw a fanart of Yunjae and I wrote it in one go, It’s my baby, all my stories are. I was totally inexperienced in writing back then.

TINA:  Inspiration behind the fanfic “FORBIDDEN”?
HANA:  A plot came up in my mind haphazardly when I was reading novel of an English writer, and I used some quotes in it that touched my heart, I love it so much.

TINA:  Thoughts and inspiration behind the fanfic “EARLY DAZE”?
HANA:  Another pairing I loved back then, it was Kaisoo so I thought why not writing my two fav OTP together, so yeah ..

TINA:  Few words on the fanfic “CHANDELIER”?
HANA:  This story means so much to me, because I used to know this girl in my college days, she was a dear friend who suffered violence and abuse as a child which affected her badly, then by her husband. That’s why this story is dedicated to her and I hope she would find love and happiness, like Yunjae in this fic.

TINA:  Few words on the fanfic “BLIND PETUNIA”?
HANA:  My masterpiece, I literally poured my heart and my soul in it, I have always imagined Yunjae as vampires, I wrote it with love, describing the character’ feelings the way I imagined, Yunjae perhaps feel towards each other.

TINA:  Still writing or have you stopped now?
HANA:  I’m still writing, I stopped for a while but here I’m now. It really depends on work and the spirit, some days that could extend to a long time I can’t bring myself to write anything, but other times like now, here I’m updating my current story every three days.

TINA:  Any future yunjae fanfics you are working on?
HANA:  There is one, once I finish the one I’m writing now I’ll surely start with it. I would never leave my stories uncompleted.

All ABOUT .............

TINA:  Tell us why are we so interested to read taboo topics when it comes to yunjae?Ex. ,cheating,home wrecker etc.
HANA:  I hate infidelity and cheating to the core, I wrote and I’m writing one now (not really ) , but never cheating or home wreckers, those things makes me sick.

TINA:  How difficult or easy is writing ?
HANA:  I don’t find easy nor hard. Normal.

TINA:  Do you blush or get embarrassed while writing ?
HANA:  Nope.

TINA:  How do you write the scene? What is the inspiration?
HANA:  My ert imagination Lol.

TINA:  Thoughts after writing your first ever scene?
HANA:  Nothing to be honest, it’s just doesn’t freak me out like other writers, but I prefer it to be only between lovers and married couples. Gay or not.

TINA:  What is the secret of writing a scene that turns on your readers?
HANA:  I don’t know, I write what I have in mind and imagination. Though even in scenes I like with emotions.

TINA:  It is so heart breaking when u see your favorite authors deleting their journals or accounts,taking away the chance to reread some of your favorite stories..and having those wonderful stories lost..Have you anytime in future have plans on deleting your journal?
HANA:  No never, but in the past I did want to deactivate my account, but I changed my mind when one of my readers encouraged me to write and don’t care about hate or anything else, we write to have fun and keep our OTP alive.

TINA:  Any words for the readers?
HANA:  Please keep supporting me sweeties.



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