The Unicorn

Your shadow never leaves you [Hiatus]


A beautiful man ran across the hall way, managing to avoid the bullets zipping above his head and passing by his ears. In fact, he had managed to dodge all the bullets shot at him while making it to the other side, where a taller man was waiting for him, with an anxious look on this face.

“Joongie! Careful!” The taller man shouted as another bullet disintegrated into the wall beside the man running. “Yunnie! Catch!” the beautiful man had shouted as he threw a rifle into the other man’s hands.

“BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!” cries of pain and anguish can be heard. No bullet from the rifle had missed its target. Smiling, the taller man reloaded the rifle then reached out one hand to embrace the other man who had jumped onto him and clung on.

“Behave yourself babe!” The taller man reprimanded the other for touching him all over.

“I missed you Yunnie!”

“It’s 1… joongie. We are still on a mission. Save the pet name for later.” The taller man said half whispering.

Yunho and Jaejoong had been on separate missions for the past one month and Jaejoong had actually gone to where Yunho is. Jaejoong had just returned from his mission on the other side of the world and he is really missing Yunho and can’t wait to be beside him again.

They were a special case. Numbers were never meant to interact with each other in the camp. Yunho and Jaejoong however, had overcome all odds just to be together. Their relationship was the only one accepted by the higher power, because of their ability to coordinate well with each other had made their combined abilities an asset. They might both be the best when alone, but they are unbeatable together.

After all, the first batch was the trial batch that went really well for the higher powers. 3 of the tentacles are from the first batch too. Yunho being the first child picked by the higher power; had gotten much leeway from the higher power. They had even been given him a special task to control the numbers from causing rampage or breaking the rules.

He is currently conducting his mission and Jaejoong had turned up to lend him a hand. He was thankful that his lover is still alive and well, as it is not every time that a number will return from a mission in one piece. In fact, he was glad that all the 8 tentacles are still alive and well. Only he knows their identity and where they are most of the time. All of the mission that the rest of the 7 tentacles are assigned to goes through him first, he will also get information on their missions, just in case anything happens to them.

He is like the big brother, always looking out for them, always covering their backs, but in secret. He is also unbiased towards any of them, not even to his lover. In fact, he would always assign Jaejoong the most difficult tasks, having faith that he will complete it and return to his side.

“Joongie! I need you… one more time.” Yunho breathed into Jaejoong’s ears as he the ear lobes. They had just finished making out on Yunho’s hotel bed and Jaejoong has a new mission to start.

“Yunnie… I have to go… I love you.” Jaejoong turned to face Yunho and gave him a kiss on the cheeks. He knows that Yunho loves a kiss on the cheek more than anywhere else. Jaejoong hates having to leave Yunho after just meeting him, but he is assigned as the one to do overseas missions. He is never around Yunho for too long, and he is already used to it.

Being number 1 and 2 is the toughest. They have more expected from them, from missions to maintaining order amongst the numbers. Number 3, 4 and 5 does not have it any easier either. They are in charge of infiltration, information collection and close range assassination. Number 6 is in charge of following up on failed mission and clearing up the hit list; he is the only one in charge of this job. Number 7 and 8 are in charge of the hacking into systems, spying and long range assassination. The other numbers aside from the tentacles, are in charge of the more "convenient" assassinations. The higher power will usually only call for the tentacles as and when needed, especially when the other numbers had failed.

POV from Yoochun

I had recently closed my case and tried to get into a relationship with a woman, but she had cheated on me. I was really angry… not because I fell out of love… it’s because I don’t like to be cheated on! She had lead me on and made me look like a fool! I had seriously contemplated killing her, had she not begged me so hard. I have a “soft heart” for “non-powers”. I don’t kill people that are not on the hit list anyways. Just call me merciful.

Then I met him at the pub where I had gone for a drink. He had etched himself so deeply into my mind within just a few minutes of being around each other. I can’t believe myself right now… this is just wrong! I had never failed to expel anyone I had just met from my memory. Even when my parents had been murdered in front of me… I was able to suppress the memory so well… it had become vague.

I have to meet him again! I need confirm his identity… he had gotten me so curious… I can hardly suppress it. I can’t sleep!!! I think I will go for a smoke.

I left my room quickly and headed down the stairs. Reaching the last few flights of stairs, I heard the door on the first floor opening. I leant close to the wall behind me and waited for the person to come in. Firstly, I need to know if he or she is alone, then I need to be sure that the person is not here to hunt for me. Most importantly, I have to be wary of the person as no one takes the stairs to their hotel room when there is the lift. I waited, keeping as still as I can… I had noticed the way the footsteps sounded so soft… so subtle, it sounded as though it is barely brushing against the floor. This characteristics will be remain unnoticed to normal people… but I will definitely recognise this type of footsteps… because I walk like that as well. I try to control the tendency to walk like that as and when possible… this person is definitely someone dangerous. Should I confront him or pretend that I am just another normal person?

I immediately decided not to create any trouble for myself, so I quickly got my act together and continued holding my breath, keeping really still until a familiar mob of light brown hair flashed past my eyes. Before I could see anything more, he or she seemed to have spotted me and was backing down from the steps he or she had just taken. He or she seemed to have noticed my presence even though I had held my breath. Damn! Who is that! I’m sooo curious!!! Damn me and my curiosity!

I quickly got off the wall I was stuck onto and dashed down the stairs. The familiar scent and black coat had caught my attention before I had grabbed the fleeting person and turned him or her around. “YOU!” an exclamation escaped my throat.

IT’S HIM!!!! I MUST BE DREAMING!!!NO! HE IS IN FRONT OF ME!! The things I had wanted to do to him flashed across my mind again. first thing is that I needed to check if he is a number!!! Secondly, I will confirm if he is definitely a HE…

A fist was into my face as I grabbed him, but thanks to my reflexes, I managed to dodge it. Then a knee flew towards my crotch, I had managed to dodge that as well, but not without letting go of him. Once he was freed, he had turned and tried to flee again. Unfortunately for him, I was faster!

I reattached my hands onto his wrist this time and twisted it behind his back, causing him to grimace in pain. I was surprised at how little sound he did made… I would usually yell or at least make some noise while I throw my punches… he just keeps so quiet. I could not even get him to cry out in pain as I twisted his arm up his back painfully.

He is wearing this really pissed expression though… he stared at me as if wanting to drill a hole into my face. I have never seen anyone with eyes that reflect their emotions so well… it’s as though he does not need to speak to tell someone exactly how he is feeling. Now that is strange! We numbers, have had all our emotions trained out of us years ago… we barely have enough emotional expressions to make us human.

He had ignited the curiosity in me once again. Is he really what I think he is? Time to find out! I reached towards his coat and tore it off him. Now he is really putting up a fight! He had twisted himself out of my “embrace” and is trying to pry my hands off by twisting my arm… HARD! “YAH!! YAH!!!”  I could hear myself yelp in pain. Now I’m pissed!

He had trampled on my ego and spit on me by making me cry out in pain… did I mention before that I hate… I HATE IT when anyone causes me pain!!! I had not felt pain for a long time and I had not allowed anyone to induce pain on me. F***!!! DIE!!! I punched him on the head… hard! I had actually hit him just below the temple, somewhere above the ear, so hard that my knuckles hurt.

He must have failed to anticipate that move though… the blow onto the side of his head had sent him staggering away from me and writhing in pain while supporting the wall. I immediately regretted this move! I shouldn't have hit him! He had not even done anything to me except when he tries to defend himself… a sudden sensation of guilt and shame had washed over me.

I saw his hands holding the place I had just hit him... I want to apologise... but it was partially his fault right? He had twisted my arm in a bad angle just now… I hit him only out of reflex… I think.

He is a strong guy… much stronger than he actually looks. Normal people who had received such a blow from me… would have been knocked out. However, he had stood his ground and looked at me as though he is tearing me up mentally. Then he charged at me with a dagger in one hand… slashing and stabbing at me.

“AHH! S***!!!” he is really fast! I could barely dodge him! I could see clearly, the seething anger, written all over the face.

“Smack!” I had managed to disarm him and hit him on the face. With him still reeling from the shock of my blow, I hurriedly slipped his sleeves up his biceps. There was no tattoo there. Then I pulled his shirt down his back, threatening to tear it as well… then I saw it! I SAW IT!!!

A silhouette of a unicorn encasing a small “vi” on his left shoulder blade! OMO! He is the legendary number 6!!! The only batch 2 child left!!! He is also a tentacle. I finally meet a number!!

While I was still gloating over my mini triumph, I felt his body slump onto me. OMO! I had finally knocked him out. Then I noticed blood smeared all over my shirt. Am I bleeding? Ani… it’s him! There is blood all over his left ear where I had hit him earlier on… and his ear is still bleeding from the crevice. S***!!! I just attacked my own comrade and took him out… what is the matter with me?!?


POV from Junsu

I had finished my drink and felt ready enough to go back to my room for a good night sleep. I was actually feeling happy and light headed when I entered the fire exit. Even though I must be drunk… old habits die hard... I had immediately felt my skin tingle… the atmosphere is not right! There is someone with me! Nearby!

I had decide to run, so I backed down the steps and turned to run, but was stopped by a pair of strong hands gripping onto my shoulder. I had instinctively turned around and thrown punches at my assailant, but he was really fast! Damn him! I can’t hear his voice but I saw that he had said “you” with his lip movements… then I recognised him… it’s that idiot from the pub just now!

Then I tried to kick him on his manhood but he had dodged again. This time however, he had let go of me, so I had made a run for it. I do not want any trouble aside from those caused by work! This guy here is constantly giving me trouble though! Bastard!

He was too fast for me again and had grabbed my arms and twisted it behind my back. It had hurt like hell but I would usually not make a sound in this type of situation. It’s not as if I can communicate with him without looking at him. I wanted to tell him to leave me the hell alone... but still... I had not wanted to start any unnecessary conversations.

I felt my coat ripping as he pulled it off me. WHAT THE?!? Now I’m mighty pissed! I wriggled my way out of his bear hug, grabbed his wrist and twisted it as hard as I could. I finally saw a different expression on his face… aside from the usual non chalant and proud ones...he is definitely angry and trying to say something now. I must be so concentrated on trying to read his lips that I failed to notice his hands rise up and come down straight onto the left side of my head.

He had hit me! He had actually used his fist to hit me on my head! Damn that hurt! The blow had sent me reeling… I could barely stand straight after the blow… I could not hear the sound his fist had made when it had came in contact with my head… but I could feel the blow still lingering. I instinctively reached up to my left ear to ease the pain when I felt a warm liquid sipping through my fingers. Damn! My ear is bleeding again! The doctor had told me to avoid any trauma on my ears as the bones in my ear canals are already damaged and it will only worsen if I was hit on the same place.

I had constantly avoided any trauma, and was really careful not to injure that part… but he had just hit me! And he was the one who had assaulted me first! ENOUGH! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! I HAD PUT UP WITH HIS NONSENSE FOR WAY TO LONG!!! I could not control myself from turning rampant. I had grabbed the dagger strapped around my calf and threw myself at him.

I was unable to fight him though… my world was spinning with every angle in which I moved my head. The giddiness was so bad that I almost threw up… but I didn’t care. He had pushed my limits so far that there is no turning back. Then my vision doubled… I was losing consciousness no matter how hard I had tried to stay alert. He had hit me again on the face this time. This final blow had stunned me so much that I had allowed him to twist me around and flinging me from side to side. I could also feel him rummaging at my collar and tugging at my sleeves and shirt before darkness had taken over.

Who is he? What is he trying to do? He is fast! He is strong! He had beaten me in hand to hand combat time and again! Is he a number as well? I know he is not a power… that’s for sure! I can feel it deep down inside! It is weird... how I felt so close to him that I even allowed him to come near me so many times… what is with this familiar feeling? Had I met him before somewhere else?


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ilubbu #1
Chapter 4: Omg I want to read more its so good!
denisz23 #2
please update soon ^^
New reader!
You got me intrigued for the rest of the untold story yet, so please update soon!^^
ting05 #5
Interesting and kind of sad seeing how these kids were robbed of their childhood and now have to live their life killing. Reminds me of one of my fav movies Hitman.<br />
<br />
And hooray that Yoosu finally they know each other back from when they were training?<br />
I know this is an interesting story... but I'm little bit confuse..<br />
maybe it's because of the story still on chapter 1<br />
so please update soon and more :3<br />
thx for update ^^
kyaaa update soon ^o^