The lion

Your shadow never leaves you [Hiatus]



“Hyung! Joon is dead! A bullet to the head!”

“I know. I saw the news just now.”

“What do we do about his man? He has the biggest territory by far. You should take over.”

“We will discuss this later. Find out which number did him. Bring him to me alive!”

“Why bother hyung… he got careless… it’s too bad for him…”


“Okay! Chill!”

“ALIVE! Damn those numbers! It’s war. GODS is going down!”

The mysterious figure speaking earlier on had hang up the phone. He is really pissed off now. His friend and partner is dead, and this friend happens to be the ninth friend to be murdered. He will not let it slide! The message GODS is trying to get across is clear! It is time to fight back!

First, he will relieve his anger by going on a rampage. He will show the higher power who is boss! Then he will get his hands on the number that had murdered his friend. He will not show any mercy!

“Beep!” the fax machine sounded as it spits out the paper. It’s a print out of a CCTV footage. The images were blur and there wasn’t even a single image with the assassin in it. Not even a shadow.

“Useless bums!!!” he shouted as he crushed the paper, then flinging it into a bin.


POV from 3 (Yoochun)

! F*** her! That had been two timing me! She had led me on all this time… to think I was too dense to notice. I sat in the pub cursing and swearing… I need a drink!

“One more whisky over here!” I shouted at the bartender across the counter. The bartender had swiftly made a drink and slid it over the table, I had thought it was mine so I stopped it from sliding further and gulped it down. The drink I had just swallowed is not whisky though… it’s not as strong!

“Yah! You! I asked for whisky!” I hollered at the bartender just to get a dirty look from him. He then slid another cup across the table to me. This time I’m sure it’s whisky because of the colour. Before I could take a swig at my cup, I felt it being snatched away from my hand. I immediately tried to retrieve it but only got back an empty cup.

I spun around just to meet a lady face to face. The first word that came to my mind was WOW! She looks so ravishing! Her alluring brown eyes staring into my own, her exquisite lips, the cute little nose and beautiful light brown hair, I was bewitched immediately. Then my eyes trailed down to her chest… naturally… and saw that it’s flat… flat like an airport runway. OMO! She is a male? I could feel my eyes widen and freeze below her neckline.

He or she had a really annoyed look on the face but had not said a thing. Then he or she suddenly spun around and walked away from me… WAIT! Did he or she just steal my drink?!! I snapped out of the trance immediately after being reminded that he or she had indeed just chug down my drink. Now I’m pissed! He is definitely male! A woman wouldn’t steal people’s drinks!!!

“YAH! YAH!” I shouted as I raced after him. Damn he is fast. I actually had a hard time keeping up while trying not to crash into the waiters. “STOP! COME BACK HERE!” I shouted at the top of my lungs as I exited the pub. He did not seem to hear me though.

“BAM! BAM! BAM!” I was startled by the sound of a gun being fired. Someone had definitely fired a gun somewhere nearby… I wonder who died… Looking back again, I saw that he is still walking away while everyone else on the streets had stopped for a look.

Is he deaf? “YAH!!! YOU!!!” I shouted again and picked up speed as I charged towards him. Catching up with him, I grabbed his shoulders with both my hands and held on to him tightly. In a split second, he had turned around, placed his hands above mine, both hands and knees hooked on really tightly to mine, trying to toss me over… really fast.

I was stunned initially but was able to land on both my feet after he had flipped me over his shoulder, I unhook my hands from his and wrapped my right arm around his neck while still holding on to his hand with my left. Looking at his face, I realised he had widened his eyes and was staring at me. His eyes looked even more alluring now that it is so wide! I’m bewitched again… WAIT! He is a HE… I’m not supposed to be enticed by him!

“You took my drink! I will teach you a lesson on manners!” I said as he twisted him around and toss him over me. I was surprised that he actually landed on his feet as well. Damn! His reflexes are good! With our hands still attached, we had repeatedly tried to throw each other off, but constantly failing.

If a passerby had seen us now, he or she would probably think we are dancing!

This is ridiculous! I cursed mentally before grabbing him up and carrying him with me. I had tucked him under my armpit and towed him back to the pub. He will pay me back the drink he took. He had kept surprisingly still though… not struggling. I burst in to the pub again and sat him down onto the stool beside me, and then I ordered the bartender over.

“He will treat me to the rest of my drink tonight! Bring me your strongest booze!” I said while pointing at him. The bartender just nodded and got back to work. With the bartender gone, I turned to look at him. He just sat there really silently… not even moving a muscle. He just glared at me with those wickedly beautiful eyes of his… did I just praise him again… what’s wrong with me!

“Your treat!” I said to him as I grabbed the glass the bartender had just handed me and chug it down.

“You took mine first.” He replied. HE REPLIED! FINALLY! His voice sounded weird though… void of expressions or emotions… it’s as though he is reading off a script. His intonation sounded really off as well.

“You took my drink first.” He said again… same weird voice and intonation. I have heard this voice somewhere before! Now I’m spacing out.

“Are you done sulking. Can I go now.” His voice, the way he breaks the sentences is just so… so familiar! WHERE HAVE I HEARD IT BEFORE?! This time he had snapped his fingers in front of my face dragging me back from my thoughts. I found myself staring at him now… but I can’t remember! AHHH!

He then got up and left while I sat there sulking. This is one weird encounter! First he manages to take the cup from my hand… which means he is really fast. Then he actually almost successfully judo flips me… which is actually rare, considering I’m top in my batch for hand-to-hand combat. Then he actually countered my judo flip… which is impossible unless he is a… OMO!

IS HE A NUMBER?! The thought screamed in my mind. If he is, then he is probably a good one! I can’t believe I actually met one of my kind!! OMO! I have to confirm this!!! Where did he go?! I shot up from my seat and raced out of the pub… but there is no one there.


I let the warm water caress my senses while I stand under it… looking at my bicep… I could not but focus on the “iii” tattooed onto it. The tattoo is pretty small and is surrounded by a silhouette of a lion. The lion symbolizes my batch… everyone in my batch has the lion around their number as well.

“iii” is me… I’m number 3. There are 2 other numbers that are from my batch… they are tentacles as well. They are “i” and “ii” respectively. We grew up together and I know them well. I wonder which batch he is from… is he a tentacle… like me?

I want to meet him again… I can’t get him out of my mind! His face!!! AHHH!!! I’m straight! Why am I thinking of him? The voice! Where have I heard it before!?

2 hours later…

Yoochun tosses and turns in his bed, trying to get a good position to sleep in. His mind is so preoccupied with the boy he had just met. He could still picture the boy’s face clearly in his head. The features, his hair, his voice and the way he speaks, his back view and his beautiful curves. “OMO!!! GET HIM OUT OF YOUR HEAD YOU DOUCHEBAG!!!” Yoochun shouted at himself. He then sat up angrily, threw on his coat and left the room. He had felt the need to smoke a cigarette.

Making his to the fire exit, he had pushed through the door, trying to avoid the CCTV nearby. Yoochun never takes the lift, his always takes the stairs. All numbers are trained to take the stairs so as to avoid meeting anyone.

Almost reaching the last flight of stairs, he heard the door open and saw a figure enter. Reflex and instinct caused him to lean close to the wall as he waited for the person to pass him, after all, not a lot of people will take the stairs in a hotel when there is the lift. Then Yoochun’s eyes widened when he saw the person. “YOU!"


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I hope this chapter is a little clearer... do give your opinion. Thank you! (@iscreamout)

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ilubbu #1
Chapter 4: Omg I want to read more its so good!
denisz23 #2
please update soon ^^
New reader!
You got me intrigued for the rest of the untold story yet, so please update soon!^^
ting05 #5
Interesting and kind of sad seeing how these kids were robbed of their childhood and now have to live their life killing. Reminds me of one of my fav movies Hitman.<br />
<br />
And hooray that Yoosu finally they know each other back from when they were training?<br />
I know this is an interesting story... but I'm little bit confuse..<br />
maybe it's because of the story still on chapter 1<br />
so please update soon and more :3<br />
thx for update ^^
kyaaa update soon ^o^