Pouting Mochi (2/2)

Bicker and Butter
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Chanyeol walked into his residence with an enormous frown marring his charming face. The talk that he just had with Jongin made him restless. He knew that his Mochi was a survivor, he was indeed a tough young man, a fearless soul and that’s why he loves him so much. Sighing, he peered at the living room again, the area was quiet, there were no single movements and he instantly knew they had all already fallen into dreamland while cuddling inside the tent.


He was about to shed away from his purple sweatshirt when Toben came running behind him. The small dog was barking enthusiastically while tugging the end of his pants. Chuckling, Chanyeol discarded his used clothes inside the laundry basket and sat down on the carpeted floor, hunching his shoulders to lower his upper torso. He giggled when Toben his face. The tiny puppy looked so anxious, wiggling its tail while looking at the bedroom door.


“Your daddy is taking your place beside Mongrong again huh?” He laughed when Toben started barking, jumping around excitedly as if it truly understood what its master was asking.



Amazed of how well Toben was responding to his words, Chanyeol kissed Toben’s curly fur softly. “You want me to shoo him away right?”



Toben barked again, the little dog had now started circling around Chanyeol. The CEO lifted Toben from the floor and carried him delicately in his arms. “Okay, I’ll help you, I miss my Mochi too,” he cooed and stepped out from his bedroom. Once he arrived in front of the yurt, Chanyeol sat down facing its entrance. Placing Toben on his lap, he peeked into the tent and smiled in amusement. Baekhyun was sleeping beside Mongryong, curving his petite figure into a ball. Both of them looked so adorable laying together like this.



“Are you dreaming of running around the park again, Mongryong?” The CEO chuckled when he saw Mongryong started kicking its legs in sleep.



“I’m sorry Tobennie, they look too tired, we shouldn't wake them up,”



Sighing, Chanyeol placed Toben next to Mongryong. After the sleeping Mongryong’s face, Toben rested its fluffy head on Mongryong’s body. Moving its ears,  Toben blinked at Chanyeol before closing its black beady eyes to sleep.



“Good night everyone, Papa love you guys so much,” Chanyeol whispered. After making sure the dogs and his Mochi were sleeping comfortably inside the tent, he got up from the floor and yawned. Ruffling his messy bed hair, he strolled toward his bedroom, he was extremely exhausted and sleepy. A good night sleep would certainly be a great assistance for him to recharge, he had a busy day ahead tomorrow.  






Chanyeol was a light sleeper, so he instantly woke up from his slumber when he heard his bedroom door being opened. Groggily opening his heavy eyelids, he squinted at the blurry image of Baekhyun that was standing at the doorframe. Baekhyun was pouting profusely, arms crossed over his chest. Chanyeol smiled, Baekhyun still looked attractive even with his tousled black hair and a tie loosely hanging around his fair neck.



“Mochi,” he rasped and switched on his bedside lamp. Rubbing the sleepiness away from his face, he shifted and patted the empty space beside him on the king-sized bed. “Baby, come here, what happened?”



“Toben kicked me out of the tent,” Baekhyun huffed as he stomped grumpily toward their bed.



Chanyeol chuckled and opened both of his arms widely to welcome Baekhyun. “Your place is here with me, Mochi,”



He groaned in pain when Baekhyun immediately leaped toward him on the bed. He waited for Baekhyun to settle snuggly pressed against him. Baekhyun rested his chubby cheek on his built chest and Chanyeol enveloped his arms around the latter's bare body. He kissed the top of Baekhyun’s head and smiled. The faint smell of bubblegum, Baekhyun’s signature body fragrance made Chanyeol’s heart felt giddy and incredibly happy. He wanted this blissful moment to last forever.  



“Mochi, are you sleeping now?” he whispered, nuzzling his nose on Baekhyun’s fluffy bed hair again. His body shuddered when Baekhyun gave a light kiss on his bare chest and kittenish  on his .



Snorting, he leaned closer to kiss Baekhyun’s forehead. “Okay, clearly not sleeping,” he smirked and cradled Baekhyun’s face with his palm. He wanted to look into Baekhyun’s droopy eyes so he tilted his fiance’s head up until he obtained the eye contact that he wanted.



Staring fondly at Baekhyun, Chanyeol couldn't stop himself from grinning like a fool. “Hey there my Mochi, can’t sleep?” he smiled when Baekhyun yawned cutely, face scrunched, resembling a sleepy puppy.



Burrowing his face in the crook of Chanyeol’s neck, Baekhyun nodded. He wrapped his lean arms around Chanyeol’s body and lifted one of his thighs onto the CEO’s hip. He squeezed the bigger man gently, making sure his entire body was covered in his tight embrace.



Chanyeol huffed, blowing his long fringe from covering his eyes. “You are cocooning me, little spider,”



He couldn't move, Baekhyun had him trapped inside his cocoon hug. He relaxed his body and let Baekhyun hug him as long as he desired.



Freeing Chanyeol from his firm, spidey hug, Baekhyun s his arms around Chanyeol’s waist and snuggled his face on his fiance’s broad chest. “Can’t sleep,” he whined.



Chanyeol placed his palm on Baekhyun’s thigh, him gently. “Tell me,” he mumbled, pausing mid-sentence to kiss Baekhyun’s closed eyelids. “What happened?”



Placing his palms on Chanyeol’s hard abs, Baekhyun jutted his lip, demanding a kiss on his pouty mouth and giggled happily when Chanyeol fulfilled his wish.


“Feeling better?” Chanyeol teased, pulling away from the brief kiss. He gasped when Baekhyun cupped his face and pressed their lips together again. He loved being kissed by his Mochi so much. He made him breathless, panting in between their wet kisses. He knew that their heated make-out session would be over soon when Baekhyun bit his bottom lip, it gently before pulling away.


“Work is hard,” Baekhyun started. Looking straight into Chanyeol’s eyes, he inhaled and exhaled deeply. He then pressed his forehead on Chanyeol’s chest and whined.



“Hearing other people talk bad things about me is hard,”  



Chanyeol sighed and caressed Baekhyun’s soft cheek. “I know you can handle it well. I promise I’m not going to interfere, but you should know very well that I will always be there for you if you ever need me. You have the company's CEO’s shoulders to cry on,” he said smugly.


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Beau1996 1387 streak #1
Chapter 1: Loey finger holding - too sweet!
174 streak #2
Chapter 2: Shuddering due to excessive fluff 🥰
Chapter 1: Oh goodness this is just A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E
I'm soft T.T ❤
Chapter 4: This is so full of fluff IM CRYING T.T
Chapter 4: thank you author for gathering all of byun baekhyun er in here hehe
Chapter 4: This is soooo cuteee! ?
Chapter 1: this is.. so cute omg T^T
Chapter 4: The last bit ☺️?
Chapter 4: Ghad they're really cutr asf and I want moreeee