Pouting Mochi (1/2)

Bicker and Butter
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“Mochi? Where are you, Baby?”


Chanyeol called as he stepped outside of his bedroom. Glancing at the wall clock hung in the corridor, he sighed. It’s already past midnight and Baekhyun was supposed to be asleep by now. Earlier that day, his Mochi told him that he would have an early department meeting to attend tomorrow morning. The suspiciously quiet atmosphere inside the house made him frown; it actually made his heart skip a beat, now he was becoming nervous. Baekhyun and their kids were terrible at keeping their voices down when they were together unless they were up to some mischiefs. Baekhyun’s soft giggling noises with Toben’s and Mongrong’s playful barking led Chanyeol toward the living room.


‘What are they doing?’


The CEO squinted his large brown eyes as he tiptoed to peek at Baekhyun and their kids from the kitchen area. The last time they were being so quiet like this was when they flooded the entire master bathroom with bubble foams. The whole penthouse reeked of bubblegums for a week straight after that incident. Chanyeol was clearly reminded of how he has had a super hard time finding all three of them hiding underneath the massive white foams. Smiling, he still remembered the enormous grin plastered on Baekhyun’s face when he found him soaking wet while securely hugging two equally ecstatic Toben and Mongrong on his lap. At that moment, Baekhyun looked extremely adorable, absolutely breathtaking and Chanyeol was more than glad that the blinding sunny smile was exclusively reserved for him.




Chanyeol’s heart swelled with affection at the sight of his Mochi. He couldn’t stop the smile that's creeping onto his face. He missed him already and seeing Baekhyun again put his heart at ease. Baekhyun was sitting in front of their kids' big sleeping tent wearing only his black boxer shorts that left nothing to the imagination. His raven hair was sticking up messily in every direction. Chanyeol could only see the side of Baekhyun’s face but he knew his Mochi was currently pouting. Then he heard Baekhyun’s soft grumbles as he tried to fix something on both Toben’s and Mongrong’s neck.


‘A tie?’


Chanyeol’s eyes narrowed into slits as he carefully observed Baekhyun’s and their kids' weird attitude. All of them were wearing ties on their neck and Baekhyun was not really doing a good job tying them properly. Toben and Mongryong were being such good dogs for staying still while Baekhyun fixed their crooked ties.


“How do I do this?” Baekhyun whined exasperatedly and slowly released his fingers from the messy knot of Toben’s tie.


“Am I a bad husband Tobennie?” he sighed and patted Toben’s head. Toben started jumping around excitedly and Baekhyun giggled when Toben leaped into his lap to his face.


The CEO frowned, Baekhyun’s devastated state worried him. ‘Something must have happened at the office, something that might have upset my mochi,’ he huffed and ran back toward their bedroom to get his phone. Dialing Jongin's number was the only best solution he could think of right now.


“What is it, Chan?” Jongin’s voice sounded so raspy over the phone.


“I know it's already midnight, but I truly need your help right now,” Chanyeol spoke in hushed tones, almond-shaped eyes warily locked on Baekhyun's petite figure that was currently crawling into their kids' tent with a giant pout marring his face. Toben and Mongryong began jumping, barking happily around him.


“My Mochi is acting weird, do you possibly have any idea why?” he whispered, biting his lower lip as he patiently waited for Jongin to answer.


“Hmm, Baby do you know why Baekhyunnie is upset?”


Rolling his eyes at Baekhyun’s pet name, Chanyeol groaned. “Baekhyunnie...really?”


“He’s one of the marketing department's babies,” Jongin stated as a matter of fact. “He’s adorable and a very good boy, everyone loves him,”


‘He is my good boy! Mine only! How dare they call him…,’


Inhaling and exhaling deeply, nostrils flaring in rage, Chanyeol closed his eyes and sighed. He wanted to scream over the phone to protest the term used by Jongin toward his Mochi but it was already late at night, and getting himself upset and all worked up before he went to sleep usually resulted in him having headaches the following morning.


‘Just breathe and let it go for now,’ he huffed. “I want to know the details Jongin,”


“Geez, calm down will you, I have had enough of your grumpy attitudes at the office,” Jongin whined. “It's a long story,”


“Coming over to your house...right now,” Chanyeol snapped and ended the phone call without even waiting a single second for Jongin’s reply. He slipped into his big, purple-colored 'ual Fantasies' hoodie and walked out of his bedroom. Peering at Baekhyun’s and his kids' tent as he sauntered as quietly as he could along the hallway toward the main door, he smiled.


‘They must have fallen asleep already,’ he thought.


After knocking at Jongin’s apartment door twice, the door flew open revealing a half- Jongin in his sweatpants. Jongin looked so pissed off but because of his droopy eyes and messy bed hair, Chanyeol couldn't take his angry face seriously. He knew Jongin too well, angry Jongin equals to a grumpy puppy.


“Why do I choose to live in the same building as you again?” Jongin complained, letting out exaggerated sighs but he still led Chanyeol into his simple yet sophisticated abode. He shrieked when Chanyeol suddenly wrapped his arms around his shoulder and pulled him to sit beside him on the couch.


Chanyeol smirked as he let Jongin go. “Now spill, or I’m going to bury you wi

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Beau1996 1387 streak #1
Chapter 1: Loey finger holding - too sweet!
174 streak #2
Chapter 2: Shuddering due to excessive fluff 🥰
Chapter 1: Oh goodness this is just A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E
I'm soft T.T ❤
Chapter 4: This is so full of fluff IM CRYING T.T
Chapter 4: thank you author for gathering all of byun baekhyun er in here hehe
Chapter 4: This is soooo cuteee! ?
Chapter 1: this is.. so cute omg T^T
Chapter 4: The last bit ☺️?
Chapter 4: Ghad they're really cutr asf and I want moreeee