'Loey' finger

Bicker and Butter
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Baekhyun whistled as he giddily strode along the path of the very busy street market near his office building. The blinding sun made him squint his droopy puppy eyes but that didn’t stop him and his eagerness to explore further into the market. He simply loved strolling around the street market, basking his pale skin under the sun while soaking in the atmosphere that the market was known for. The bustling market energy reminded him of his childhood days. His parents used to always take him to this market every Saturday morning and they would let him pick anything that he liked. Then after shopping, they would have their lunch at the noodle store that was just at the end of the street market. It had been so long since he was here. He got so busy with growing up and now working that he hadn't visited for a while. Though he would technically call it 'working' because he was just an intern, for now at least. Closing his eyes, Baekhyun smiled and hummed when the smell of the market's amazing food hit his nose. The nice scent made his stomach grumble.


“Focus Baekhyun, focus,” Puffing his cheeks, Baekhyun patted his rumbling tummy and continued to walk further into the market, looking specifically at the stalls that were selling little plushie and cute hair accessories. He stopped at the cutest looking stall and grinned. His eager fingers trail along the line of cute little plushies headbands. “Gosh this is so adorable!” he chirped happily out loud while grabbing a few of the colorful headbands and trying his best to wear them all at once over his head and around his neck.


“It’s you who is adorable,” a grandma, the stall owner said as she chuckled while helping Baekhyun to fix the headbands on his head.


“I-I’m not that cute, you’re much cuter than me, grandma,” Baekhyun blushed at the compliment and started taking a few selcas while being decorated with lots of headbands around his neck and head. “I’ll take all of these please!” he beamed, not wanting to part with the headbands and kept walking into the heart of the market. He stopped again at a stall that was selling rilakuma headbands.


“Awwww, you’re totally Chanyeollie's type, I’m going to buy you for him,” Baekhyun giggled and happily added the new rilakuma headband on his head. After paying, he continued his little trip, offering an undeniably pretty smile at every person that walked by and stared weirdly at his bizarre fashion sense.


Baekhyun was standing at a candies shop, picking his favorite sweets when his eyes caught a glimpse of a black colored car that stopped right beside the sidewalk. His breath hitched when a very familiar man stepped out from the car.


‘What in the world is he doing here?’ Baekhyun thought to himself as he saw his lover walking towards him in the middle of the market. Park Chanyeol looked really pissed as he came out from his black BMW, fingers busy fixing his expensive suit, eyes staring directly at Baekhyun with a very big frown on his face as he approached.


Baekhyun froze in his spot. Park Chanyeol looked so intimidating when his plump lips turned down into a big frown on his face. His red hair made him look so scary and unapproachable. Baekhyun had tried so many times in the past to fix his lover's frowning habit but stopped correcting it when he realized that a frowning Mr. Park turned him on. In his eyes, a red-haired Park Chanyeol was the sweetest yet iest human being that he ever had the pleasure of meeting. Though he had to admit that the CEO had a very blunt way of expressing his feelings. The CEO never liked to sugar coat his words. If he hated something, he would say that he hated it. If he loved something, he would say it again and again until Baekhyun got overly flustered with his words. At first Baekhyun blushed a lot but eventually, he got used to the taller's straightforwardness. Baekhyun got so lost in his thoughts that he failed to notice that the taller already stood in front of him, only snapping out of his thoughts when a scowling face made itself clear. 


“C-Chanyeol? I mean…Mr. Park?” Baekhyun stuttered, eyes scanning over his lover’s pissed off face. Judging by how hard Chanyeol’s eyebrows were knitted, he knew that his lover wasn't exactly a fan of having to be there right now. 'CEO Park didn't randomly do things like this. Things like strolling aimlessly in busy markets, eating street food and bumping shoulders with normal people.’


“Mochi, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the office?” Chanyeol worriedly asked while wiping the beads of sweat on Baekhyun's forehead with the back of his hands. He carefully moved to use his height to protect Baekhyun from getting his milky white skin scorched by the burning sun. 


“Not so loud!” Baekhyun whispered and covered Chanyeol’s mouth with his small hand. Sighing, he grabbed the front of

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Beau1996 1386 streak #1
Chapter 1: Loey finger holding - too sweet!
174 streak #2
Chapter 2: Shuddering due to excessive fluff 🥰
Chapter 1: Oh goodness this is just A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E
I'm soft T.T ❤
Chapter 4: This is so full of fluff IM CRYING T.T
Chapter 4: thank you author for gathering all of byun baekhyun er in here hehe
Chapter 4: This is soooo cuteee! ?
Chapter 1: this is.. so cute omg T^T
Chapter 4: The last bit ☺️?
Chapter 4: Ghad they're really cutr asf and I want moreeee