Chapter 1

Test Me

As Rei Jang stared up at the bright full moon the memories of all her wrong doing's came flooding back. Doubling over she clutched her chest in pain from the emotional pain those memories caused her. Taking deep breath's she closed her eyes willing herself to go numb once more. Once her emotions were under control she straightened up letting her arm that once clung to her oversized t-shirt where her barely beating heart resides, drop to her side the fresh red and swollen cuts on her forearm glistened in the moonlight. She was truly alone now.

All her friends had abandoned her, her now ex-boyfriend dumped her leaving her broken and shattered. Leaving her a hollow empty shell of what she once was. A month prior she had gotten into a fight with the people she once called family, the only family she had. She tried to make amends but her efforts were futile. The damage had already been done. She knew this but she still had hope which lead to more suffering. But now she felt nothing, no pain, no sorrow, no hunger, no warmth, no cold, nothing. 

Her friends tried to console her after she lost her friend but she had already slipped too far into herself allowing her depression to once again consume her, leading to her pushing everyone away for what she thought was for their sake and their protection. Which resulted in what she feared most, being abandoned by those she trusted and cared about more than anything in the world. She was left in isolation to continue on with her meaningless life, well what was left of it that is. Now that she had nothing left to live for she didn't plan to prolong her suffering. 

Taking a ragged breath, allowing the brisk night air to fill her lungs, She staggered down the stairs that lead to the roof of her apartment complex. Entering her apartment one last time she looked around taking everything in, remembering everything she could, for this would be the last time she looks upon the remnants of her former life. Her life before everything went to , before she ruined everything. Grabbing her phone, a box of razors she had hidden for a night such as tonight she slipped on her shoes and stepped out of her apartment locking the door behind her before making her way into the bitter cold Fall night once more.
Walking down the street she looked for the closest alleyway ignoring the stares from those passed her by. She must've been a sight to see. A 27 year old girl walking down the street with no purse, no coat and freshly cuts on her arms from where she relapsed after being strong for many years came crashing down. But she didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. Finally spotting a decent looking alleyway Rei Jang slipped into the darkness and leaned up against the wall letting her legs collapse beneath her causing her to slide down the brick wall leaving scratches along her shoulders.
Taking the small box out of the pockets of her shorts she opened it carefull removing one of the blades. She chuckled to herself at the fact that she was being careful not to cut her fingers when she was about to use this tiny blade to end her pathetic life. Taking a deep breath she touched the cold metal to the bare skin of her left forearm. She wasn't scared but more exhilarated at the thought of dying and ending all of her pain and suffering not to mention the pain she caused her friends and those she cared about. She was going to end it all tonight.

"I'm sorry." Rei Jang whispered before making a decent sized cut diagonally acrossed the inside of her forearm. She felt a wave of peace wash across her as the blood began to flow freely. She didn't want to die quickly but she didn't want to prolong it either. This way it  would take longer but wouldn't take too long. About 30 minutes she read on an online news article. 

She started to feel weak from the blood loss she suddenly got an urge to wanna walk. Shakily she willed herself to stand up mustering all the strength she could as she leaned against the wall gasping for air. Just that small action left her feeling like she just ran a 5K. Finally feeling strong enough she pushed off the wall and slowly she walked down the now empty street, clutching at her arm as blood continued to flow though her fingertips staining the streets as she staggered along. She noticed her vision start to blur causing her to stagger and bump into anything in her path. Shaking her head in hopes to bring her sight back she felt someone run into her causing her fall to the cold hard ground. With no energy left she continued to lay there clutchering her arm and taking shallow breaths.
"Hey watch where you're going!" She heard someone yell at her. But she didn't care. She hoped they'd just leave her there to die alone like she wished. But that did not happen. She felt someone kneel down beside her placing their warm hand on her shoulder shaking her slightly. 

"Hey are you okay?!" She could hear the worry in his voice but she didn't have the strength to open her eyes let alone respond. She could feel herself slipping into darkness. She knew the end was near. She was ready. 

Rei Jang could hear unfamiliar voices calling for her. Not by name but by miss. She was confused. She thought death would be peaceful and quiet. But it wasn't. It was cold and noisy. She could hear a steady beeping in the background and the same annoying voices calling for her over and over. She wished it would all stop.

"She's responding but she's still not yet conscious. She's lucky to be alive. She's lucky you found her." Someone said in a deep husky voice.

"Lucky?! She wanted to die! Do you not realize what kind of wounds those are? Do those cuts look accidental?! And you call yourself a doctor." A familiar voice yelled. Rei Jang knew at that moment that she was alive. Death was not supposed to be this noisy and uncomfortable. 

"I do know what those are but you saved a life." The doctor replied in a soft voice.

She couldn't take this anymore. She wanted it all to end. Wincing she turned her head slighty to the direction of the voice she was familiar with. She felt the bed sink beneath her slightly as she heard the voices call for her again. Slowly opening her eyes she was blinded by the bright white lights and white ceiling tiles causing her to close her eyes shut again. Taking a deep breath she winced at the pain coming from her left arm. Yeah this most definitely insn't death, Death wasn't painful either.

Without opening her eyes she her dry lips and asked in a soft, raspy voice "Where am I?" 

"You're safe in the hospital. How are you feeling?" The husky voice from the doctor replied.

"Did you really just ask her that?!" The boy who she now realized is the one she bumped into that night snapped.

Re Jang opened her eyes one more time, blinking repeatedly trying to get her eyes to adjust to the light. She wanted to see who it was that is the cause of her being alive. She wasn't particularly thrilled to be alive but she'd be lying if she didn't admit she was kind of glad to still be breathing. She stared at him as he continued to look at her. He looked to be about her age. He was tall and slender but she could tell he was a bit on the muscular side. His eyes were dark brown and his hair was jet black, like hers. His fringe hung down in his eyes slightly. Concern mixed with a sense of protection was etched on his face. She didn't know why a complete stranger would act this way about her and even though it made her feel a bit uncomfortable she also felt a sense of warmth engulf her, a feeling she hadn't felt in a very long time. She liked it.

"I don't mean to interrupt but miss can I get your name? I went through your phone but it was devoid of pictures and all contacts. Do you have any family or anyone you'd want me to contact?" The doctor continued to ramble on question after question. 

"Dude doc, cool it with the questions. She's just waking up after almost dying and being unconscious for almost four days." The boy said letting agitation seep into his voice. Four days?! I've been asleep for almost four days?!

"I'm sorry. It's protocol so I have to ask." The doctor replied as his attention shifted to her waiting for her reply. This guy is not gonna give up so she thought she might as well give him what he wants.

"My name is Rei Jang. I deleted everything on my phone because I have no one anymore. My family is all dead. So no I have no one." She replied staring at the doctor who stood at the end of the bed with clipboard in hand and writing down everything that she was saying. 

"I see. So you truly are alone." The doctor said giving her a sorrowful smile. His words sent a pain shooting through her chest and she instinctively grabbed for her heart. She needed to get away from him asap.

"Dude that's not something you say to a suicide patient. I think you should leave her alone for now. And from now on you will not be near her or ask her any questions without me being here and speaking to me about her first. Got it?" He said harshly stepping closer to the doctor placing himself between us. Who was this guy? She didn't know why he was behaving this way towards her but she kind of liked it. It was nice to feel protected again. It was nice to feel things she hadn't in a long time. She definitely had to get his name and thank him for everything he's done for her.

"So you're announcing yourself as her guardian?" The doctor asked backing away from him a little. 

"Yes I am. Is that okay with you?" He asked looking back at her. 

She was so caught off guard by all of this she didn't know what to say so all she did was nod in agreement. This guy was becoming her guardian angel. But she wasn't about to let on that fact to someone who was a perfect stranger. But still she felt safe and comfortable in his presence. It was strange to her, she's never felt this way before. 

Turning around the boy looked at the doctor truimphantly and said "See there you have it. I'll be in charge of her treatments, consultations and any payments you require." 

Payments?! There was no way she was gonna allow him to pay for her being in here. She may not have her wallet or even the money but she knows hospitals do payment plans. He must've sensed that she was going to protest because he turned around looking her in the eyes and said "And don't try to argue with me on this you. I'm doing this regardless and I will not allow you to even consider paying me back ever." 

Nodding to the doctor who decided this was a good time to take his leave the boy came back and sat down in the chair beside her bed. She watched as he started to play on his phone. That was it? All that talk and he wasn't gonna say anything else? He was very confusing and that frustrated her. Feeling uncomfortable she shifted in the bed resulting in pain to shoot up her left arm from where she had cut herself. Letting out a small yelp she closed her eyes and gripped the blanket with her right hand. Noticing this the boy next to her dropped his phone, bolting upright and leaned closer to her placing his hand on her shoulder. "Hey are you okay?!" 

She could once again hear the worry and concern in his voice. She nodded and layed back down feeling suddenly exhausted. He helped her lay back down and tucked her in slightly before checking the bandage on her left arm sighing in relief upon realizing she had not opened her wound. Looking over at him and he once again sat back down she groggily asked as he went to reach for his phone "Who are you? What's your name?"

Looking up at her he smiled slightly placing his phone down on the bed next to her "I'm no one special just your average person who just happened to be in the right place at the right time but my name is Tae Won. It's nice to meet you Miss Rei Jang." 

"Likewise Mr. Tae Won. Thank you for everything." She was struggling to stay awake and Tae Won noticed this.

"I'd do it all over again. I'm glad I met you even if it wasn't under better circumstances. Now rest, you've had a trying day. I'll still be here when you wake up." He smiled at her reassuringly.

She could feel his hand on her right forearm gently running his thumb across her skin. She didn't shy away from his touch like she normally would. There was definitely something about this boy that intruiged her. Relaxing she closed her eyes and focused on the feel of his hand on her arm her gently as she drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep, a type of sleep she hadn't experienced in a very long time.

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