
My Solace Is You

He didn't go to class the next day. He still wasn't feeling his best, but he was no longer sleepy. Jimin woke up with him and even stayed around to make sure he put on clean clothes and ate some breakfast. Of course he didn't eat a whole lot, but he ate as much as he could without feeling sick and he even took his vitamins on time.

Namjoon told him to make sure he got a shower later, it had been a few days since his last full wash and it would ease the tension he was feeling. Seokjin didn't say much, just gave him a pat on the back and a reassuring peck to the forehead. Most people would've thought that weird, especially with his own boyfriend standing in the doorway, but it was a Seokjin thing and no one minded. Taehyung eagerly gave him a hug, boxy smile always on display. Hoseok made him promise to listen to the CD they have him yesterday. Jeongguk skipped around him, telling him today would be a good for them all and he called out a loud 'fighting' before rushing through the front door. He laughed softly, watching the others leave for class. Jimin lingered around a bit more, looking over his boyfriend carefully.

"You sure you're gonna be okay on your own? I'm only a call away y'know." Yoongi sighed, kissing the younger's lips quickly.

"I'll be okay, Minnie. Now get going before you're late." Jimin laughed, kissing him once more before leaving. He sighed, closing the door leaving him in complete silence.


He listened to Namjoon for once and took a quick shower. He didn't even realize how gross he felt until he stepped out of the humid bathroom. He sighed, flicking his wet hair back. He walked into Jimin's room. He rummaged through the younger boys closet, trying to find a pair of sweatpants that would actually fit him. He found a dark grey pair that were small but big enough to sit up on his hips. He slipped them on before walking across the hall to Hoseok and Jeongguk's shared room. He was going to steal another hoodie from younger, something brighter than his own wardrobe. He snatched a light blue hoodie, slipping it over his head. It wasn't his best outfit of choice, but he wasn't going to be doing anything for the rest of the day, this was the best he could do.


He slipped back into his bed, phone in hand. Jimin had texted him a handful of times, asking if everything was okay, if he was snacking, if he had taken a nap when he shouldn't be, if he tried working on his projects and homeworks. He responded to everything with short words. He was trying to get prepared so he could work on his things. He didn't think he was ready for writing down his thoughts, they would be too dark for his teachers and himself. He tossed his phone to the side after receiving a meme from both Taehyung and Jeongguk. He might as well force himself to look over his homework like Jimin said.

He stumbled over to his desk, sitting down in his chair. He wasn't much in the mood for writing so he decided on working on some maths. He shuffled through the papers on the desk, trying to find his book and work. A soft 'thud' stopped his search. He leaned over the side of the desk to see the CD that Hoseok and Taehyung had given him. He smiled slightly, picking it up. He promised he would give it a listen and he will.


"Yoongi-ah, it's okay. You know it's okay right. You don't have to rush. Everything is okay. You'll be fine. Don't ever feel like you aren't normal or that your worthless. It's okay. We all get this way sometimes. You'll make it through." Yoongi let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. The CD started with a softer tone of his song that he created for a class a fee semesters ago. He wanted so badly to fix it, but it still sounded nice on underneath his friend's voices.

"Hyung remember we're here for you. You don't have to hide out in your dark space all the time. We'll do whatever it takes to make everything better. And even if you don't feel good we'll lay out with you. Do our slumber parties like the good all days. You can even pick the movies, that'll start a good fight with Tae and Guk, don't you think?" Hoseok's laugh filled his room before it faded out and began the next person's message.

"Hyung, fighting! You're doing your best and that's all that matters. If you fall part what will keep us together? Namjoon sure can't do it on his own. Hell break us all before you do. Anyway, when you feel up to it we can always play Overwatch. What do you say?" He laughed into the musical void. That brat and his Overwatch.

"Yoongi-hyung, you can't sleep so much. You'll get sick. I know I tell you this all the time but I seriously worry about you. We all do. And I'm very serious about this. I want you to eat more and wash up. Even when you don't feel like it. You'll feel so much better." He had to agree, a shower and food would make him feel more like a human.

"Hyung smile! Just like me! You'll feel real good. Did you know fake smiles and laughs actually make you laugh and smile for real! You should do it more often, okay. I think it'll make you feel somewhat better. At least try." He shook his head. Taehyung must've done some research for that. He sighed, twirling his pencil in his hand. He was ready to turn the CD off when the music reach the chorus and Jimin's voice rang through his speaker's.

"So far away, if I have a dream, If I have a dream that flies away, Don’t fall away, yea, if I have a dream If I have a dream that flies away." His breath hitched as Jimin's voice caught on the last word, choking on the note as if he was ready to cry. "Hyung, please don't fall away from me. From us. I love you so much. I love everything about you. You're smile, you're laugh, you're tracks and you're lyrics. I love that you can break down and pick yourself up. But most of all, I just love you. Keep going, keep your head up. And if you ever feel like you can't do this, I'll be there to hold you above water. I know you can't drown your demons but if I'm your floatie, you can't drown either. I love you."  Yoongi smiled again, as the music faded out, Jimin's voice being joined by the others. He knew then that he would be okay very soon.

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