Chapter Two; Confusion

Opposites Attract.

August 5, 7:25 AM

Location: Cyan Highschool

Tifanny PoV

Ah! New school year, new me! At least that's what I hope for it to be like. Hey there reader! My name is Tiffany and I'm on my way to my first day of highschool. I'm a 17 year old girl who just wants to fit in and make friends like the rest. I moved from the US when I was 5 so I am used to the culture, yet I still get criticized. I still feel like a outsider even after being here for 12 years which . I came here with my father whom I hate very much because he doesn't really pay attention to his daughters. I'm used to it now because I realized he cared more about his work than his family. I would always run away from home because that place felt like hell. All because of him.There is tons more to explain but I'd rather not get into detail just yet, still a healing scar. Anyways, where was I? Oh right! I was telling you that I was on my way to school, which I still am but I'm arriving at the gates. This school actually looks really nice and.. normal I guess? I don't know. I have a feeling I'm gonna make a lot of memories here but mostly bad.. I'm curious. Finally arrived inside the school and it smells like.. a disgusting gym. That's always a great sign, right? Better look at my scheduale to see what my first class is. Right, Mr. Palmer and where would he be? Ah, classroom 13A in the far right corner of the upper school. I should have not worn a skirt because I can feel a few people's stares on me as I'm walking up the stairs. Well isn't that just great. Pause! I know I sound cold but I'm actually a bubbly person! I promise. I'm just extremely nervous because I actually want to fit in ya know? Anyways, zoom forward! 12C.. 12D.. 13A, gotcha. Alrighty! You got this Tiffany! Shake it off! Fighting! Oh wow, quite a few people in here. Jeez, everyone is staring at me! I guess I'll wave so I don't look so hostile. *Waves* Ah some people waved back, that's nice to see. I guess I'll go find my seat. Hmm I'll sit in the seat that is in front of the right far corner one because of the beautiful courtyard view. Well, I've only sat here for a few seconds and I'm already bored. This kinda . *Tap Tap* Huh? Was that my someone tapping my shoulder? Oh, wasn't she the one who waved back me? "Hi! I saw you wave when you got in the class! I was the girl who waved back. I decided to come by and keep ya company because you looked bored as soon as you sat down. Hope you don't mind that I bugged you." Did she read my mind? Or did I make it that obvious? "I don't mind at all! Was it really that clear that I looked bored?" I hope not. "Yeah sorta." Damn oh well. I possibly made a new friend out of that so that's a plus. "Well I'll introduce myself first. My name is Yuri! What is your name?" Yuri.. that's a cute name. "Tiffany. Nice to meet you Yuri! I hope we can be good friends." She seems nice so why not make her a friend? Plus new school which means fresh faces and friends. "We sure will! I'll give you my number so we can text whenever. Here ya go! I'm gonna head back to my seat since class is going to start in a few. Nice meeting you!" Wait really? Has time really creeped up that quickly? Wow. "Okay! See ya around. I'll text you later." Nice girl.


August 5, 8:00 AM

Location: Cyan Highschool

Tiffany PoV

That Taeyeon girl was cute hehe. I'm guessing she is a fresh face as well because I haven't seen her around before. Maybe a new person to the area? I'll go with that. She seemed really out of it when I tapped her shoulder, she must have been tired or something. I can feel someone's stare on my back which is weird. Probably another one of those jocks who are boys. Excuse my language but I hate them. I'm writing down my notes as Mr. Palmer is talking so I can get a good intake of what we are gonna study for homework tonight. God, I hate homework so much. Why is it a thing?


August 5, 8:30 AM

Location: Cyan Highschool

Taeyeon PoV

First class wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I thought I would've at least gotten in trouble for being late but he just told me for it not to happen again. Not a bad guy. Ouch, jerk. Some guy just ran passed and hit my shoulder. Why does everyone act like a animal in highschool? I never really got the point of getting high or drinking. People say they do it to drown their sorrows and numb the pain. I say that it's a faster way to death, which is stupid but I can't control them. Not my body, not my problem. My mother has told me that I sound old fashioned when I talk about that kind of stuff. I try not to sound tha way but I can't help it, I usually get angry as well but I'm working on not to be that way as much. Man, I am starving. I should've at least got a small snack before I left. Just gotta hold on till.. 12:15. About 4 hours till lunch, I can handle. Next class is History with Mrs. Sky in 15B on the lower level. God I hate stairs or anything that has to do with exercise in general. If you were asking my on how I'm thinking of school right now, I would give it a solid 5/10. It's toleratable but at the same time a pain in the . Gross, people are already making out on the lockers and it's the first day of school. What a great sight to see. "Taeyeon!" Huh? Tiffany? "Ah, Tiffany. Hey." Does she have History too? "Hey! Are you going to history as well?" God, her smile is something I can't stop looking at. "Uh, yeah. Sadly." I'm so awkward holy . "Don't be sad about it! You got my after all even though we just met not long ago." She does got a point. "True. Do you know when class starts?" I lied. I don't think I can last 4 more hours. I need a vending machine or something. "Um let's see.. It's 8:40 right now and it says it will start around 9:00. Why do you ask?" Sweet, I have time get me a snack. "I didn't eat this morning because I woke up late. I was going to wait until lunch but I'm starving. I decided I was going to go find a vending machine to settle the hunger." Has she eaten? I'll ask just incase. Doesn't hurt right? "Have you eaten anything, Tiffany?" She put her finger on her chin and put on a seriously face. Is that her thinking face or mad face? Either way, they are cute. Wait. Did I just say cute? Jesus christ. "Sorry I was thinking. I had a small breakfast so I'm a little hungry myself." Hmm.. I have room for her. "Do you wanna go find a vending machine and grab a small snack before class?" Did I sound nervous just now? Or normal? Or.. I'm so confused. What is normal at this point. "Sure! Let's go Tae!" Tae? Cute.


To be continued..



Heyo, it's yo grill sian. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I have more in store so I hope you will stick around. I want this story to be really good for you guys because I want this to be a work I'm proud of. Let me know what you think in the comments. See ya in the next chapter.





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1135 streak #1
Chapter 4: Damn is that guy gay hitting a girl like that and aww Taeng is sweet
1135 streak #2
Chapter 3: Damn how dare they slap fany... taeng where are you? Got to save Fany.... authourssi can tae read minds?
Chapter 1: Fany have Tae all melt out with just a smile :)