Chapter One; Angel.

Opposites Attract.



August 4, 6:50 PM

Location: Taeyeon's house

Taeyeon PoV

So now that you know who I am, I COULD go continue reading my book or tell you about myself, but I'll be nice and do the second choice. Well as you can see I like rain. I love reading any horror or paranormal novels. If you want a partner in crime to watch a horror movie, call me up. If I'm not reading or looking at rain, I'm usually in my 'batcave' playing my video games. Oh, and I love batman. There is some crucial information you got there. I also forgot to mention, I'm a 17 year old teenager with a short temper. Now that's out of the way, time to stare out the window. Hmm.. It's definitely pouring harder than it did a few minutes ago. Oh? That guy loves rain? Then again, I don't even know a thing about him so how would I know if he does or not. He looks like he is having fun skipping around, getting completely soaked. I'm too lazy to go out there now. Kinda a lame excuse to dodge someone but that's all I could come up with. It's a Sunday night, a day before the week starts and hell rolls around. My first day of Highschool. I had some complications so that's why I'm starting a year late. Too lazy to explain. I want to at least get a good nights rest for the first day. It's currently 6:50 and I wish it would be 12:00 by now so I can just sleep and have the next day come already, but sadly it doesn't work that way. I guess I'll read my book to kill time. 



August 5, 7:50 AM

Location: Cyan Highschool

Taeyeon PoV

Holy , I'm late. Nice start Kim Taeyeon. I slept through my alarm and only had 10 minutes to get ready so hopefully I don't look that much of a mess. God, I didn't even have time to eat, what a mess. I guess I'll just have to wait it out till lunch time. Hopefully it's good lunch. I'm walking to my first class of the day which is.. Mr. Palmer, Math. I'm not that bad at math but I'm not good at it either. I'm praying for my weak soul right now. I'm walking down the hallway to the classroom when I notice some group of kids huddled around. Don't know, don't care. I just want to get these periods over with so I can get me some lunch. I walk in and the class is somewhat full. I see some kids stare at me but I don't acknowledge them because I don't care. My mother has always told me people stare because of my child but pretty looks. Heh, what a lie. Oo, a seat in the far right corner, prefect! At least my luck is so far good. Some more kids come in and it starts getting louder so I decided to put my earbuds in. *Tap Tap* Did someone tap on my shoulder? I guess I better look just incase. Woah, she's pretty. Beautiful long brown hair, carmel brown eyes, out of this world eye smile and a wonderful aura to her. Oh ! I should say something. "Yes?" I say to her. "Hi! I noticed a pencil near your foot and was wondering if it was your or not?" Jeez. I could barley focus on what she said because her beauty was definitely a huge distraction. I finally snapped out of it and looked at the pencil. Sure enough, it is. "Ah, it is. Thank you for letting me know" I tell her as I reach down to grab it. "No problem! Well I guess I should head to my seat now. Make sure you look out for your pencils next time!" I feel shy? I don't even know why. I've never felt really this shy in such a long time. Not that I don't hate it but I don't like it either. I'll ask for her name just incase. Wait. what for? Too late now. "Um could I get your name by chance?" Why am I really hoping for her to give me her name?  "Oh, should've introduced myself haha. It's Tiffany." Tiffany huh.. pretty name.  She eye smiled at me when she said her name and it felt like I was in heaven for a second. What is happening? "Pretty. Mine is Taeyeon. Nice to meet you Tiffany." I never talk to anyone or gave someone my name unless it's really needed so why am I letting my guard down with her? My head is all confused. I gotta stop being so soft. "Thanks! Your name is pretty too! Well I should go before Mr. Palmer gets here. See ya around Taeyeon! *wink*" Did she just wink at me? Wow. She's a bold one ain't she? I shouldn't think more of it anyways. I do not want history to repeat itself! Nope nope! Not today satan! Stay focused and get your education. Speaking of education, here comes Mr. Palmer walking into the class room. Oh thank god. I wanna take one little peak at her before I pay attention to class. Oh man, even her backside is beautiful. I'm smiling so hard at some random stranger. What a new thing this is. 


To Be Continued..




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1135 streak #1
Chapter 4: Damn is that guy gay hitting a girl like that and aww Taeng is sweet
1135 streak #2
Chapter 3: Damn how dare they slap fany... taeng where are you? Got to save Fany.... authourssi can tae read minds?
Chapter 1: Fany have Tae all melt out with just a smile :)