Chaper Three; Friends

Opposites Attract.

August 5, 8:52 AM

Location: Cyan Highschool

Tiffany PoV

Taeyeon is so nice. It's weird for someone to care for me or even ask me if I ate. Like I said before, my father was a jerk and I didn't have a mother to ask me how I am. It was nice to actually be cared about for once ya know? I'm getting all emotional and all she asked if I ate.. Jeez get yourself together Tiffany Hwang. I wonder if she has a mother or father? Should I ask? Or would that be weird? "Hey Taeyeon" Here goes nothing. "Hm?" "Do you have a.." Ugh, I don't want to ask something so personal to someone I just met. I'll ask some other time when we are closer. "Um never mind." I hope she doesn't think much of it. "Mk" Oh thank god. After 10 minutes of searching, me and Tae finally sound a vending machine. Why did I just call her Tae? It's Taeyeon you dummy. I hope I didn't say her nickname outloud. "So, what do you want Tiffany? My treat" Woah, she surprised me. I was too much in my thoughts. "Are you sure? I can pay" Aww, Tae shaked her head like a little kid. That was so adorable! I guess I'll back down this time. "Fine Tae- I mean Taeyeon" ! I didn't mean to do that. "I'm sorry Taeyeon. I hope you don't mind that I called you that just now" My cheeks are all red and hot. Am I seriously blushing?! "It's alright, Tiffany. I don't mind. I'll call you.. Fany" SHE JUST SMILED. OH. MY. GOD. HOW CAN A HUMAN BE SO ADORABLE?! Calm down Tiff. She even gave me a nickname which means.. are we friends now? "D'aww Tae, you look so cute when you smile. You should do that more often. But are we going to get some food or what?" Hehe I saw a tiny blush before she could turn away to hide. "Uh yeah. What do you want?" Hmm chips or candy? I want some candy but since I had a small breakfast, it will probably make my stomach upset. So chips it is. "I'll have the classic Lay chips. You?" She looks like a girl with a sweet tooth more than a chip freak like me. "The Butterfinger candy bar. One of my favorites" I knew it. "Sounds good. Ready to head back tae?" I love calling her that. It just rolls off my tonuge like butter. "Let's go fany." Wait a second, what time is it? OH , IT'S 9:04! "Taeyeon! It's 9:04! We gotta run there!" Oh my god. We are going to get in so much trouble. "Oh god! I'm sorry Tiffany! I should've not dragged you to come with me. Let's just run to class" I feel bad now.


August 5, 9:06 AM

Location: History class

Taeyeon PoV

We made it just before the teacher started the lesson. Apparently she just briefing over some things we are going to learn this year so we didn't miss much. I was ready to stand up for us but I guess not. As we got settled in, there happened to be a seat in the far right corner just waiting for me. That's nice. And tiffany got the seat infront of me. What a score. Me and tiffany sat down without saying a word just to be sure we don't get us in any trouble. Fast forward to 10 minutes later, something is bothering Taeyeon. Who is that girl that keeps talking to Tiffany? I saw her in Mr. Palmer's class but they didn't talk. Maybe they are friends? I wouldn't be surprised. Tiffany seems like a girl who you can get along with easily. You feel like you can tell her anything and just let your guard down. Is that a bad thing? Nope. But it's bad when that happens to me. As much as I like Tiffany, I don't want to be as easy as that. I mean, I can imagine myself opening up to her in the future just not now. It may seem I know a lot about Fany but that's usually because I like observing people. Like around this classroom, I can name what people are like or what they are thinking. Not on point but, it's usually close to it. The guy in the front middle row, he just wants to have with that girl of him. The girl sitting next to me just wants money. I wouldn't be surprised. I feel so bad for her future men or women. Then this jerk eyeing Tiffany so wants . Just pure . His lust is so noticable in his eyes that if anybody took a look at him, they knew what he wanted. Simple as that. Last but not least, Mrs. Sky. I didn't have to be just students ya know. She just wants another cat because her recent one died. I can tell because her face seems sad while looking at a portrait that is on her desk. It could be a family member or something but, I highly doubt it. I may be wrong about all those accusations but you never know. Like you could be thinking of how nervewracking school is going to be like. Am I right? Or wrong? Who knows. Anyways, I should get back to listening to the teacher. Last thing I need is to get something wrong on the first day.


August 5, 12:15 PM

Location: Cafeteria

Tiffany PoV

Finally! Half of school is over and it's lunch time! I'm starving. Not much happened after History. Me and Tae had to go to different classes so we parted ways. I forgot she classes she had and I do not want to go over the ones I had. I will say they were boring. Currently, I'm in line waiting for some yummy food. This place looks like a prison cafeteria more than a school one. But then again, school is like a prison. At least we get food! "Um, can you give me extra, you pig?" Woah isn't she nice. The girl infront of me just said that to the person that's SERVING us food. Be lucky you got the food in the first place. "Next time, you won't get any if you ask me that again Ms. Lip" Jeez. What a stern lady. When Tiffany finally got her food, she now needed someonewhere to sit. Hmm, where to sit.. I've heard you gotta pick wisely when it comes to seats. I'm gonna look for Yuri first. Oh! I see her! She seems like she is wish friends though. I don't want to interrupt or anything so I won't sit there. What about Tae? I don't see her around at all. I thought she would be here since she did only eat a candy bar. Oh well, guess I'll just sit by myself. Right when Tiffany was about to sit down, the mean girl from the lunch line sat down with two other girls. "Excuse me brat but we got this bench. Now go sit on the floor or something." Oh you gotta be kidding me. The last thing I need is someone like this. "Um you guys just ran here. So techinally you didn't have it before me." Beat that . "Um techinally you need to shut your mouth before you get your handed to you." How mature. All of sudden, a group of boys show up to the girls table. "Hey babe, what's going on?" OH YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. OF COURSE HER BOYFRIEND IS GONNA BE THAT GUY. I could feel his eyes on me in History! That's so him. "Hey baby! This girl here is being a bully" Um, last I checked you were honey. "I got this baby. Excuse me but are you being mean to my girl you dumb ? Go sit somewhere else with your loser self or else" Okay, now I'm beyond pissed. "Or else what?" *SLAP* "TIFFANY!"


To Be Continued...



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1135 streak #1
Chapter 4: Damn is that guy gay hitting a girl like that and aww Taeng is sweet
1135 streak #2
Chapter 3: Damn how dare they slap fany... taeng where are you? Got to save Fany.... authourssi can tae read minds?
Chapter 1: Fany have Tae all melt out with just a smile :)