chapter 5

the guardian
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Joshua remains still on his spot, hands ready to knock the uninvited person down. Meanwhile, that person smiles coyly. 


That person takes a step closer to Joshua. “You shall not be alone in this darkness, where’s your pack?” He raises a single brow, “and where is your wolf spirit? I want to see the wolf, he must be as great as you.” 

Joshua clenches his fist. He knows where it is gonna lead him to. But he has to control himself. Also, he has to control Glacier to come out, though the spirit gives no hint of coming out either. 

“What do you want?” 

The person smirks. “You and the pack. Besides, the hunter you hide.” 

“I don’t know what you mean," he lies, “Johnny.” 

The person bobs his head happily. “Nice to know that you will always remember me, but I have to remind that hunter is mine.” 

Joshua steps back. “I don’t know what you mean with the hunter. I find no hunter in this forest.” 

“If it’s that case, I should find the hunter and his sister in his house and I have to see my magical wolf to bring them in my castle and force you to surrender the pack.” 

“Well if it’s that case…” 

Johnny instantly grabs Joshua before the guardian even can flee from the matter. He grips hard onto him, leaning closer to whisper near Joshua’s ear. “Do you have to be like this? It’s easier to let the hunter and the pack go, I’m trying to be easy for you, Shua.” 

Joshua rebels and tries to get out of Johnny, but who will think Joshua’s power is not as strong as he deliberately let Johnny get him. He wants to get tailing Johnny instead of letting him know the situation he conceals. “Take it easy, I won’t hurt you — just let me taking the hunter and your pack, everything is alright.” 

Joshua knows that person has just lied to him and he doesn't let it slipped away. He has to protect the pack regardless, so does it apply on the hunter. He can not it revealed by anytime soon. 

“Tell me, Shua,” he begs. Joshua shakes his head. “Take me with you, so you can leave the pack alone.” 

Johnny snorts. “You?! By your own self? What the benefit for me?” He smirks, pointing his finger to poke Joshua’s cheek. “Oh I know, I can lure them by using you. Well, you are the bait for this offer, isn't it good?” 

Oh crap, it’s totally different what Joshua wants in the first place. He wants to exclude them from the matter, so they can live happily in their den, without getting harm especially the pack. They have suffered enough from losing and moving from one place to another place without Joshua leading them. Besides that, Joshua can not hand over the pack and Jeonghan to Johnny. It will be a disaster if he does that. At least it will not be as worse as he hands over Glacier too. But honestly, he is unable to hand over the things he cherishes. 

“No, it's never good.” 

Johnny raises a single brow. “Then what do you offer to me?” 

Joshua breaks Johnny’s grip upon him. He looks at him sharply and intensely. “Myself. That’s more than enough.” 

Jeonghan wakes up from his slumber, taking a mild move as he gets up from the bed. He carefully scans the room, almost half the pack occupied the room along with Soyoon at the edge of the bed sleeping peacefully. Jeonghan dragged his feet out of the room, getting out from the room and climbing up to the top of the donjon. A night breeze hit him calmly. 

A big pair of Alpha approaches him with a surprise. Jeonghan jerks away. “Hey puppies, don’t scare me like that,” he says, bending on his knee and taking their surprise. He ruffles their fur as they spread their body on the ground, taking time to close their eyes. Jeonghan smiles when he sees them. Another sleeping creature, he thinks. 

But one of the pairs is still watchful and not letting his guard down by sleeping. 

“You don’t sleep?” 

Woozi shakes his head, swinging his

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Chapter 10: who placed onions inside my room??? :'<
Vheal16 #2
Chapter 8: "A LOVER" opppss that part got me..hope joshua will find a solution..a better solution
Chapter 2: Just started reading this fic and i think its really good ! :3 feels like im watching a movie/ series as i read ㅋㅋ Fighting authornim!
Chapter 5: Its good, i wonder what will happened next,update soon juseyo
rosequartznserenity #5
Chapter 5: But i really like it, and I'm really excited to read your next chapter! Hwaiting!
rosequartznserenity #6
Chapter 5: I think the story is going at a good pace, not too fast at all. I like the concept and the plot but some spots are just a bit confusing, like... Jeonghan doesn't remember joshua because of the spell but does joshua know/remember jeonghan from before? Also, like when the wolfs appeared in jeonghan's house, was that Glacier? Or someone else? Cos joshua killed it right? Idk, i just got a bit confused. But overall, i can still follow the story just fine! :)
Friskle #7
Chapter 4: What an interesting story! I love the concept! Your writing is very pretty and almost magical. Please keep writing!
Vheal16 #8
Chapter 3: Yes Joshua..we do not like to.remove their memories anymore..woohoo..continue this fic..loving it
Altariaaa #9
Chapter 3: Omgggg this is so good and i think i love mystical creaturesss