"The Power That She Has"

Glass Beads and Her Fingertip

The power that Eunha had over the people that fallen for her. Youjin didn't know. SinB didn't know. Even Eunha didn't know. She just had this aura people may have been drawn to. Or maybe it was the way she smiled. It was something. She wanted to know why Youjin and SinB liked her so much. And she also wanted to know who she liked more. 

She knew that he wanted to hold their hands right now and tell them how grateful she was for them being in her life.

She was in her apartment, arranging some new books she bought for college. Her phone was buzzing on the desk, but she was still trying to get some stuff done before she went to bed. Then her phone began to ring. "Hello?" 

"Hey you. It's me, Chopsticks." Youjin cackled into the phone. "What are you doing right now?" 

"I'm about to get some sleep," Eunha sighed, happily. He sounded more chipper than usual. Which meant he wasn't smoking or drinking. It made Eunha happy to see that he was making steps to improve his health. But then she heard a lighter in the background. "Don't you dare smoke while you're on the phone with me. Aren't you in your apartment? They don't allow smoking there, do they?" 

"No. But I'm not there. Step outside." 

"But, I'm busy-" 

"Step outside." 

Eunha walked out her dorm and skipped down the steps, opening the glass doors. Youjin was smoking a cigarette and smiling at Eunha. "I didn't know you looked prettier in the night time." He hugged Eunha. "I miss Sowon, right now." 

"You do?" 

"Yeah. I can't stop thinking about Sowonnie." He scratched the back of his head and climbed onto a ledge and sat on it. "I have to be completely honest with you here." 

"What's wrong?" Eunha asked. 

"You know, I'm not good with relationships. And I guess the fact is that I'm not one for commitment." 

"What are you trying to say?" 

Youjin looked at the stars. "I really think I fell in love with Sowon. And I see her in you, which is why I think I have feelings for you." 

"Do you know what love is, Youjin?" 

Youjin nodded. "You told me before she died. I just never see a purpose in going on without her." He dropped the cigarette onto the ground. "I don't know if I love you. I think it's because I'm still hurting for her. And I thought if I just kept things going with how they were before she died..." He shook his head, tears pouring down. "I don't think I like you like that, Eunha. I still love Sowon."

Eunha looked down at her shoes. "A friend once told me, there has to be a time where you let go." 

Youjin was weeping into the night grabbing another cigarette. "Every time I see a pack of Marlboro, I just think of how much she hated when I stuck one in my mouth and..." 

"Believe me I see her everywhere too." 

"I couldn't stand her smart mouth." 

"Who could?" 

Youjin fell into Eunha's lap. She his hair calmly. "Youjinnie, if you need anything, I'm here for you. I know how you're feeling." 


7 months ago 


Sowon turned her head around and was face to face with Youjin. She was in the hospital bed and it was going on 2am. There were no visitors allowed at this time. And it was after her first round of therapy. He was just squatting in the window seat that he just happened to climb through. Just Youjin-type things. His hair was messy and he had his usual street clothes on with expensive designer sneakers. A cigarette hanging between his teeth. Sowon raised her eyebrows. "Hey you." 

"Came to see my ex-fiancee." Youjin smiled and officially sat down. "How's it going?" 

"It's going," Sowon sighed. "And apparently, it isn't gone just yet." 

Youjin cocked his head to the side. "You didn't lose your hair. You still look fairly pretty." 

"Shut up." Sowon sniffed. She watched Youjin walk to a chair and he sat down. "You still live with your folks?" 

"They're finding me another bride, much to their dismay." He smirked. "It was unfortunate, cause I kind of like you too. If I had to be married to you, I wouldn't mind. You're not my type, but you're like me in some ways." 

"I am a whole lesbian, though. Explain." 

"The type that doesn't listen to society or their old styled parents." 

"That means we're good friends." 

"Platonic soulmates?" Youjin offered. 

"So be it." 

"I just want to be here for you, Sowon. I may like you, but that's not what's important to me. I just want to be close to you. In some sort of way. Let's be friends." 

Sowon looked at his outstretched palm. "I thought we already were." 

Youjin blushed and scratched the back of his head. "I suppose so. But it seems like you hate me." 

"I don't. You're just a bastard," Sowon chuckled. She shook his hand. "Get that nasty cancer stick out your mouth. You don't wanna end up like me."

Youjin shook his head. "I don't smoke it. I just savor it." 

"Still." Sowon smiled at him weakly with tears in her eyes. "You can do whatever you want when I die. If you're my platonic soulmate, then just stop on those things for right now. Or at least in front of me." 

Youjin nodded and placed it into his pocket. "Sorry." 

"It's okay." 

After a beat of silence, Youjin crumbled the cigarette box and threw it out the window. He grabbed a tissue and started rubbing his eyes. His heart was raging out of his chest. "I'll take care of Eunha when you pass." 

"She needs someone when I do. I know I'll be leaving a scar on her heart. Please, be careful with her. I love her so much." 

"I know you do. And I'll do anything for you. I'll do anything for her too, because you love her." 

Sowon laughed. "You sound so strange, Youjin. But, I'll trust you with her as a friend...but she is one person you would fall in love with. And I don't think I would like that if you did." 

Youjin cockily smirked. "You'll be lucky if you entrust her with me. She'll be in good hands." 

"That would be a problem because i trust my Eunha with SinB. I can't see her wanting to be with anyone like me at all. I'm not that great of a person. SinB's more stable and she's just someone whom Eunha trusts the most at the moment. Now, if she falls for you, then she does. But I doubt it." 

Youjin shrugged. "I'll still take care of her any how. She's a cute little girl." 

"Just know, Eunha has a bright future." 

Youjin nodded. "Of course." 

"And she is someone you could fall for." 

"You'll probably be the only girl I fall for, though you're not into men, ex-fiancee." 

Sowon laughed. "Please stop calling me that." 

"Okay, future wife." 


With that, the door clicked. Youjin ran quickly to the window. He winked goodbye and jumped into the bushes. He quickly pulled out his cigarette and lit it for the first time. He closed his eyes, wincing. He began coughing heavily as he recalled the date that was assigned for Sowon on the back of the door: 3 weeks left. 




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Summer10 #1
Chapter 23: Uhmmm,hey author-nim are we getting an update,it’s been a while:)
Chapter 22: waaaaah finally a progress ^^~
lala_mcshipper #3
Chapter 21: I wasn't anticipating such an emotional roller-coaster. If I was, I would've brought tissues and worn waterproof mascara. Wow... Nice job. Thank you for updating :)
ahlolo #4
Chapter 20: from now on, sowon name will just mentioned but no sowon ?
spangbang12 #5
Chapter 19: oh no. not that guy ;-;
Chapter 19: though i still want sinb to be possessive of eunha though. 2eunbi for the win ^^
Chapter 18: waaaah that guy >< sinb.....
Chapter 18: hope Eunha would try things with SinB... ??
Chapter 17: did wonha die together?
Chapter 17: So I both Wonha dead? Did Eunha follow Sowon?