It Was an Accident!!

1  Sungho slowly and quietly trudged through the school halls, his brown eyes darting everywhere, in search for the Infinite members. Today, a few students from TOP High were coming, and Sungho was definitely not looking forward to that at all. The only reason they were coming, was because a project the students of TOP High are doing. They have to spend a day at another local school, and state whether their own school should change like Woolim's. 

Sungho was currently sweating like a pig under his baby blue polo and beige capris," Oh, I hope they don't remember me! What if they tell Infinite-"

"Tell us what?" 

Sungho squealed loudly, his books, pencils and papers scattering all over the floor, earning the attention of many students. Stumbling around, his legs shook like noodles as he spotted the Infinite members, dressed cooly infront of him,"N-nothing!" He cried out nervously, while fixing his large, squeaky clean glasses.

Sungjong and Dongwoo gazed suspiciously at him, while circling Sungho like prey," Why do you sound so scared?"

"Did you do something wrong?" Sungyeol snickered, walking up to Sungho. He placed his fat history textbook in the nerd's hands, followed by Hoya's Physics book, and Sunggyu and Woohyun's Trigonometry ones. 

"Wha-wha...NO!" Sungho tilted to the side, yelping as he nearly tumbled down. His skinny arms were trembling under the heavy textbooks, and he strained his head upwards, trying to gaze at the members.

" Put the books in our locker and get us some soda while you're at it." Hoya patted Sungho's shoulder as he and the rest of the Infinite members walked to an empty class, to just chill.  

"Ah...okay!" Sungho stated, rushing to the other members' lockers. After depositing the books, Sungho made his way towards the vending machine. There was barely any drinks in it, the most being juice boxes. Grumbling lowly to himself, Sungho reluctantly pushed several buttons, before seven cans of soda tumbled down. He gathered the cold drinks in his hands, and advanced towards the classroom, which Infinite occupied.

He shoved the door with his hip and exclaimed,"I bought your dr-"

Sungho's mouth suddenly froze into an 'o' and his eyes enlarged behind his glasses. A few Infinite members peered at him on confusion, as he stared at TeenTop's members, who were standing infront of his 'friends'.

"Ayy, what's this? Don't tell me you guys have an errandboy!" Sungho recognized the laughing male as CAP, the one who he accidentally got chocolate ice cream on his hair.

A redhead towered over Sungho, smirking darkly," And a nerd of all choices!" He laughed loudly with his friends, as Ricky shoved the scared Sungho forwards to Chunji and Niel.

The drinks nearly fell out of Sungho's hands as he was being shoved back and forth by the TeenTop's members.

"Nice glasses!" Changjo stated sarcastically, pulling them off Sungho's face and trying them on.

"H-hey! Give them back, I can't se-"

Sungho stumbled forward, trying to reach out for his glasses, while still holding the cans. The Infinite members watched boredly from the sidelines, unamused.

"Let me see them!" Chunji laughed loudly as Sungho tried grabbing his glasses from them. Ricky chuckled as Chunji tossed him the boy's glasses.

"Give them back!" 

"Isn't he that guy who got ice cream on your hair?" Niel asked CAP, who's eyes widened in realization.  

Sungho's thin legs trebled violently as CAP angrily made his way towards him," Yeah, no wonder he looked so familiar! I didn't pay you back for what you did." Sungho tried backing away, only to be stopped by Chunji who swiftly stole a can from his hands. Suddenly, Sungho found himself being lifted in the air, while CAP's fist clenched the collar of Sungho's polo," Good timing, geek."

Sungho closed his eyes tightly, waiting for  CAP's fist to collide with his face, but there was no impact. Sungho peeked to the side, and his eyes widened at the sight of Woohyun, clutching CAP's wrist tightly.

"You think you can come here and pick on the students of our school? Nerd or not, they're still part of Woolim, and I'd you dare harm them, we'll kill you." Sunggyu stated darkly, shoving Ricky back to make room for him.

Sungho was dropped roughly to the floor, the soda cans tumbling from his frozen, shaking hands, making the TeenTop members laugh loudly. Sungjong and Hoya watched in slight pity as Sungho shook uncontrollably in fear. Poor boy, he was the least violent person they knew; he wouldn't even harm a fly! This must have scarred him badly.

"You've forgiven him already for making you lose the dance competition?" L.Joe suddenly stated, earning everyone's attention, mainly the Infinite members. 

"What do you mean?" Myungsoo asked, staring at Sungho in confusion.

"I-I have to go!" The nerd ran towards the door, only to be stopped by Niel and Ricky.

"Where do you think you're going?" Niel smirked as he watched the young boy state nervously around.

"I have to go to class, please!" Sungho mumbled quickly, trying to go through the two boys.

"He was the one who plugged out the wires, don't tell me you didn't recognize him." L.Joe laughed, staring darkly at the Infinite members, who all glared at Sungho. 

"It was you?!" Dongwoo roared, grabbing Sungho's upper arm, shoving him infront of the other members.

The short boy cowered in fear, nearly in tears," I'm sorry! It was an accident, I swear!"

"Do you know how hard and long it took us to master that dance and song?" Sungyeol growled, obviously irritated. 

Sungho was shoved on the ground by Hoya and Myungsoo, who both began shouting in rage at him. The TeenTop members watched in amusement as Sungho began tearing up

"You guys, just stop. He said it was an accident." Sungjong defended Sungho, making the others glare at him.

"It's not just that." Dongwoo pressed on firmly.

"We specifically told him to not come to the event!" Hoya shouted loudly, trying hard to not pummel Sungho into a pulp.

"And you what happened?!" Sunggyu finished off," Everything always goes wrong when he's involved!"

Sungho's watery eyes downcasted in hurt, and he lowered his head in shame. He blinked furiously, trying to contain his tears, while he pressed his lips in a form line, trying to stop the quivering. 

"Man, whatever." Sungyeol seethed out, slamming the door wide open, the knob smashing and creating a hole on the wall in the process. The other members followed behind after him, but Sungjong was hesitant to leave. Shaking his head, he followed the other members quickly, before throwing a dirty glance at TeenTop. 

Sungho stared emotionlessly at the tiled floor of the classroom, the cans of soda swaying gently near his hands. He heard footsteps and a door slamming shut, indicating TeenTop had left.

For the first time ever, Sungho felt a weird, pain-filled, tightening feeling in his heart.

" Everything always goes wrong when he's involved!"

" ...always goes wrong when he's involved!"

....when he's involved!"

....when he's involved!"

" I am such a horrible friend!" He shouted tearfully.


This was certainly fun to write :) I hope it's more exciting than the other chapter ^^; I feel bad for him now...ah...we'll just go shipping together and buy honey. Honey helps SOLVE EVERYTHING....except global warming.

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Chapter 12: update please!!!!
choding_yeol27 #2
Chapter 12: author-nim please update :(
Can you pleaseeererrreeeerrr update please!!!!!!!!
EunsooAndexo #4
What's her new account's name?
EunsooAndexo #5
Chapter 12: Please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Omo! could you please update soon! i can`t wait!
SaranghaeKpop5ever #7
Chapter 12: how could people be so mean? :( poor sungho :'( update soon
Chapter 12: I almost cried reading this chapter... (ToT)
How can such ugly people live in this world...
monsterallergie #9
Chapter 12: Woahh >< meaniesss
The last two chapters made my stomach churn. How could people be so mean?