Drunken Confession

Caught In Between Love And Lies

Since the incident with Dongho, L and you were on better terms, you didn’t know if he just felt pity for you, but honestly you didn’t really care. You just liked the fact that you could see his smile more often and at times his dorkiness was making you slowly fall for him again, but of course being the stubborn girl you are, you would never admit that fact.

Strangely his teasing was no more bothersome for you, but you could easily retort to his remarks.

You also grew closer to the Infinite boys, who would always tease L for having a girlfriend while they were still single.
Months have passed without you two having serious issues, the small arguments were of course at times still there, but you were never seriously hurt by L anymore.

“Yah I need a coffee.”  L pushed you out of the school gate, while you were busy scrolling around your phone.
“Hm-m” You just nodded and moved your feet to wherever he would lead you. Nowadays it became a habit that L would tell you that he needed a coffee and then he would drag you to the nearest coffee shop.

“Yah are you busy texting with some other guys?” L snatched away your phone, when you just ignored his presence all the way to the shop.

“Why are you looking up some recipes?” He chuckled seeing that you have opened tons of sites with Korean side dishes.
“Because I need to cook this weekend.” You snatched back your phone from him. “You are so annoying, never touch a girl’s phone.” You sent him a glare.Instead of feeling intimidated L just smirked “Why? Do you have something to hide from your boyfriend?”

“Who said that you are my boyfriend?”

“Soohyun you are breaking my heart.” L placed one hand on his heart, pretending to be hurt by your statement.

You just rolled your eyes because of his bad acting, but then he slung his arm around your shoulder.

“Yah get your arm away from my shoulder, you are too heavy.” You yelled at him to hide your embarrassed face. You couldn’t remember when it started, but one day you noticed that you grew sensible to his skinship.

“Aish you are so mean.” L remarked but you just turned back your attention to your phone.

*Why do all those dishes look so complicated?* You went through several kimbap recipes.

“Why do you need so much food?” L tried again to start a conversation.
“My parents are coming home after three months, so I wanted to welcome them by preparing a huge dinner, but those recipes look so difficult.” You pouted.

“You can cook?” L asked you in disbelief. “Of course I can, my mum taught me at a very young age, preparing me to be a good wife.” You proudly stated.
“Poor her she wasted her time, who would want to marry you.” He teased you. “Haha you are so funny, the better question would be who would want to marry YOU?” You retorted.

“Hmm…wouldn’t you want to marry me?” He moved his face near to yours making you blush heavily.
“It’s funny how I can make your face turn red.” He grinned and then got smacked by you.

“No one would want to marry a self-conceited jerk like you.” You glared at him, backing away.

“Well we will see it, because I can cook so I don’t need a wife who can do it.”
“Lucky her.” You rolled your eyes, but then you just noticed that you might need his help.

“Hey do they look good?” You showed a side dish which wasn’t that difficult to make. “Pretty decent.” He shrugged.
“Really?” You asked disappointed. *And I thought that have just found at least one dish that I could make.* “And how about this one?” You showed him another dish that was more complicated.
“Too simple.” He also turned this one off. “And this?” You showed him a really complicated one, you weren’t even sure if you were able to make this one.
“Close, but not close enough.” He answered, making your shoulders deflating.


Hours passed when you would try to find a dish that would please L, but he just showed that he was incredibly picky.
“Make this, this and this ah and this one as well.” He finally chose four difficult dishes. You checked the ingredients list just to find out that you needed to go on a big grocery shopping.

*He surely is picky, but I have to admit that he has a great taste.* You thought and saved the four recipes.


It was Friday afternoon and you were carrying tones of bags, you never felt so exhausted in your life and when you finally reached your home, you immediately laid down on your couch.

“Ah I thought I was going to die.” You stretched your legs, and then you massaged your sore arms. *Next time I should go several times, those bags with food are killing me.* You looked at all those bags and since the grocery shopping was so exhausting you decided to take a small nap.

After feeling well rested, you started with the cooking. Your parents would arrive tomorrow evening, so you just made some minor preparations.
You the playlist of your iPod and when your favorite song was played you started to sing along while chopping the vegetables.

*I have totally forgotten that cooking is so much fun.* Y ou regretted that all those three months you have only eaten convenience foods.


The next day you have set your alarm clock very early to be sure that you would have enough time to finish your cooking.

Even though you weren’t an early-morning person, you were totally focused on your cooking that you even skipped meal. 

After hours of hard working, it was worth it, since some dishes really looked breathtaking.

You happily took some photos and sent them to L just to brag with your cooking skills. *He surely didn’t believe that I could do that.*

You took a look at your watch and noticed that you had enough time to make yourself ready. You wondered what you should wear and decided to wear a high-waist short and a loose shirt.
Just in  time you managed to take the subway to the airport and when you checked your phone again, you noticed an unread message.



From: Mum


Hey sorry dear, your Dad and I decided to stay here for another month, you wouldn’t believe how lovely it is here! Actually we wanted to tell you it earlier but none of us could find I our phone. We have transferred another sum to your account so have fun and remember our advices.

Love Mum and Dad


Your mouth dropped when you finished reading your Mum’s message. Even though you were used to it that they would want to spend a lot of time with one another, you wanted to at least be informed about their new plan some days before.

All your efforts were wasted, just because your parents wanted to stay away from you for another month, you remembered the diner at home that you have prepared for them. 

Being extremely pissed you stormed out of the subway, not caring where you were. You just wanted to kick something to let off steam.

“I hate them, I hate them so much.” You yelled. People around you looked at you strangely since they thought that you would be crazy.  




You were walking down unknown street and got frustrated that you couldn’t find a subway station. *Aish I don’t have enough money to call a taxi.* You sighed and looked for some people to ask for the direction. Unfortunately it was dark outside and no one could be seen.

Are you lonely? “Yes.” Are you frustrated? You read the following question and nodded to yourself. Do you want to forget about your day, then you should follow those arrows! You did as you were told and then you found yourself in a bar.

*So that means I should drink away my pain.* You shocked your head and wanted to leave the place, but the exit was already crowded.
*I guess one or two shots won’t kill me.* You thought and went to take some orders.

Since you were informed about how alcohol could damage your brain you didn’t want to drink really hardcore stuffs, but was satisfied with beer.

You were sitting alone like an emo at the corner when a boy took the seat next to you. “So what are you doing here all alone?” He asked you.
You looked at him and noticed that he was quite handsome, but not as handsome as L.

“Forgetting about my day.” You responded.

“Well then you should change your drink, beer won’t help you.” He grinned. “Here, look what I have?”
He showed you a bottle. “Aha.” You were oblivious about the drink.
“Do you want to taste it?” He poured the liquid in a glass.

“Ani I am not a good drinker.” You refused his offer.

“Come on you just have to take a small sip, I promise that it will make you forget about everything.”

“Hmm…fine.” You took a small sip but the strong alcohol was running down your throat leaving a burning trace.
You made a disgusted face and coughed as hell since you weren’t use to it.

“Hahaha, drink more, it will lessen the burning feeling.” The boy told you and being a little bit naïve you took a big sip just to find out that he was lying.

You kept coughing and when you desperately continued drinking this strong alcohol, the burning feeling really disappeared.
“Hehe…you were really right, the feeling is gone. Can I have another shot?” You asked him being already drunk. You were indeed a bad drinker, and your vision already became blurry but you didn’t care. The alcohol made you forget about your previous disappointment.

Your head was almost on the table and you were having problems staying awake. The alcohol has turned you to a talkative person.


The moment L entered Inspirit with the Infinite boys, all the eyes were fixed on them. Girls started to dump their boyfriends and asked the boys to have a drink with them.

L just glared at all of those girls and they quickly went off to Woohyun.
“Why do I have to come with you guys?” L rolled his eyes and took a seat at the VIP-corner. “Why not? It has been a while since we had a real Namja-evening.” Sungyeol said and started to order several drinks.

“Yah why are you ordering so much?” L stopped him from ordering the whole menu. “Simply because you are paying, dude.” Sungyeol continued choosing random drinks.

L knew that it was pointless to discuss with him, because Sungyeol would always point out that L had too much money. He leaned against the comfortable couch and then started a discussion with Hoya.

“Hey isn’t that your girlfriend with another guy?” Dongwoo suddenly interrupted them and pointed to the other corner of the room.
L was shocked by the sight of Soohyun, obviously drunk, chatting with another guy. His blood started to boil as he saw her laughing with this other guy.
*Didn’t she say that her parents are coming home today?*

“Woahh~~this guy is going to die soon, look at L’s death glare.” The Infinite boys said in unison. “Man since when did Soohyun change you into a jealous person.” Hoya chuckled and pushed L to the corner where the unknown boy was slowly approaching Soohyun.

“Get. Your. Dirty. Hands. From. My. Girlfriend.” L said between gritted teeth.

“Oh why are you here L?” Soohyun giggled seeing him.

“Is that your boyfriend that has dumped you making you sad today?” The boy asked amused.

“Ani…it wasn’t him.” Soohyun shocked her head strongly and then felt down on the couch.

“I’ll take care of her so get off.” L shoved the boy away and slung Soohyun’s arm around his shoulder.


“You stupid girl, if you can’t drink then just stay away from alcohol!” L cursed Soohyun for the millionth time. He has excused himself from his friends and carried her piggy-back home.

Since he has forgotten his phone at the bar, he couldn’t call his driver and he didn’t have enough money to call a taxi either.
*She is going to pay for it.* He thought while studying the map to find the shortest way home.

“I hate them. I hate them so much.” Soohyun suddenly started mumble.

“Yah are you awake? Then get off of me.” L yelled at her.

“They are so mean, I have tried so hard to make the dishes. I carried all those heavy bags and I’ve even skip meals, those dishes look good right?” She asked.

“Yes they looked good.” L nodded. *She is getting to the stage where she is getting depressed.* He analyzed the girl’s behavior.

“They shouldn’t have kids if they decide to never spend time with it, do you know that they have sent me a message when I was on my way to the airport telling me that they will extend their honeymoon?” Soohyun showed L the message.
“They are never there for me. No one is ever there for me.”

L felt how his shirt became wet. “Yah are you crying?” He turned his head back to her.

“I am a nuisance to everyone, that’s why they are always leaving me. I am a nuisance to you too right? Without me you wouldn’t have to put on this act and you wouldn’t have to carry me back home.”

“Uljima. You are not a nuisance to me. I like spending time with you.” L said. “You are surely lying.” Sohyun shocked her head.

“I hate you too.” She mumbled leaning her head on his shoulder. “I hate you.” She said again making L’s chest tighten. He didn’t know why he felt hurt by her words *Why do I want her to like me?* He wondered when he has started to grow feeling for her.

“Why do you hate me?” He asked her calmly, he was prepared to hear all her complains. *She is surely going to tell me that I am an arrogant jerk.*

“Because….” She made a long pause making him getting more frustrated.

“Because you are too handsome. Curse your perfect genes.” Soohyun glared at him.

“What?” L asked her in disbelief, he didn’t expect such an answer at all.
“Look at you! Are you even human? “ She pointed at him. “Being next to you is so frustrating.” She sighed and tightened her hug around his neck when they were climbing stairs.

“But you are also very pretty.” L stated bluntly. In his eyes she was really beautiful.

“Ani…have you already seen yourself in a mirror? You are like a prince, girls always glare at me asking themselves why someone like you would choose me. Hahaha but they are so wrong you have never chosen me.” Soohyun started to laugh.

“Just ignore them.” L said smiling since he felt relieved that Soohyun didn’t really hate him, but only find him handsome.

“There’s another reason why I hate you.” Soohyun suddenly stopped laughing.

“I hate the fact that you are making me fall for you.” 



Author's Note: So I am back with a super long chapter, the longest chapter I've ever written ! Hope you guys have enjoyed it and please please leave me some comments, back then you guys have commented a lot and now there is only one person (btw thank you Minyoung15 ;)) ;___; Do you guys know how frustrating that is? Well I guess I should stop with all those complains... I  hope that I will reach 60 subcribers with this chapter :D After all it has become more interesting right? ^^

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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 11: holy he change because of her why? is it because of other people pls update soon and i doubt L will let her go...UPDATE NOW PLS
Sorry, but this story is completely equal to the manga: Ookami shoujo to Kuro Ooji. The only difference is that she turns to a maid. How can you do this???
familiarsadness #3
You.need.to.update.this.now.now.now.now.Now.NOw.NOW! ;AA;
you have to continue the story i finished reading this in 1hr omgaddd... its so interesting !!!
OMO.... Myungsoo... dont lose her! *new reader*:))
OH MY HOLLY 'S WHY~!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update Again!! :)
omg this finally she remembered himmmm!!! omg omg myungsoo you have to do somethingg! dont let her to be byunghun's oh please ;___;

update please??? i want to know what will happen... >/<
Tea_Lover #9
Hi new reader ....I like how you always put images of new characters :3 ....lol... amazing update as always poor L for being a heartbroken guy he must be traumatized now keke

ohh and I like how you made Junhyung in this story ...the hot player I guess xD

update soon <3
Hi, New Reader here..

Really LOVE your story ..
