When The Past Catch Up With You...

Caught In Between Love And Lies

You woke up early in the morning and stretched yourself. *Still no messages from him.* You thought after having checked your phone. *Why do I even think about the devil?* You shocked your head at your stupid act. *Actually I should be glad that he haven't bothered me as much as before during the past three days* You tried to convince yourself, still a small part of you felt sad that he seemed to ignore you.

Though, when you recalled the scene 3 days ago you decided that it's definitely a good thing that he stopped treating you as his personal maid.


The moment you came to school you were already awaited by Hara and Nana. Before you could enter the classroom they both dragged you out to the lockers.
'Hey why don't you and L spend much time together lately? Did he break up with you?' they questioned making your mood going even more down.

'Why do you immediately assume that it's him who broke up? Besides just because we don't spend all our time together doesn't mean that we are no longer dating.' You remarked with a frown on your face.

However they both just ignore your facial expression and both laughed in unison . 'Of course you have to spend much time with him, so that we can get closer to L too. Plus there's no way that someone like you would dare to break up with a Kingka, you are not in such a position.'

*I guess you have forgotten in what kind of relationship we are. You are nothing more than my personal maid.* you remembered L's words. *They keep considering me as a lower being.* You felt offended by their words.

'You two dare to insult my girlfriend one more time and I will make sure that you can't fix your face even with the tones of makeup you two are wearing.' You suddenly heard a familiar voice behind you.

'L-L-op-pa.' They both stuttered obviously scared oh his harsh words, since he was known as the prince. 'Did I allow you to call me Oppa? Only she can call me that way.' He placed his hand on your forehead and you felt yourself being pressed against his chest.

*Why is he acting this way? * you questioned having a weird feeling around your chest area.

'You are lucky that Soohyun considers you as her friends otherwise I wouldn't let it slide that easily. Let's go.' L took your hand and left the two girls with dumbfounded faces behind.

When you both were in front of the school nurse's office you wanted to let go of his hand. 'They are still observing us, if you let go now it would look weird.' L whispered so that only you could hear his words. *He's still putting so much effort into the act.* You stayed silent looking at his back. You didn't want to admit it, but you missed him, even though he hurt you. *I guess being around him as his personal maid for a month has influenced me.*

'They are gone.' he released your hand. *Right it's all an act.* ..'Thank you.' you mumbled, looking down, because you didn't want to see his face, fearing that it will cause you hurtful flashbacks.

'Soohyun-ah I..' L spoke up after minutes of silence; however his words were cut off by the school bell.

'Mianhae I can't afford to be late again.' You rushed away, leaving him alone at that spot.


'I am sorry.' L mumbled under his breath but you couldn't hear his apology anymore.

*Aish did I humilate her the same way as those es before?* He remembered how he had shoved your present away. *You are so stupid.* L scolled himself mentally, feeling bad for his prior behavior.

When he entered his classroom, he was actually late, but the teacher didn't scold him for it like she would have done it to other students, since she herself was a fangirl of him too.

'Woaahhh our L seems to be in a bad mood again. Is it a love problem? If yes, you should ask our cocky Namstar love doctor.' Sungyeol teased his friend.

'Aish shut up, Yeol!' L hissed and rested his head on his palm.

'Yah, how could you say that to your twin, your soul mate, your other half, I thought Myungyeol was real!' Sungyeol pretended to be hurt by placing both his hands on his chest, while backing away from the ice prince.

‘Look there’s even a photo that proved our relationship.’ Sungyeol showed a picture on his phone.



‘Yah that’s not even real, you have edited it yourself and then even poorly.’ L laughed about the fake photo.

L is normally cold to others but around the people he likes he acts differently, especially around Sungyeol who's like his own brother. 

'Tzz what an ignorant, my editing skills are great.. but well I forgot that Myungyeol was over when you bastard grew up and found yourself a girlfriend.' The choding started whining.

'By the way, how comes it that you've never brought her to one of our meetings?' he suddenly stopped his fake sobbing.  'According to Sunggyu she's cute and pretty. Do you fear that she would dumb you for me?' Sungyeol wiggled his eyebrows.  

L just ignored Sungyeol's teasing, and wondered when Sunggyu has met Soohyun, since he was already attending college. 

'Well he told me that she has bought cakes at the pastry shop he's working at.'
'He has a part-time job?' L asked pretending to be curious.

'Yeah he wanted to be independent from his parents, I guess.' Sungyeol shrugged. 'Don't you listen when he talks?'  'No one is listening to him.' L made fun of the leader. 

'Wait, wait, wait. This time I noticed it. I know what you are doing.' Sungyeol suddenly shot his friend an accusing glare.  'You change subjects smoothly, like every time when we are talking about your girlfriend.'  L gulped, seeing that his friend has seen through him.

This time he was sure that Sungyeol was determinate to get his answers.



‘So how is it going with your research for a real boyfriend?’ Haneul asked you during lunch break. Since you were avoiding L and Hara and Nana, you both were on the school rooftop. Obviously there was no one here, so you both could talk carelessly.

‘About that.’ You scratched your head. ‘Yah don’t tell me that you haven’t even started yet.’ She yelled at you. ‘Jjin-jja, you shouldn’t stave it off.  Don’t you already have someone you like?’

‘At the moment there is no one I really want to date. In my class no one has caught my interest.’ You answered sincerely after having thought about it for a while.

‘Eh, are you serious? Not even one guy?’ She raised one finger. You shocked your head, which make Haneul sigh.

‘Is it because of him that you are afraid of falling in love?’ Haneul suddenly spoke up. ‘You are talking about L?’ You asked oblivious to the person she is referring at. ‘If yes I can swear that I haven’t fallen in love with him, I just grew attached to him I guess, but there’s nothing more.’ You chuckled and it was also the truth, you haven’t fallen for him yet.

‘No I was talking about your first love in middle school.’ She said hesitantly. Your eyes suddenly widened when you were reminded of him.

‘I’ve already messed up before and I don’t want it to happen again.’ You lowered your head, when you remembered a scene from the past.


‘Hahaha~~ Soohyun do you want to be a Namja? So that’s why you are dating the most feminine guy in the neighborhood? I saw you guys walking home together yesterday.’ One of the boys made fun of you in front of his group of friends.

That time you were considered as a tomboy, because you didn’t dress up girly and because you would use your taekwondo skills if necessary.

‘Yah shut up.’ You yelled at him. ‘Hahaha you don’t even deny it.’ He pointed at you, still laughing. Then you grew furious and grabbed his collar.

‘Woahh~~ she really acts like a boy.’ The others around you back away.

‘That’s not true I am not a boy, I would never like someone like him.’ You stated, since you couldn’t bear their teasing anymore. As a girl you were really sensitive, when someone is calling you a boy.

Just when you said those words, you spotted a shadow behind the door that moved away.

Till now, you are still not sure if it was him who has eavesdropped the conversation, but thinking back that he moved away without even leaving you his address it was highly possible that you have hurt the boy you were actually in love with.

*If I wasn’t such a coward we could at least stay in contact, when he moved to the U.S.* You regretted what has happened in the past.

‘I am sorry for bringing him up, it wasn’t your fault.’ Haneul tried to console you. ‘And I even loved him. I guess I am not someone who can deal with love’ You laughed bitterly.

‘It’s not true. This all happened five years ago. You have changed; you should try to find a new love.’ She gave you an encouraging smile. *Am I really ready to fall in love again?*




After the conversation with Haneul during lunch break, it was hard for you to concentrate on your classes, because your mind would always drift to your first love.

*It has been a long time since I have thought about him. I wonder how he's doing in California.* you were deep in your thoughts when you suddenly saw 4 girls in front of you who were blocking your way.

'Excuse me.' you tried to get through them, but the girl who seemed to be the leader pushed you back. 'Yah!' you yelled when your books felt down. 'What was that for?!' You bend down to grab your books when one girl stomped on them.

'Song Soohyun you make us sick.' one girl spat. *How do they know my name?*
‘I don't even know you.' You stood up and glared at them. 'But seeing that you guys even make a research for my name, you guys must have a pathetic life.'

‘Don't be so stuck up, you , just because you are L Oppa's girlfriend!'

*So they are L's fan girls. * Even though his fans weren't happy when the prince announced your relationship you never had to bear more than glares and hateful messages. No one dared to confront you because they were scarred that L would see their true faces. So being in this kind of situation was new to you.

'We didn't say anyhing when you guys started dating, but today he seemed to be upset and that's probably your fault!' the girls accused you. 'We won't let our Prince to get hurt by some stupid worthless girl like you.' The tallest girl insulted you, but before she could slap you, someone stopped her by grabbing her arm firmly.



Author's Note : So who could be the boy who protected you and what about your first love? *mysterious, mysterious ㅋㅋㅋ* , so I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter, including the Myungyeol moments <3 ;D !!! Thanks for all the lovely comments please keep up commenting and subscribing if you like this story.

P.S: Actually I am quite busy lately, admiring B.A.P and trying to learn their names xD *__* OMG those boys are so talented !! Is someone out there who also felt in love with their song 'Warrior' ?? :D  

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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 11: holy he change because of her why? is it because of other people pls update soon and i doubt L will let her go...UPDATE NOW PLS
Sorry, but this story is completely equal to the manga: Ookami shoujo to Kuro Ooji. The only difference is that she turns to a maid. How can you do this???
familiarsadness #3
You.need.to.update.this.now.now.now.now.Now.NOw.NOW! ;AA;
you have to continue the story i finished reading this in 1hr omgaddd... its so interesting !!!
OMO.... Myungsoo... dont lose her! *new reader*:))
OH MY HOLLY 'S WHY~!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update Again!! :)
omg this finally she remembered himmmm!!! omg omg myungsoo you have to do somethingg! dont let her to be byunghun's oh please ;___;

update please??? i want to know what will happen... >/<
Tea_Lover #9
Hi new reader ....I like how you always put images of new characters :3 ....lol... amazing update as always poor L for being a heartbroken guy he must be traumatized now keke

ohh and I like how you made Junhyung in this story ...the hot player I guess xD

update soon <3
Hi, New Reader here..

Really LOVE your story ..
