Life As His Personal Maid

Caught In Between Love And Lies


You woke up to the ringtone of your phone. *Who could that be?* You asked sarcastically, since you knew exactly, who would be cruel enough to call you at such a time.

‘What do you want?’ You asked not even trying to sound nice. ‘I Just wanted to hear your sweet voice, puppy.’ You heard L chuckling. You were already used to his teasing. For other’s it might seem that he’s the lovely angelic boyfriend, but you knew better: in fact he was just a mean devil.

‘Stop joking around and tell it already.’ You groaned because you were far away from an early- morning person. You took a look and saw that it was just 5 am.

‘I woke up in the morning and didn’t feel like wanting a normal black coffee, but a cappuccino and a chocolate cake.’ He told you his true intention. ‘Chocolate cake? Jjin-jja?’ You moved your hand through your hair. ‘The coffee shop next to our high school don’t sell pastries.’ You said.

‘I know, that’s why I called you earlier, so that you would have enough time to go another shop.’ He explained.

‘Devil.’ You hissed.

‘I thought I have already told you that I don’t care if you call me that way.’ He reminded you. ‘But still I prefer you calling me Master, remember puppy okay?’ You heard his mocking voice.

*Seriously if it wasn’t for the reputation I would have already killed you.* You cursed him mentally and got up from your warm bed. ‘If you have nothing to add, I’ll get ready now, Master L.’ You said in an annoying voice.

‘Now that’s what I want to hear from my personal maid.’ He stated satisfied. ‘See you puppy~~’

When he finally hung up, you threw your phone angrily at your pillow.  

*That’s the karma that gets back to me since I was lying.* You thought back how you actually get in this kind of situation. You also remembered how you signed the contract that made you L’s personal maid, so that he would pretend to be your boyfriend in return.

‘Think positive, Soohyun-ah.’ You reminded yourself, that every girl at your school envied you now. *In front of the others he’s like the perfect boyfriend*



You entered the classy-looking pastry shop and found yourself immediately drooling over the beautiful cakes. *They look like artworks.* You admired the pastries in front of you.  

‘What can I do for you, Miss.’ –‘Euh.’ You looked up to see a good-looking boy with small eyes. Since he was smiling brightly, it seemed like his eyes were disappearing, what you found very cute.

‘I…I…’ You quickly looked around lost, because there were so many chocolate cakes.


‘Just take your time, there are not so many customers that early in the morning anyways.’ He reassured you.

After some minutes you still had not taken your decision. *Maybe I’ll just ask him which chocolate cake tastes the best.* You wanted to ask the worker, until he spoke up first. ‘Aren’t you Song Soohyun?’

‘Yeh?’ You said confused how he knew your name, because you were sure this boy was a stranger to you.

‘My name is Kim Sunggyu.’ He introduced himself to you. ‘I am a close friend of L.’ He added to make you understand where he got your name.

‘Ah…arasso…nice to meet you, Song Soohyun-mida.’ You bowed politely.

‘Long wavy hairs, cute, pretty and polite, you’re obviously L’s ideal type. I see why he chose you.’ Sunggyu winked.

‘Bwoh?’ *I am sure that I am far away from his ideal girl.* You wanted to disagree since you remembered the times, when he told you that you reminded him of a dog.

‘You know he never told us that he liked someone, so we were really shocked, when he told us about you.’ –‘Oh really?’ You pretended to be surprised. *Obviously he had never talked about me before since we started dating the day we met each other.*

‘Anyway you are his first girlfriend, so don't be scared if some random guys will try to get to know you. They are all members from Infinite-L’s close friends.’ Sunggyu warned you.

‘Okay.’ You nodded with a smiling face. *Infinite-the kingka group? That's an opportunity to get to know the devil better.* You remembered that people said that you could judge a person’s character by looking at their choice of friends.

‘So have you already chosen what you want?’ Sunggyu asked you. ‘Ye, first a cup of cappuccino and a slide of chocolate cake, but I can’t decide which one to take,’ You tapped your chin.

‘Hmm…I would take this one, and I’ll give you this one too. It’s on me.’ He winked.

‘Ani…’ You raised your hands. ‘I can pay.’ You opened your purse to show him.

‘Just take it as a welcome gift, since you’re now part of the Infinite-family.’ He ignored you and wrapped up two big slices of the delicious-looking cakes.

‘Then Kamsahamnida Sunggyu-sshi.’ You smiled happily.

‘Drop the formalities, when you call me that way, I feel so old.’ He laughed.

‘Then thank you Sunggyu…’ You tried to correct yourself. ‘How about Sunggyu-Oppa?’ He proposed.

‘Okay, Sunggyu-Oppa.’ You agreed and handed him money for the cappuccino and one cake.

‘You know you have a different taste than L.’ Sunggyu remarked, when you were about to leave the shop.

‘Bwoh?’ You asked confused. ‘Don’t you know? L doesn’t like sweet things.’ Sunggyu shrugged.

*But why would he ask me to buy him that?* You asked yourself, but soonly concluded that he probably just felt like ordering you around.



‘Here!’ You slammed the cappuccino on his desk and also the bag with the two cakes. Then you shot him a death glare, until you were taken aback that he had already a cup of coffee in his hand.

‘Wae?’ You pointed at his hand.

‘How much do I own you?’ He ignored your question and took out his purse. ’10.000 Won’ You mumbled and took the money from him.

Before you could leave, he pulled you back. ‘Sit down.' He ordered. You followed his order grudgingly and looked at L, waiting for him to explain why he wanted you to join him.

As if he wanted to tease you, he just unpacked the box slowly. ‘Why are there two cakes?’ He asked you.

‘Because I was so adorable, that the worker gave me two.’ You shrugged.

‘Or the worker just thought that you looked like you needed the double among.’ He smirked.

‘Yah! Do you want to say that I am fat?!’ You slammed your hand on the desk.

‘I’ve never said that. Maybe he thought you looked too skinny.’ He responded in his usual mocking voice. ‘This jerk.’ You mumbled, puffing your cheeks. *Does teasing me became your hobby?*

‘How do you even want to eat this?’ You asked him, since Sunggyu didn’t give you a spoon. L then took a small silver spoon with a cute bow out of his bag.

*Where did he get this lovely spoon?* You admired the expensive-looking utensil. He placed it beside one cake and moved it in front of you.

‘Huh?’ You raised one eyebrow.

‘Take it. It's a gift for our first month anniversary.’ L said looking away, sipping his coffee. *It has been already a month since we started this act? He even remembered it even though we are not a real couple.* You felt how your inner body became warm.  

‘Why? We are not even a couple.’ You whispered, since students were slowly coming in. Since those who came to school so early were all nerd, they simply didn’t care about you two, so you two still had your privacy.

‘I just felt like it, do you have a problem with it?’ L asked annoyed. ‘Ani…kumao.’ You gave him a huge smile and took the spoon. *Oh there’s something written.* You looked surprised and read the word Puppy.

Now you felt how tears started to form in your eyes. ‘Why are you crying?’ L asked you shocked. You quickly wiped the tears away. ‘It’s just that it’s so touching.’ You said showing him the spoon.

You saw a small smile forming on L’s face. ‘You are crazy.’ He shocked his head. ‘Just eat and I thought that you were sad. Woman these days.’

You laughed at his statement and had a taste of the cake. ‘It’s daebak!’ You gave him a thumbs up.

‘It’s not me who have made it.’ He chuckled. ‘Still it’s delicious.’ You mumbled and just continued eating, until you noticed that he was looking at you.

‘Do you also want to taste?’ You offered him the second cake. ‘Ani, I don’t like chocolate.’

‘But you have to eat it. If not, it doesn’t look like we are a couple.’ You insisted and put the cake in front of him.

‘Fine.’ He sighed and asked for your spoon, so you gave it to him.

‘It’s okay I guess.’ He shrugged when he took a taste from it. ‘Only okay?’ Your eyes went huge. *Tzz he’s so ignorant.*

‘Yup want to taste it.’ He moved the spoon to your mouth. You swallowed it, blushing since you always wanted to be fed by a boy.

‘OMO they even feed each other.’ You suddenly heard L’s fan girls whining from behind your back. *They totally ruined the atmosphere.* You felt upset about their interruption. L never treated you so kindly before, so you felt very flustered at that moment. *Why can’t they interrupt us, when he’s his usual self?*

L just ignored them and continued eating his cake. You didn’t know what to do, since he didn’t prepare a second one, until he seemed to notice the reason why you didn’t eat your part.

‘Here say ahhh~~’ He said making every girl around you two scream. You opened your mouth hesitantly, since you could feel many death glares.



The afternoon you forced Haneul to go shopping with you to buy something for L. ‘Look I feel so bad if I don’t buy him something back, the spoon is really cute right?' You took out the gift and showed it to her.

‘Puppy?’ She read out the writing.. ‘Yeah it’s how he call me.’ You scratched your head. ‘If I didn’t know the truth about your relationship, I would really think that you two are dating.’ She laughed.

You felt yourself blushing at her statement. ‘You know we are fake.’ You said with a slightlly sad tone in your voice.

But you like him.’ She retorted with a grin..

‘No, he’s still a devil.’ You denied. ‘But you are starting to feel something for him.’ Haneul teased you and grabbed your arm, dragging you in a small shop.

‘Oh my God there are so many things.’ You looked around the shop, which sells cute accessories. ‘Do you know what he likes?’ Haneul asked you since she was also lost. .

‘No.’ You answered, regretting that you have never asked him about his interests.

‘What kind of girlfriend are you?' Haneul shocked her head. ‘Yah I am not his real girlfriend.’ You nudge her shoulder slightly.

‘So what kind of personal maid are you.’ She corrected herself in a teasing voice.


After several hours of searching for the right present, you finally decided to buy him couple rings, since you would also have  the rewards for it. ‘Do you think he will like it?’ You asked Haneul for the 100th time.

‘Yah, Soohyun stop asking me that question, you will find out, when you give it to him.’ She nudged you. ‘Arasso, I am just so nervous.’ You let out a sigh.

‘You know if you already feel so nervous for a boy you don’t like, how will you act around your real boyfriend.’ She made fun of you.

You opened the box and observed the ring that you bought for him.

*Hopefully he will like it.* You thought, unsure why you actually felt so nervous at this moment.

'They are really pretty.' Haneul gave you a reassuring smile.

'I have to go now, catch my bus. Call me after you have fulfilled your mission, okay?' She then waved goodbye, bumping her fist in the air, shouting 'Fighting!'

You felt more at ease and went to the other direction to go to L's house *She's right they are pretty.* 



Meanwhile L was lying on his bed thinking about you. *Why does her face keep showing up in my head.* He moved through his hair, remembering the scene, when you opened his gift for you today.

*I shouldn't have prepared something for her.* He regretted his decision. *But I have to admit that I do like her smile.* he thought unknowingly smiling again.

L went to his desk and took out the contract from the drawer. 'Why did I agree on that at the first place?' He asked himself. *It's not like I can't do me homework.* He looked at the math problems and solved it by a second.

*I don't even need a personal maid. I can have one if I asked my parents.* He looked at the ceiling of his big mansion.

Still not knowing the answer, L took out his phone and scrolled down the messages, that he has sent to you. *I can't start to feel something for her, right?* L thought, scared of those growing feeling for you. *I have to do something against it.* He decided and put his phone away.  


You finally stood in front of the mansion and still were captured by the beautiful sight. *I will never get used to it.* You remembered the first time, when L ordered you to come over to run errands for him.

'OMO it slowly gets dark.' You remembered the reason why you came here. You quickly dialed his number.

After some minutes he finally pick up the call. 'Hey uhm could you please come out in front your house? I have to give you something.' You said way to fast because your heart was beating. Luckily L understood you. 'Okay I'll come.' He responded before hanging up.

You only have to wait about 5 minutes, when he finally stood in front of you with his casual clothes. 'So what is it, that you wanted to give me?' He asked you.

'Well since I haven't thought about a present for you this morning, I wanted to give it to you now, it's a thank you for the spoon.' You smiled and handed him the box.

'I don't want it.' L responded with a cold voice. You were taken aback by his answer, since he didn't even open the present.

'But you also bought...'

'It wasn't me who bought the cakes remember? I ordered you to do it.' He cut you off, emphasizing the word order to show you what he thought about you. You stayed silent, because his cold words left you speechless.

'I have already got it for you and it doesn't matter who bought the cakes, because it was you who paid for it.' You tried again, but this time he shoved the box aside making it fall down, revealing the ring.

'I guess you have forgotten in what kind of relationship we are. You are nothing more than my personal maid.'

You felt how tears started to form in your eyes again, but this time it wasn't because you were happy, but you felt hurt and humiliated by his words. You turned around and left him before he could see your tears. *I was so stupid to think that he would think of me as a friend.* You wiped away your tears angrily, while running down the streets without paying attention to your surroundings.

When you finally got your vision back, you heard your phone ring. 'What do you want Haneul?' You asked trying to sound normal, but as expected she wasn't tricked by you.

'Oh my God, Soohyun-ah why did you cry? What has happened?' She asked concerned.

'L...he's a complete jerk.' You cursed him and started to tell her everything.

'No way he didn't do that.' You heard Haneul gasping, when you had finished the story. 'I never thought that he could be so cruel. He has no rights to treat you like that, break up with him.' Haneul advised you.

'You know I can't.' You sighed remembering that people would make fun of you if you were single.

'Then you have to find a real boyfriend!' She said after several minutes of silence. 'A real boyfriend?' -'Yes that way you are no longer dependent on this jerk.'



Author's Note: So I guess you didn't expect that drama would come so soon right? Kekeke ... Actually I didn't expect that either, but before I knew it, I have already written this scene ;p
~~Thank you for all my subscribers and all the sweet comments you guys have left. This chapter became extra long as a gift, since I have more than 50 subscribers for all my stories now
♪ヽ(^^ヽ)♪(/_ _ )/♪ lol !
Feel free to subscribe & comment :) (some of you have already promised me to leave a comment this time ;))

P.S : For those who have subscribed to 'Even though at first glance there was a connection between us... I fall for the wrong person' I sincerely apologize that I became distracted and haven't updated it for weeks. I am working on it, but the inspiration just doesn't come T.T *bows*


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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 11: holy he change because of her why? is it because of other people pls update soon and i doubt L will let her go...UPDATE NOW PLS
Sorry, but this story is completely equal to the manga: Ookami shoujo to Kuro Ooji. The only difference is that she turns to a maid. How can you do this???
familiarsadness #3! ;AA;
you have to continue the story i finished reading this in 1hr omgaddd... its so interesting !!!
OMO.... Myungsoo... dont lose her! *new reader*:))
OH MY HOLLY 'S WHY~!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update Again!! :)
omg this finally she remembered himmmm!!! omg omg myungsoo you have to do somethingg! dont let her to be byunghun's oh please ;___;

update please??? i want to know what will happen... >/<
Tea_Lover #9
Hi new reader ....I like how you always put images of new characters :3 amazing update as always poor L for being a heartbroken guy he must be traumatized now keke

ohh and I like how you made Junhyung in this story ...the hot player I guess xD

update soon <3
Hi, New Reader here..

Really LOVE your story ..
