The Dance, A Jewel and A Stone

The Odoru Tamashi And The Dream World [A Fanboy's Weird Dream... Came True?!] Fantasy Special


After the trip to the shrine, the group relaxed for a while and started cooking barbecue on the camp fire. About an hour passed by and the group gathered, circling the camp fire and had their dinner.

“So, what exactly did happen inside the shrine?” Ryeowook asked Taemin as he hands over the barbecue to the members.

“We went inside, saw the sacred stone, Odoru Ishi, I placed my Odoru Tamashi near it and completed the ritual by lighting some incense.”

“Sorry for being rude but I think everyone is puzzled on what exactly is this Japanese stuff.” Yesung said. Everyone nodded in response. “Can you tell us the whole story about the shrine, your jewel and the stone you were saying?”

“I’ll be glad to!” Everyone had their attention in Taemin. “I’ll start with the sacred stone, Odoru Ishi.”

“Odoru Ishi…” Henry interrupted. “It literally means ‘Dance Stone’ right?”

“Yup. It is one of the sacred stone that connects our world and our dreams.” Taemin explained. “The Odoru Ishi, connects our dreams by the arts of dancing hence gaining its name, ‘Dance Stone’.”

“Being a sacred artifact, the ancients made shrines for the sacred stones, each called Kanameishi Shrine.”

“Kanameishi Shrine…” Henry interrupted again. “It literally means ‘Keystone Shrine’ right?”

“Ya! Henry!” Eunhyuk silenced the SJ maknae. “Let Taemin finish okay?”

“Ehem… Henry is right, Kanameishi means Keystone, and the ancients believed that wishing on the right keystone shrine with the right purpose will take you to the world of dreams where all your desires will come true.”

Everyone was now imagining their dreams.

“The Kanameishi Shrine of Kyoto houses the Odoru Ishi which is the Stone of Dancing.” Taemin continued. “I figured that wishing on that stone will give us blessing as we move to the Japanese market.”

“Then what’s the connection to the jewel?” Donghae asked, pointing on the jewel in Taemin’s pendant. “What do you call it? Um… Odoru Tamagotchi?”

“Tamagotchi? That’s a game hyung!” Henry said laughing with everyone. “It’s Odoru Tamashi…”

“Cut it out smart one!” Eunhyuk grabbed Henry and shut his mouth. “Will ya?”

“Odoru Tamashi…” Onew picked up where Henry left. “It literally means ‘Dance Soul’ right?”

“Oh boy!” Eunhyuk released Henry. “Taemin, please proceed.”

“Aw!” Henry complained. “That hurts hyung!”

“Shhhhh!” Everyone silenced the violinist.

“The Dance Soul.” Taemin continued. “Legends have it that the Odoru Tamashi is one of the transcendent forms of the Shikon no Tama, the Jewel of the Four Souls.”

“Wait a minute, the Shikon no Tama I know is a sacred jewel sought after but humans and demons alike because grants its bearer immense powers.” Dongyul said. “Is that the same Shikon no Tama?”

“Wow, hyung, you actually know something about it.” Taemin was shocked to hear it from Dongyul. “That is the Shikon no Tama I was talking about.”

Everyone’s eyes were on Dongyul with the where-did-that-came-from look.

“What? The Shikon no Tama?” Dongyul was uneasy with the sudden attention. “Well, it was part of a Japanese Anime, InuYasha… That explains it.”

“But it already undergone transformation, the Odoru Tamashi now grants its bearer great dancing prowess.”

“That you didn’t tell us earlier.” Onew said.

“But hyung, I told you the gist at least.” Taemin defended.

Onew nodded.

“But some parts of the story isn’t that clear.” Taemin continued. “In some legends, bringing the Odoru Tamashi and Odoru Ishi together will bring you to the world of dreams.”

“In some legends, bringing the Odoru Tamashi near the Odoru Ishi will bless it and make it glow.” He added. “The later, our ancestors believed, so I too believed. But it didn’t. I guess it is a myth after all.”

“At least you did your part of the story.” Minho cheered the young one. “Besides, maybe you need extra powers to see the glow. I bet it will still bless us all.”

“I sure hope so.” Taemin concluded.

“Hearing the whole story makes me wanna visit that shrine again and take a look for myself!” Eunhyuk said.

“Let’s jog up the shrine tomorrow morning.” Shindong suggested. “I kinda want to see that stone too.”

“That’s a good idea!” Siwon said. “Who’s with us?”

Everyone cheered. They agreed to jog first thing in the morning and went to bed.

Moments passed by and Taemin felt uneasy. He can’t sleep. He went outside the tent and found Henry and Dongyul near the camp fire talking.

“Can’t sleep hyungs?” He asked as he joined in.

“Sort of.” Henry answered. “I was telling Dongyul hyung my story when I became part of SJ, the good side and the bad side.”

“Oh, yeah, I heard that you might become part of an SJ sub unit or be a part of us, SHINee.” Taemin said. “It will be cool to have you in SHINee, hyung!”

“Thanks Taemin. But still, it bothers me.” Dongyul said. “Both SJ and SHINee already have fans, what if they don’t like me? What if I suffer the same fame as Henry and Zhoumi hyung?”

“It’s not that bad, we still have fans that love us way more, the Strings and the Honeys.” Henry defended. “And you have fans already, the Dreamers, right?”

“Yeah, but they’re just in Twitter.” Dongyul sighed.

“E.L.F or Shawols will love you like how they loved me as I entered Super Junior.” Kyu said from nowhere and now joined the group. “Henry and I we’re not original members of SJ, but eventually, E.L.F understood. So, same thing will happen to you.”

“Thanks guys!” Dongyul said. “Wait a minute, is this the Forum of the Maknaes?”

Everyone laugh. Then Kyu noticed the sadness in the youngest’s eyes.

“Taemin-ah, is there something bothering you too?” Kyuhyun asked. “It’s okay to share it with us. We won’t tell anyone.”

“Hyung, it’s just that…” Taemin answered. “I’m scared in expanding here in Japan.”

“It’s a different market with a different language.” Taemin continued. “I feel like I don’t belong here.”

“Dongyul hyung and I are foreigners to Korea too.” Henry cheered the youngest. “It was really hard at first, especially because you really don’t know what other people are talking about but you’ll get used to it.”

“I knew what you feel Taemin, same here.” Dongyul said. “It’s been months since I moved in, though I know the language, it still feels a bit different.”

“So how did you face it hyungs?” Taemin asked.

“Just be yourself!” Henry said.

“A new language doesn’t mean you should have a new you.” Dongyul added.

“And be confident!” Kyu concluded.

The three SJ members looked at each other.

“BRAVE HEART!” They cheered in unison.

“Thanks hyungs!” Taemin smiled. “BRAVE HEART!”

“We will conquer Japan!” Taemin shouted. Then, his chest glowed brightly. It was the Odoru Tamashi. Taemin released it from his necklace, rested it on his palm and it flew a meter away the boys.

“Woah! It’s glowing and… It’s floating in mid air!” Henry freaked out.

“So that’s why I can’t sleep.” Kyuhyun was in a defensive stance. “Everyone, wake up will you! We need some help here!”

“Guys, can you lower your voices? We’re were sle…” Leeteuk went out of the tent, awaken by the noises, and was shocked to see the Odoru Tamashi floating. The jewel then zoomed its way due north to the shrine.

“Wait!” Taemin cried out as he ran after his jewel.

“No! Taemin!” Leeteuk shouted.

“Comeback! It’s not safe!” Kyuhyun ran after him.

Leeteuk, Kyuhyun, Dongyul and Henry were of no choice but to chase after Taemin.

“What’s with Taemin?” Onew asked as he and the other SHINee members went out of their tent. The SHINee member’s tent is the closest to the camp fire. The commotion woke all the members, especially them.

“Hyung, It’s Taemin, he’s run after the Jewel!” Henry answered back and they chased after them.

“Wait, what exactly did happened?” Key asked while practically running with the rest of s.

“I don’t really know.” Henry said. “We were discussing something then, the jewel glowed, floated in mid air then zoomed towards the shrine. Taemin chased after it.”

“You were with whom?” Onew followed up. “Where are they?”

“We were with Kyuhyun and Dongyul hyung. Leeteuk hyungnim saw the jewel too.” Henry answered. “They’re just ahead of us.”

“Dongyul? Ya! Wait for us!” Donghae noticed that Dongyul is not in camp and chased the images running towards the shrine in the north. Sungmin followed Hae.

“Donghae-ya, why are they rushing to the shrine at this ungodly hour?” Sungmin asked. “I heard Kyu ask for help a while ago.”

“I don’t know, but whatever is happening, Dongyul is with them.” Donghae said as they follow the others.

“Kyuhyun too.” Sungmin was determined to follow.

“Hae! Aish!” Eunhyuk sighed. “Siwon-ah, let’s follow them!”

“Let’s go!” Zhoumi followed the two.

“I wanted to jog to shrine early morning, but not this early!” Siwon complained. “It’s still night time.”

“Maybe something was up.” Zhoumi said. “I heard Kyu ask for help.”

Shindong, Yesung and Ryeowook were the only ones left in the camp and hurriedly followed everyone.

Along the way, Dongyul and Kyu told Leeteuk what happened earlier.

“Taemin!” Leeteuk shouted as the shrine came to view. The three are now with the SHINee members and Henry.

Taemin was on the shrine entrance, both the Odoru Tamashi and Odoru Ishi floating in front of him.

“What on Earth?” Jonghyun was astonished to see the artifacts floating in mid air.

Then a weird music was heard coming from Odoru Ishi.

“Wait up, isn’t that Lucifer I’m hearing?” Key said.

“It is.” Minho confirmed.

Then the Odoru Tamashi transformed to a glowing man. It danced Lucifer in front of the Odoru Ishi and was absorbed by the stone and fell on the ground. There was silence. No one was able to explain what had happened. The only thing clear now is that Taemin’s jewel danced to Lucifer and is now inside the Odoru Ishi.

“I won’t give up now!” Taemin suddenly shouted and played the song from his android phone.

“What are you doing Taemin?” Onew asked from afar. They were practically a meter away from the youngest.

Taemin danced along with his heart. Tears were now flowing from his and ’s eyes. Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Onew all knew that Taemin was harboring something inside, but now, they can feel his pain. Expansion to Japan is too much for the young one to handle.

It was the last chorus. The perfect performance was about to end. The group was still staring at the dancing lad in silence and tears. Leeteuk and the others were thinking of ways to calm Taemin after. Suddenly, the stone rose from the ground. It floated in front of the dancing Taemin. He didn’t stop and continued his perfect performance.

“Now what?” Kyu complained. He definitely knew something the others don’t.

The song finished and like his Odoru Tamashi, he was absorbed by the stone too.

“Taemin-ah!” Everyone shouted and rushed towards the stone.

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Heheheheh, coolio :) I should go check out a Fanboy's Dream Come True