
The Mob

As I made way through the dimly lit streets, I heard a ruckus not too far.

"Maybe someone's in trouble?" I thought to myself, "Nah it's probably nothing," I was having an inner debate on whether I should see what's happening. I myself was too scared to even function, I had thoughts about whether a murder was taking place, and if I had stumbled upon it would I be the next victim, so I decided I should just walk away and call the local police station and let them know about the noise.

But, somehow my body was not cooperating with my brain, my feet had ended up taking me straight to the scene. My shaky hands gripped the hem of my cardigan, I guess the curiosity was killing me. My eyes adjusted to the dark alley way and there he stood. That familiar tall man, the slicked-back black haired guy I met this morning.

It was strange I felt pity for him, he looked helpless against that other bulky figure who was beating him senseless into the ground.

I stood there in the shadows and watched, what more could I do, I was in a state of shock my whole body froze. I tried to let out some words however nothing seemed to come out of my mouth. I stared intently at the man getting beaten up. Something about the man's face seemed strange to me, he almost looked as if there was something up his sleeve, something he was hiding from the opponent. He smirked to himself.

"That's what you get for being a smartass." The bulky man said as he turned his back away from beating the guy, about to leave until,

"Wow! That's all you got? Even my dead grandma can throw a better punch than you from her grave." And that's when the black haired guy threw a swing at the bulky man sending him flying into the brick wall behind him.

"Listen, next time I tell you not to throw crap on the ground you better listen. Arraso?" The bulky guy then nodded slowly while trying to somehow get his dignity back.

"Woah, is this guy always angry jheeze someone give him chill pill coz he needs to calm the down." I thought to myself. It was such a weird coincidence seeing this guy again, "maybe he lives in this area or something".

I walked away back to my dorm after stumbling upon that incident, luckily none of the parties saw me. I ended back at the dorm greeted by a worried Yuju.

"Hey! Where the hell were you I was so worried. I thought you got kidnapped or something,"

"Don't worry that didn't happen I just went to the convenience store to get a snack, I was hungry with all those boring lectures and I had no time to eat food," I didn't want to tell her what I saw I mean it was really nothing I guess that guy was just trying to teach him a lesson, but really! They had to start a fight about litter, gosh men are so weird.


A few days later I seemed to be getting used to college life, I had gotten to all my classes on time I even started to make new friends. When one of my lectures had ended I was about to leave when Mark had tugged on to the back of my jumper to prevent me from going anywhere.

"Ji Yeon-ah can I borrow your notes I kinda fell asleep in class today," Of course I was gonna hand him my notes, I mean when a cute guy like him asks so sweetly, you best believe I'm going to say yes.

"Yeah sure, shall I send you the pictures of my notes?" He nodded in response to my question.

"Here's my number," He wrote on piece of ripped up paper and handed it to me. "I cannot believe I have his number, oh my god Ji Yeon play it cool you don't want him to see you fangirling." I felt my cheeks heat up, I can just tell they're getting redder by the second.

"Oh also there's this party tonight, you know the one that they're throwing for first years I was wondering if you're going?"

Yuju had been going on about attending this party all week she somehow persuaded me to go, she even picked out both of our outfits.

"Yeah, I didn't really have a choice my roommate is practically going to drag me there if I decide not to go," He seemed to smile, "oh my god I think I'm going to faint if he keeps looking at me like that, someone please make him stop!"

"Cool, well I guess I'll see you there, bye Ji Yeonnie." He departed from the lecture hall only to leave me standing there with my mouth agape. "OH DEAR LORD did he just... he just called me Ji Yeonnie, eeeekkkk!!!!"


"Yuju don't you think this is a bit too revealing?" I said while trying to cover my chest by crossing my arms. Back at the dorm she had shoved me into a tight fitted black dress which had shown some of my cleavage, "No doubt my non-existent will be sticking out," I said while walking behind Yuju as we entered the frat house the party was held at.

"Chill girl, you look hot flaunt what your mama gave ya." I'm fascinated by how confident this girl is, it's almost as if she's got the whole world in her hands.

Within the first 5 minutes me and Yuju got separated, she went to go dance, whereas I went to kitchen to get a refill on my drink. After retrieving myself another cup of what I presume is a concoction of all the different alcohols mixed together I had observed my surroundings,

"Oh Mark's there. Crap what should I do? Should I approach him first? Maybe that might be too desperate. Ugghhhh okay I guess I should prob-"

"Hey Ji Yeonnie. I guess you did finally make it," I glimpsed up at him with beaming eyes.

"Yeah I didn't really have a choice." I let out a soft giggle.

"By the way you look very beautiful today,"

"Oh ermm thanks." I was at a loss for words I didn't know what to say or do next thing I knew a guy had interrupted our conversation.

"Hey Mark hyung what's taking so long I thought you were getting drinks?" It was that guy, the angry one. "Why do I keep seeing this angry guy everywhere?"

"Oh I was just talking to one of my friends," Marks says as he points to me.

"This is Ji Yeon she's in one of my classes," Angry guy looked at me, baffled he stared and pointed at me.

"You're the girl who spilled coffee on me that day?" Crap I was hoping he would forget my face.

"Uh Yeah, again I'm really sorry about your shirt," I said while looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

"Wait Ji Yeon you know JB hyung?" Mark said in confusement.

"Not exactly, she spilled her coffee on me when met," Angry guy whose name I presume is JB said.

"Again I'm sorry," I said.

"Don't worry about it,"

Me, Mark and JB had hung out for a good 20 minutes before Mark got pretty drunk and began to go dance leaving me and JB behind in the seating area.

"So is JB you're real name or..?" I said as I felt we were both too awkward to speak after Mark left so I decided to break the ice.

"No it's just a nickname, my real name is Jaebeom."

"Oh okay," He had a stern look on his face I had no idea why.

"Do you ever smile Jaebeom-ssi?" He looked me in awe stunned I had even said those words.

"What's that supposed to mean? We've barely met and you assume I'm not happy, I'm actually offended." He fakes a gasp and and rolls his eyes at me.

"And you can just call me JB,"

"Well I've met you a few times now and I can say everytime I've met you, you've always seemed to look... ermm... angry," He listened intently to what I had said,

"And I like Jaebeom better," He smiled at my response. He actually smiled, what the actual . Why is his smile so attractive, damnnnnnn.

"Close your mouth a fly might get in." I quickly got myself together before getting into a fit of laughter, which had eventually caused him to snicker at my actions.

I seemed to look at the time and decided that I should probably head back to the dorm so I looked around to see if I can find Yuju anywhere in my line of sight. Unfortunately I stumbled upon two familiar drunk forms making out with eachother on the dance floor.

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