
The Mob

Flashback to 4 Years ago

"Mum don't worry I'll be fine," I said as I was walking up the stairs of my new dorm, I couldn't believe I'm finally in college. "Yes, I'll make sure to come and visit as much as I can," My mum had been anxious about me leaving for college, she had been phoning me every other hour ever since I left to catch the train, not that I'm mad or anything but I would like it if I had two hands free to find the keys to my dorm room. "Listen mum I have to go I just reached my dorm room I'll call you later when I settle in." and with that we said our goodbyes.

I couldn't believe my eyes the room looked so huge and homely, I felt like I could adjust to college life. I set my things on my single bed and started to unpack, I noticed the large single wardrobe "Crap I'm going to have less space to put my clothes," If only I was with Minah, Sowon and Hana they would understand how much wardrobe space I'd need. I was pretty upset that they all had gone to different colleges around the country however I wished the best of luck in their future endeavours, we'd promised to meet up soon but I think we'd all be too busy with college life to see one another any time soon.

Unfortunately, I was a bit late in picking a single room so the only other option I had was to share with another person. I just hope my roommate is nice, I've heard way too many horror stories about crazy roommates potentially murdering the other in their sleep.

The door swung open moments after I had unpacked, there she stood, my new roommate. "Hi it's nice to meet you, you must be my new roommate, I'm Ji Yeon," I tried to make conversation to ease the tension in the room. "Hey, I'm Yuju I hope we become good friends,"

"So Yuju what are classes are you taking?" We talked while I was helping Yuju was unpack, she honestly seems like a nice person, no hidden murderous weapons on her, is considered nice in my books.

"Oh I'm taking psychology and English, what about you?"

"That seems cool, I'm taking the medical sciences course, I'm actually kinda nervous for classes tomorrow I was actually hoping that we'd be taking the same courses so I could see a familiar face in the lecture hall," Yuju came and sat next to me on my bed, she gently patted my back and said "Don't worry I'm sure you'll do just fine, Hwaiting!"


I had woken up extra early today to make sure I make it to my first class on time. I had gotten ready and left the dorm wearing a white tank top layered with a long grey cardigan paired with my black skinny jeans. As I was making my way towards the medical science building which was a 10 minute walk away from the dorms, I had stopped near a café to get some coffee to make sure I'm alert when I'm in class, you never know when the professor could randomly pick on you and make you a fool on your first day, I shudder at the thought. After I had gotten my morning brew I walked merely a step out of the café and had bumped into a tall figure. Unknowingly I had spilt my Americano all over the form in front of me.

"Aish!" I look up from the ground slightly and realised the person in front of me, in a simple back t-shirt, was drenched in the hot caffeinated drink, I was in a state of shock I didn't know what to do.

"I'm so sorry," "are you okay?" "Did you get burned?" "SORRY!" It was like I didn't have an off switch, words just kept spewing out of my mouth, the next thing I knew I had started to feel up the stranger in front of me, I was rubbing my tissue against the guy's perfectly chiselled chest. Damn this guy must workout, I bet I can probably do my laundry on his washboard abs. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the man spoke.

"Yah can you stop!" He grabbed my hands and looked me straight in the eyes. He looked really angry, yet somehow that made him look so attractive.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you, I can pay for a new top if you want,"

"Don't worry you can't even tell that there's a stain, it's fine," To avoid his gaze I stared at my wrist watch which he was gripping in his hands, however when I realised the time I started to panic.

"Crap, listen I have to go," "Again I'm really sorry, the next time I see you I'll promise I'll make it up to you." I removed myself from his grip and started to run as fast as my legs could take me till I ran out of breath, luckily I was near the building.

"I've had a good night's rest I hope I just focus in class and try to make some friends, come on Ji Yeon you can do this." I lamely said to myself while walking up to the medical science building. I took long strides and entered the lecture hall, to my surprise the hall seemed almost full. I quickly made my way to an empty seat and sat down before the professor came in.

"Hey, can I borrow a pen?" A handsome blonde haired male seated next to me asked.

"Sure," I said as I handed him a spare pen.

When the lecture finished the boy next to me had given my pen back in exchange for my name. "My name is Ji Yeon," I smiled, a little flustered at this guy, I mean he looked unbelievably handsome. "Oh what a pretty name, it suits you," my cheeks had started going red I was praying to god that this guy would not notice. "My name is Mark, I hope we become good friends Ji Yeon-ssi." I was left astounded, I mean I knew I wanted to make friends but I just didn't seem to think it'd be with one of the hottest guys in the lecture room.

The day went on smoothly and I had finally finished my last class, it was pretty dark out so I made sure to tell Yuju to be safe when walking back to the dorms. As I made my way back to the dorms I had spotted something unusual.

The guy from this morning, the one I spilled coffee on...




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