twist in fate


It’s now in the month of December, wow time sure pass fast. Well about what’s happening to me and Crissy, we are still friends. I have no plans in courting her or anybody. Besides, I don’t feel like courting a girl. I still felt that I’m a girl. I know that I’m a boy know but I just don’t feel like it.

I received an email and a call from Mommy Eula saying that she’ll be coming home in Dumaguete for a long Christmas Holidays which in her vocabulary will start on the first week of December. Well, I’m pretty excited about it also, so I urged her to have a month-long vacation. She agreed to it. So now, I’m on my way to the airport to fetch her. I waited for her for about 30minutes because her flight was delayed. She saw me right away and went straight to me and hugged me. We talked as I drive back to town. I told her about my coping and acceptance. She seems to be proud of me. I felt more comfortable talking with her than with my mother. She really treats me as her real son (oh well, have to get used to it); and in return I also treat her just like my real mother.

Mommy Eula is living with me since she bought me the house; also because I insisted. For a few days after her arrival, she just stayed at home, maybe because she’s exhausted. We talked almost everyday about my school. Laugh at each other’s jokes. Went to shopping malls to have our shopping session and etc.

It’s Friday now, since my hospital duties are only during Mondays-Wednesdays; I have my classes on Thursday s and Fridays. After my afternoon class which usually ends at 5pm., Mommy Eula called that she’ll meet me at a certain restaurant in the city because she want to eat dinner outside, so I agreed to meet her there. I just went home to have a shower and change my clothes. I put some of my semi formal outfit (Blue V-neck shirt with black suit on top and denim and black shoes).  After that, I get the key of my car and drove to the restaurant.


The restaurant that my mother told me about is at the heart of the city. Inside Montréal Plaza Hotel, Bon Appétit Restaurant is where she wants to have our dinner. It was a typical French restaurant which also served steaks and Italian pastas.  I went inside, I ask the crew to find a table for me, she ushered me to the table with four seats near the widow. I waited for my mother there. I think she just late as usual. I watch the glistening lights of the city. Then I turned to the door, at that moment something caught my attention. A woman dressed in a blue casual cocktail dress perfectly fitted in her body. She’s pretty as what I’ve said to myself. Tall yet lean with fair complexion. She seems to be familiar. She walked and seated in the table just a few feet away from me. She must have been waiting for someone, maybe a boyfriend. That thought made my mood clashed. I’m pissed with that thought. But honestly, she’s really familiar; I think I saw her somewhere. I just continue to stare at her. I know it’s rude to stare but I can’t help it. It’s just like an unbreakable force is attaching me to her.

Maybe I think she must have noticed that someone’s looking at her, that’s why she turned around. Eyes are wondering until she rested her eyes on me. A beautiful pair of chinky eyes. Again, I felt the same feeling that I’ve felt when I saw the chinky eyes of the young professor. I felt something sparks again. Then, a sudden thump in my chest. My heart beat began to race.


Realization came to me. I know now why she’s familiar. That’s why I felt the same effect on those chinky eyes. That’s because the owner of those eyes that I seen long ago and the eyes that I seen now is the same person.


The same person who can give me this kind of feeling. It’s Prof. Cassandra Lim.

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