twist in fate


Well, having a surgery just a week ago changed my perspective in some ways. Of course, everything will change now from the moment that I made my choice to go on with the surgery. Now, after one problem, a new one comes. Now, I’m back in Victorias City, my first problem would be: how will I explain myself and how will I come up with a story that will convince all the people that I know before that I was dead (of course, as Sophia Lopez). Well, my mom helped me with that one, she told everyone that when I was in the hospital (as Sophie); it was found out that I had a cancer. Colon Cancer to be exact and it’s in malignant or terminal stage, and as we know that kind of cancer is a silent one. You would only know that you’re in a worse condition because you’re going to die. So the doctor said that a surgery might give me a chance to live but it has a 50-50% chance of living, and in that surgery, I died (oh well, Sophie died). Well that explains my death as Sophia Lopez.

Now, the next thing is how will I going to explain that I have a twin brother which would be me again btw. Well Mommy Eula helped in that one. She said that since she’s a doctor in that hospital, it is where my mother saw me (as Andrew James Gonzales, I had to use Dr. Gonzales name because she adopted me in this well-made story) going to Mommy Eula since she’s my known mother. Now, what happens next is that she cornered me because I have the same face as Sophie and asked who my mother is and I replied that it is Dr. Gonzales. Then, she insisted to talk to her. And that’s how I and she found out that I was adopted long ago at the orphanage because I was bought their when I was young. That’s why I never had any memories back then. And my mom said that I was lost when we had our vacation in Manila, and the only child that she found was my sister, Sophia. That’s when my real parents concluded that my twin brother died. So the story now is settled in. It’s a high time to go back to in the track.

First that we did is to have an actual burial of Sophie. First is to put on the announcement in the obituary page of the newspaper. Since, the said body is already cremated there’s no need for a burial. My father comes home. We’ll he already know the situation, my mom and I explained it to him. And thankfully, he understands it and he’s glad btw, that I’ve become a male since he wanted to have a male child to be his heir. Well in my case at least; I’ve made my father happy. I also introduced him to Dr. Gonzales and on how she helped us. Dr. Gonzales, I might add is from Dumaguete, and yes, what a coincidence. So she, helped us convinced all the people about our story.

During the burial, I saw my friends, my classmates, my clinical instructors, my relatives giving their condolences to me and to my parents. And as the moment in the burial I was introduced as Sophia Lopez’s long lost twin brother who never had a chance to meet her other than her burial. Well isn’t this a tragic story. With this, I was able to have the sympathy and empathy of the people in that occasion.


“Good day everyone, I would just like to say my thanks to all the people who loved my daughter in a short time of her life. We want to express our gratitude; however, we’re very sorry that we might not able to show it.” My mom said.


“However, Sophie might have able to see through our loneliness that’s why she guided us in finding our long lost son, Sophie’s twin brother, Andrew James.” My father said.


“Let me introduce to you my long lost son, Andrew James Lopez II. Will you guide him in having him as Sophie’s twin brother, and treat him the way you treat Sophie.” My mom said.

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