
Something Kinda Crazy
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Words: 934
Date: June twenty-third, 2017

Disclaimer, cursing lol but not much. Also I haven't gotten to edit this since it's late. But I will tomorrow for sure. Goodnight <3

noon. Chanyeol's house.

"And you'll call me every day right?"

"Of course, my love. And if you don't answer I'll leave you a message. But if you're pressuring me to call every day, then you better pick up."

Chaeyeon rolled her eyes, her arms crossing over her chest. The laughter from the two slowly died down as they realized that this really was their last day together indefinitely. It wasn't like Chaeyeon was going to another town, she was going to a whole new country. Long, strong, and longing arms wrapped around Chaeyeon's small frame. Pressure pressed down on the top of her head from Chanyeol's chin. She could feel it shaking, snitching on Chanyeol over the fact he was going to cry. "Don't cry."

"I'm not. Why would I. It's not like you're my best friend or anything." Chanyeol scoffed, but Chaeyeon heard his tears get caught in his throat.

"You're going to call me every day so you won't need to miss me and I won't need to miss you."

"What if something happens and I can't?"

"Well...then we're going to have a whole separate problem besides missing each other."

Chanyeol laughed goofily and let out an exhausted sigh. "Who else is going to be able to cheer me up when I feel like this? N-"

"Noone of course."

"Took the words right out of my mouth."

Two twenty p.m. Chanyeol's car.

The car ride was silent. It was a silence that made you think. There wasn't a bad atmosphere but it wasn't a happy one either. While Chanyeol's eyes were on the road ahead of him (even though tears blocked his vision), Chaeyeon looked at him every moment she could. Chanyeol couldn't even feel creeped out by the staring. Usually when Chaeyeon stared, things would go down a little like this:

"What are you looking at Chae?"

"My Park Chanyeol."

"Your Park Chanyeol?"

"My Park Chanyeol."

The two never exchanged their I love yous before in any way that wasn't as best friends but they both knew how one another felt.

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