

Nothing peaked his interest for the rest of the day. Lunch rolled by and so did more classes. He needed something to do. Something... Interesting. But then, he remembered the body and sighed. He found the clean-up part tedious, but it will keep him busy for a while. It is something he has to be perfect with.
He walked towards the house as someone ran up from behind and placed their hand on Changkyun's shoulder. Instinctively, Changkyun turned around and grabbed the arm and twisted it back.
"Ow ow ow ow ow!! Changkyun!! Ow!" Shouted the boy.
"Oh my god, Hyungwon. Don't scare me like that!" Changkyun scolded.
"Have you always done that?" Hyungwon questioned as he gently tended to his arm.
"I've been taking self-defense classes," he replied. "Haven't you heard about the murders that have been happening?"
"Oh yeah. They call them the shadow killer because of how little they know about the details. I also heard they like to commit his crime during the day but is never caught. But they only seem to be targeting girls," Hyungwon continued. They turned to continue walking.
"Are they really? That's strange. Do you think it's a guy behind it then? Or a girl out of jealousy?"
"Who knows. According to my brother who's working on the case, they believe it's a boy. Apparently he tortures them before killing them. But not always. And they were killed in different ways too-- making this super difficult for police." They continued walking.
"How do they know it's from the same person though? If they're all killed in different ways..."
Hyungwon shrugs. "Maybe it's just a hunch. After all, they only found two bodies. "
Changkyun silently laughed to himself. They found two out of six. He has waited for so long and they only found two. He expected them to find at least four by now.
"Woah. There's only two and they figured out that much?" He said, acting surprised.
"Yeah. The police are really trying to focus on this case because of how quick the fear is spreading. "
"It's not like there aren't other killers out there. People die every day and that's the tragic truth."

"I hate to agree with you but it's true. The world is a dark place. No one is safe. Oh by the way. Did you know about the one video with the cat and the duck was fake. Can you believe it? I mean why would people even do that? People have way too much time on their hands, seriously. Can you just imagine the world without people like that? Wouldn’t it be better? I’m not saying that I agr-"
"Hey. Wasn't your house that way?" Changkyun asked as he pointed down a street. Confused, Hyungwon paused and looked around, not even realizing he was walking.
"Wow. Yeah. You're right! Thanks man; I'll catch you later." He called out as he took a sharp turn into his street.
Changkyun smirked and waved, knowing full well they were walking slightly faster than normal. He was bored of the conversation long before they made it to the street.
When he reached the building he called home, he swiftly entered the elevator and walked towards his apartment door. But something was off. He shortened his steps and hesitated before reaching for the door knob. Gently, he tested the knob-- it was locked. He then checked the door hinge, and noticed the piece of graphite he placed in there as he walked out has been broken. Someone was here.
Cautiously, he unlocked the door and stepped in. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary-- nothing out of place. He made his way to his bedroom, walking past the basement door and the hallway closet. The room was in order. Changkyun turned but immediately halted when something caught his eye. The papers on his desk were moved. He turned back around and looked at the Windows. Nothing was open and the door was too far to cause a breeze. The sound of light footsteps echoed from behind him and slammed the bedroom door.
Out of instinct, Changkyun reached for the door and swung it open with great force. Scanning his surroundings, he made his way to where the footsteps halted-- the office. As he slowly opened the door, he was ready to strike.
Sitting on his desk, staring back at him was a young girl no older than 20. She wore black from head to toe with an elegant masquerade mask gently bordering her eyes. The skirt she wore was gently swaying because of the wind that came through the window. Her dark golden hair framed her slim face and ended just at the bottom of her crop top. She smiled at him.
"I was right," she whispered.
Not knowing what to do or say, Changkyun stood frozen with one hand on the door knob.
"About the girls," she continued. “I thought you were better than this. I'm disappointed," she sighed. "You could have done so much better.” The girl casually jumped off the table and made her way to the nearby window. She could not have been taller than 5'4. She took a step towards him. Immediately, Changkyun took a step back too.
"Did I frighten you? Can you not speak?" She questioned.
"Who are you?" was the only words that escaped from his lips.
"You're afraid. Smart boy."
"Get out. Now. "
"Oh I'll be leaving soon. You don't have any more questions?"
He paused for a second.
"What are you doing here?"
She continued to smile at him. "I was here for this," she replied as she waved an usb in her hand.
His eyes widened, realizing he had forgotten to destroy all the pictures of him and his last girl. Out of desperation, he lunged for the item. Just as quick, she pulled it out of reach.
"We will be in touch soon, I.M."
"How do you know....I was careful. "
She winked and blew him a kiss before jumping out of the window and making her escape.

He was careful about his identity as well as his actions. And now... Someone else has dirt on him. Something he won't allow. He needed to talk to her-- or better yet, kill her.
He walked up to the window and peered out. No one was there.
He then made his way around the house to see what else the girl had touched. When he reached the basement door, his stomach dropped. It was open just a crack. She was here too. She knows.
As he walked in, the door creaked and closed slightly behind him. Carefully descending the stairs, he noticed everything appeared to have been moved-- organized. When he reached the empty chair in the center, he froze.
His hopes of making a clean cut is gone.
The body is gone.
The girl who knows about him is gone.
"What happened..." He whispered to himself, greatly disappointed that he got himself into an irreversible mess.


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