Fiction or Reality?!

I'll Be Your Light


Seeing him like this reminded you of the first time you met. Black cap, black mask, holding a cup of coffee and a plastic bag of beer. He was leaning on the opposite side of the lift not saying anything.   


*Flashback two years*


You were quite new to Korea and was trying so hard to fit in. For someone born and raised in Australia, the way you viewed the world was very different. It was always very chill and laid back at home. Everyone went at their own pace and you were so used to hanging out with a mix of different cultures. 

Despite loving everything at home, you wanted change, and that change happened to be moving to Korea by yourself. Gaby Park Jaewon: panics in unfamiliar circumstances, gets intimidated easily by anyone that doesn't smile, and is quite awkward at starting conversations. 

Everyone at home said it was a bad idea. To them, you were a fangirl that took things too far. Yes you were a fangirl, you loved Beast, you loved binge watching to Korean dramas and you loved playing kpop everywhere you went. But to you it was more than that. You wanted independence and a new adventure. Everything at home became too much of a repetition, you wanted to try something new and you thought this was your chance. You never intended to stay for more than a year anyways, heck, you didn't even know if you will last for a few months. This was until you met him. 


It was another standard day three months into being in Korea. You've made a few friends from your job at the cafe, talking in korean has become a lot less awkward after some practice even though you still think in english and you've familiarised yourself with the neighbourhood and how to get around Seoul.  

It was another night after a shift at the cafe, but you were more exhausted than usual. Instead of grabbing dinner before heading home, you decided to just pop by the local convenience store and buy a few things to take home and eat. After paying for what you want, a guy in a black cap and black mask runs into you. What you just bought has been knocked out of your hands and you bend down to pick it up. You hear the cans of beers knocking into each other as he walks away without saying a word. 

"Ughhh! Why are people so rude?!" You mutter under your breath in anger. 

One thing you have yet to get use to is to is how rude some people are. Instead of holding doors for people, saying excuse me to walk past; a lot of people just hurriedly continues their actions as if nothing happened. It's understandable due to the fast pace in Korea, but it happens way too often for you to ignore it. 

"Whatever, I can't let another douche ruin my night! I'll never see him again anyways" You thought to yourself as you headed home to the service apartments around the block. 


Walking by the strip of shops, a familiar figure came out of a cafe holding a cup of coffee and his bag of beer. You recognised the necklace and bracelet he was wearing against his plain black tee and blue jeans. 

"Omg trust my luck" You rolled you eyes wondering why you had to run into this man again. 

Of course, he didn't seem to recognise her at all and walked on ahead of Jaewon. 


Following behind, you were wondering when he would finally turn a corner and get out of your sight. But instead, you end up following him for the next 10 minutes and walk straight into the same apartment building. He presses the button on the lift and heads in.

You didn't want to be stuck in that confined space with him, so instead of following in, you took a step back and decided to take the next lift. Surprisingly, the lift doors remained opened and a head pops out from the side.

"Hey, are you wanting to come in?" 

Caught off guard, you apologise and jump straight into the lift. You see that level 22 is lit up and was thankful that you're not on the same level. You quickly press on level 18 and stare at your feet. 

"Hey.... I think I ran into you at the convenience store before. Sorry about that. I didn't want to cause a scene and just left" 

Surprised by his words you look up and see what you never expected to ever happen. 


Those eyes.... Look very familiar.... Something you have definitely seen before!! 

He took off his mask and bowed in apology and you freeze in place with no reaction. 

You didn't seem to react at all, you ended up kind of frozen and stared with a blank expression

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?! THAT DOUCHE IS YONG JUNHYUNG?! THE YONG JUNHYUNG?! THE GUY FROM THE GROUP I ADORE TO DEATH!?" The thoughts in your brain were running wild but luckily you looked quite calm and expressionless on the outside. 

"I don't even know if you know me, but due to the nature of my work, I try to stay under the radar in public. I'm just scared talking too much or hanging around too long will cause unnecessary commotion. I am very sorry though. Sorry it took me so long to say it! Hello?!" He waves his hands infront of you trying to get some reaction out of you. 

"What?! You're Beast's Yong Junhyung?" You ended up saying in english as you were so confused as to what was happening right now. 

"Aish, she knows me, but she doesn't know Korean!? What do I do now?" I hear him muttering softly looking quite awkward. 

 "Oh... I'm.... I'm sorry! I just get flustered... And... and then go back to english when I get surprised. I know korean, I understood what you just said. Just... I just didn't expect it" You ended up stuttering as you realised how stupid you might've looked frozen then speaking another language. 

Junhyung chuckles and holds out his hand: "Yong Junhyung as you might know already. Nice to meet you" 

The lift door opens at your level as he properly introduces himself. "Park Jaewon" you reply shaking his hand but body already leaving the lift so the door doesn't close on you. 

"I'll hopefully see you around" Junhyung ends up saying as you walk out of the lift and wave goodbye. 


*Flash back to present*


"Yah, Jaewon-ah! What are you laughing at?" Junhyung asks as you drift down memory lane. 

"Nothing! Nothing oppa, I was just thinking if you wanted any snacks to go with your drinks" You said changing the subject. Junhyung has been in a pretty bad mood the last few days and you didn't want to bring up something silly at this time. 

You know he only wanted to snuggle in at home, have a few beers and stay away from everything. 


"How has it been two years?! Where has the time gone" You thought to yourself as you walked out of the lifts.


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Chapter 3: thank you for the update! :) :) :)