chapter 8

the lonely cue ball

authors note: a long chapter for everyone! thank you for the comments, i really appreciate it <3



"Class, I am sure all of you know that your examinations will start next week. I hope that all of you will spend this week wisely if you want to get a good results." said the teacher.

"I hate examinations!" Umji said with a pout.

"To make it worst, the first trial is on the next week too." said SinB as the girls walked out of the school.

"Eunha, I think you are the happiest person now." Yuju said.

"Why?" Eunha asked, looking confused.

"Your lover is out there waiting for you." Yuju replied and pointed at the direction where Sowon is standing.

"Going out for a date today?" SinB asked.

"Yeah, today is our first month being a couple." Eunha replied with her cheeks blushing.

"Hi boss!" Yuju called out for Sowon when they finally reached the school gate.

"Boss is not my name, so don't call me that." Sowon replied.

"Oh, can we join both of you?" Umji asked playfully.

"Well, if you all want to..." said Sowon looking disappointed.

"Just kidding! We don't like to be light bulbs. Enjoy your date!" said Umji and the three of them left.

"Wait, where is your car?" Eunha asked.

"I just felt like taking public transport with you today. Let's go." said Sowon smiling at Eunha.


On the bus which is heading to the town, both Sowon and Eunha did not speak to each other except still holding their hands together until the latter asked, "Are you prepared for the snooker trial next week?"

"This is not the first day you know me. I don't really prepare for competition. What about you?" Sowon asked.

"I am prepared to lose the trial round." Eunha replied.

"Let's drop this topic. It is our first month together, we should be happy." Sowon said with a wide smile across her face which made Eunha burst out laughing.

"You really look like a kid smiling like that." said Eunha gently hit Sowon's head.

"I only smile for you, so you better treasure it." Sowon replied.

"I know, and I am really thankful to have you for the past one month." said Eunha as she let out a yawn.

"Take a nap, I will wake you up when we reached." said Sowon and gestured for Eunha to lie on her shoulder.


"What do you feeling like eating today?" Eunha asked after alighting from the bus.

"You should be the one deciding. I am sure you are hungrier than me." Sowon replied.

"What makes you say that?" Eunha asked raising one of her eyebrows.

"Look here." said Sowon as she pointed at her shirt which has a wet patch on the shoulder area.

"Oops." said Eunha, not knowing that she has been drooling during her nap on the bus.

"Not forgiven unless you give me a kiss." said Sowon who is already pointing at her lips.

"Here? But there are so many people around. Can I give you later?" Eunha asked.

"No, I want it right now." Sowon insisted.

Looking around to make sure that no one is staring at them, Eunha quickly gave a peck on Sowon's lips.

"Too fast. Do it again." said Sowon, pretending to be dissatisfied.

So this time round, Eunha pulled Sowon to one corner and gave a harder and longer kiss on Sowon's lips.

"Forgiven." Sowon said happily.

"You are so demanding. Can we go and have our dinner now?" Eunha asked.

"Yes. Steakhouse!" Sowon replied, skipping around happily.

"I wonder where is the fierce boss I met in the first place." Eunha said and smile at her silly girlfriend. 


After having their dinner at the steakhouse, both of them didn't really walk around because Eunha needs to be home to start her revision. Although Sowon wanted to spend more time with Eunha, she knows that Eunha's mom will definitely flare up if she breaks the curfew rule again.

"Are you angry that I can't spend more time with you today?" Eunha asked as the both of them reached her house gate.

"No, I can still visit you during your study week right?" Sowon asked.

"I guess I should be able to spare out some time. Oh, before I forget, I have something for you." said Eunha as she took out something from her bag.

"I almost forgot too, this is for you. And sorry, I'm really bad in wrapping presents." Sowon said, passing a messy wrapped up gift to Eunha.

"Silly. Have a good night rest." said Eunha and as she is about to enter the house, Sowon gently pulled her back.

"Thank you for tolerating with me for this one whole month... I... love you." said Sowon as she leaned forward to kiss Eunha's forehead.


After taking a shower, Eunha sat at her desk gently unwrapping the present. Peeling off the only piece of tape that is holding the item in place, she then folded the wrapper and put it in her drawer.

"I wonder what is this." said Eunha as she flipped open the book Sowon gave her.

On the first page, it was a sketch of Sowon showing her index finger with the caption, "My very first month with my first lover."

"I didn't know that she can draw that well..." Eunha said to herself as she flipped to the next page.

Next was a sketch of Eunha closing her eyes in fear while Sowon protected her from a gangster, "I know I am going to protect her for the rest of my life."

It is only the second page, but Eunha is already very touched having to be reminded about how she and Sowon met.

The third sketch was Sowon and Eunha at the lounge bar counter, "I want to be your listener forever."

The fourth sketch was Eunha hugging Sowon as they both slept on the bed, "The first person I want to see whenever I wake up."

The fifth one was Eunha blushing and a dialog box with the word baby popping out, "I didn't know this word from her can make me fly up to the sky."

The sixth one shows Sowon dumping all her cigarettes into the bin looking T__T, "Sorry my cigarettes, but she is more important."

As Eunha reads on, she realised that Sowon actually remembers everything that happened between them ever since the first day. Her tears start to flow down, knowing how much Sowon loves her. This is the first time her tears are made of joy.

At the very last sketch shows the backview of Sowon holding Eunha's hand, "She is the reason why my heart is still beating until now."


"I thought you should be out with Eunha?" Yerin asked as she saw Sowon walking in.

"She needs to prepare for her exams, so I sent her back after we had our dinner." Sowon replied.

"But I can see someone looking happy..." Namjoo teased.

"She got me a present." Sowon said and trying very hard to control her smile.

"Are you really Sowon?!" Nayoung shouted upon seeing her different Sowon.

"The power of love, huh?" Yerin asked.

"So the power of love made our boss stay up the whole night at my place drawing non-stop." said Namjoo as she recalled what happened yesterday night.

"I went to your place because I don't want to fall asleep doing the sketches alone at home." Sowon explained.

"So what did your girlfriend got you? Food?" Nayoung asked, staring hard at the box Sowon is holding.

"Even if it is, I won't give it to you." Sowon replied, giving a deadly stare Nayoung. Sowon then looked at the box in her hands and slowly untie the ribbon. As she opened up the box, she saw something that made her knees go weak. It is a mini cue ball which has been missing out in her collection. Taking out the mini cue ball, she saw a message written in the box.

You are no longer the lonely cue ball on the snooker table, because you have me. You will no longer need to put yourself the last, because I will always be behind you. You have half a heart more than the rest now, because I have given my heart to you.

"So, do you want my heart too?" Nayoung whispered softly into Sowon's ear, causing the latter to jump back.

"Yah! I didn't let you read it!" Sowon shouted.

"But we all read it while you are day-dreaming over that three lines." Yerin teased.

"We can see that she really loves you." Namjoo said.

"I know, but I will need to wait till her examinations are over." said Sowon, letting out a sigh.


A week later

"Finally! End of exams!" SinB shouted.

"To struggle with school and snooker recruitment can be so energy consuming." said Yuju.

"Yeah..." Eunha said as she yawned softly.

"Unlike all of you, I can't even attend the party held by the association!" SinB complained.

"Both Yuju and I were so lucky to face easy opponents during the first trial." Umji replied.

"But Eunha, I didn't know you are so good in snooker too!" said Yuju as she recalled that Eunha got through as well.

"My opponent is Nayoung... but she didn't even appear." Eunha said.

"You are against Nayoung but I am put against Sowon!" SinB whined.

"Sowon? I thought she is not interested?" Umji asked.

"She told me that she has to stay on to accompany someone." SinB replied.

"So sweet! The person must be Eunha!" Umji exclaimed.

"Didn't you know about this?" Yuju asked Eunha.

"We haven't been talking to each other ever since that day." Eunha replied.

"Why?" Yuju asked.

"Because I was preparing for the exams with Tzuyu, and all of you should know what usually happens..." said Eunha as the rest nodded in agreement.


The doorbell suddenly rang while Tzuyu and Eunha studying.

"Who is it?" Tzuyu asked.

"It's Sowon, she said she wanted to see me." Eunha answered.

"Unnie, you are supposed to focus on your studies. Let me go and tell her." said Tzuyu as she got up and walked to the door.


"Hi." Tzuyu said.

"Hi... Is Eunha around?" Sowon asked.

Eunha came out, trying to stop Tzuyu but it was too late, "Yes, but we are preparing for our exams." the latter replied.

"But I think you don't study all day long, right?" Sowon asked.

"We do take breaks, but you are interrupting us already." Tzuyu said.

"I am here to see my girlfriend but till now, she has not spoken a word about this." said Sowon, looking pissed off.

"Please leave." Tzuyu insisted, and Eunha got no choice, but to gesture for Sowon to go back.

"Okay, fine. You are wasting my time too." Sowon said angrily and went off.


"Don't worry, she will be at the party later." said Yuju, trying to cheer Eunha up.

"Is Yerin going?" SinB asked.

"Should be, I think the rest got in, except Nayoung." Umji replied.

"Ah, I want to go too!" SinB whined.

"Yah, SinB, don't tell me you are interested in..." before Yuju can finish her sentence, SinB nodded. "Are you sure?" Yuju asked.

"I think she is quite cool, both looks and personality." SinB said softly.

"SinB, you can use my invitation card, because I have to be at the party with or without getting through the trial." said Eunha.

"Really?" SinB asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Eunha replied.

"Yes! We are all going together!" Umji shouted with joy.


"I wonder if it's worth of me giving up the first trial." Nayoung said.

"Didn't I buy you enough of food already?" Sowon asked.

"Staying at your house for a night and eat all I want can be real boring you know?" Nayoung replied.

"What are both of you talking about?" Yerin asked.

"She bribed me to give up the match against Eunha when I was already on my way to the trial." Nayoung said.

"I joined because I want to accompany her, but what if she can't even get through the first round?" Sowon explained.

"Aish so sweet, but I wonder who is the one trying to get drunk on milk that night before the trial..." Yerin teased.

"Today is already the last day of her exams yet, no call nor a message." Sowon said as she put on her shoes.

"Hook up someone else then!" Namjoo joked.

"Yeah, I might. Anyway, time to go, we are getting late. Take care of my house please, Nayoung!" said Sowon.

"I wonder if you still remember this relationship..." Sowon said to herself and left the house with Yerin and Namjoo.


Upon reaching the hotel ballroom, Sowon, Yerin and Namjoo, found their table at one corner.

"Any idea why are we seated here?" Yerin asked.

"No, but who cares, as long as we are sitting at the right place." Sowon replied as she pointed at the name list on the table.

"What would you like to drink?" said a waiter who passed by their table.

"A cup of strawberry milk." Sowon replied and the waiter is left dumbfounded.

"Just give us three glasses of red wine." Namjoo said.

"Sowon-ah, don't embarrass us." Yerin teased.

"What is wrong with strawberry milk?" Sowon rebutted.

"Namjoo!" SinB called out.

"Where are you guys sitting at?" Namjoo asked.

"Right infront with Eunha's parents." SinB answered.

"SinB, you look really pretty tonight." Yerin commented as she noticed SinB's dressing.

"Thank you. You look great too." SinB replied, with her cheeks slightly blushing.

"Sowon, where is your cigarette smell filled gangster outfit?" Yuju asked.

"Yah, when did I give you the permission to make fun of me?" Sowon said, staring at Yuju.

"Oh well, but I think you really look compatible with Eunha now." Umji replied.

"Maybe I should snatch you away from Eunha." Yuju joked.

"Where is Eunha?" Yerin asked, knowing that Sowon is dying to know.

"With her parents, three of you should go and say hi." Umji replied.

"Yeah we should, since the party has not started." said Yerin and all of them make their way to the VIP table.


Upon reaching the VIP table, Sowon saw Eunha sitting alone while her parents are talking to the guests. But before she could step forward to talk to Eunha, Eunha's mom saw the group of girls.

"Ah, you must be Sowon right?" Eunha's mom stood up and shook Sowon's hand.

"Yeah, I'm Sowon." said Sowon with an awkward smile.

"Congratulations girls, for making through the first trial. I am looking forward to see all of you in the association if possible." Eunha's mom said to the rest of them.

"Sowon, I am looking forward to a game with you later." Eunha's dad said.

"Uncle, her skills are far from yours." Sungjae popped into the conversation.

"Do you want to play another game with me then?" Sowon asked, reminding Sungjae about the competition they had previously.

"Eunha, don't sit there alone, come and mingle with us." Umji called out.

"Don't bother about her. She has been giving this attitude since just now. My fault for making her a spoilt brat." Eunha's mom said.

"The party is starting soon. We'll see you later for the friendly game." Eunha's dad said with a smile. 


"Sowon, what is wrong with you and Eunha?" Yerin asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" said Sowon shrugging.

"She is your girlfriend!" Yerin reminded.

"A very pretty one indeed." said Namjoo knowing that Sowon already noticed how gorgeous Eunha is just now.

"See, there are so many girls around today. I should really hook one of them up." said Sowon as she took a sip of wine from the glass.

"Are you serious?" Yerin asked.

"Yeah. Look over there, one pretty girl." Sowon said and winked at the girl sitting at the table beside them.


"If that is the girl you are dating, I am really worried." Sungjae said to Eunha who saw Sowon flirting.

"Today is a bad day for me." said Eunha.

"Tell me about it." Sungjae said.

"Relationship with mom is really getting worst. And they somehow figured out that I am with Sowon." Eunha sighed.

"So? Did they object to it?" Sungjae asked.

"No. Instead, they told me not to affect Sowon's performance in snooker." Eunha replied.

"Weird, do they know Sowon very well?" Sungjae questioned.

"I doubt so. But I think it doesn't really matter now..." Eunha said softly.

"If she is really toying with your feelings, oppa won't let her go so easily." Sungjae said.

"Oppa, you are the best. I thought you are snooker-obsessed and don't want to talk to me anymore." said Eunha.

"Who says so? I just didn't have a chance to talk to you." said Sungjae, smiling widely at Eunha.

"If you are not my cousin, I might fall in love with you long time ago." Eunha joked.

"You can't fool me, your ideal type is so different." Sungjae replied.

"Yeah, in terms of gender?" Eunha continued to joke.

"Be more serious, why is it her?" Sungjae asked.

"When someone is willing to give you all she has." Eunha replied.

"Okay, maybe I don't know her well enough. Want to join me for a dance?" Sungjae asked.

"Sure." Eunha replied and followed Sungjae to the dance floor.


"I'm going over to ask SinB for a dance." said Yerin.

"I am joining Yuju and Umji. What about you?" Namjoo asked Sowon.

"Here she is." said Sowon as a girl approaches their table.

"Hi, my name is Jisoo." said the girl.

"I'm Sowon, do you want to dance together?" Sowon asked.

"Why not?" said Jisoo, and both of them went over to the dance floor.


"Your dance partner is right here, stop looking over there." Sungjae whispered into Eunha's ear.

"How can she dance with someone else?" Eunha said softly.

"It's just a dance." said Sungjae.

"I just feel weird to see Sowon hugging someone else and smiling." said Eunha as the music stopped and the emcee announced for the 'free and easy' time.


"Your house or mine?" Jisoo asked.

"When the music is on and the lights are off, you are my dance partner. But now, we are just nothing but competitors." Sowon replied coldly.

"Cool. I like your personality. But I'm sure you will regret." Jisoo said.

"Look at the lady over there. She is the one who won't make me regret what I've said just now." said Sowon as she pointed at Eunha.


"Oppa, I don't think I am going to join you for the snooker game. I need to go out for some fresh air." said Eunha as she went out of the ballroom without waiting for

Sungjae's reply.

"Sungjae, the game is starting." Sungjae's mom called out. As Sungjae walked over to the snooker table, he saw Sowon standing over there chatting with Eunha's dad.

"Let's have Mr. Jung and Mr. Yook to have a match with you and Sungjae." Eunha's mom said to Sowon.

"Sure, I'm fine with it." Sowon replied.

"But dad, I want to play against both of you, without Sowon." Sungjae said which made Sowon stare at him.

"Don't stare at me this way, your girlfriend just stomped out of this place one minute ago." Sungjae whispered to Sowon.

"Sorry Mrs. Jung, but I need to take a short break after the dance just now, I will come back shortly?" said Sowon.

"Alright, we will start another game when you are back." Eunha's mom said.


Sowon left the ballroom, looking around for Eunha, but to no avail. So she decided to approach one of the ushers.

"Excuse me, have you seen a lady wearing black tube dress?" Sowon asked.

"Oh, she just went up to the rooftop." the usher replied.

"Rooftop?" Sowon asked to confirm.

"Yeah, our hotel has the best night view, so many of our guests love to visit the rooftop." the usher said.

"Okay, thanks." said Sowon and she went for the lift.


After climbing the stairs up to the rooftop, Sowon pushed open the door and saw Eunha sitting alone at one of the benches. She then walked towards the bench and sat beside her.

"Why are you here alone?" Sowon asked.

"Needed some fresh air." Eunha replied softly.

"So am I disturbing you?" Sowon asked but Eunha did not reply.

"Sorry then, I'll go now." said Sowon as she stood up, getting ready to leave.

"Is everything over for us?" Eunha asked.

"If you think so." Sowon replied.

"So all those promises are lies?" Eunha asked.

Instead of answering the question, Sowon asked, "Then why didn't you contact me after your exams today?"

"If that is the reason that you are behaving this way, then I think I don't have anything to say." Eunha replied.

"Okay, then that is it between us." said Sowon but before she walks off, Eunha asked, "Can you be my listener for the last time?" 

But Sowon did not reply, instead, she went back to the bench and sat down.

"I was going through a lot during this week. Other than going through intensive training for the trial run, I need to study for my exams too. I wanted to meet you as much as you wanted to. But I'm having a lot of stress and I don't want to be a burden to you. I didn't contact you today because I have to rush home to prepare for this party and to get lectures from my mom again." said Eunha who is almost close to crying.  And she continued, "If you think you need a girlfriend who is like your one night stand partners, then sorry, I am not the right one for you."

"I didn't know you are feeling this way. I have never been in any serious relationship, my experience being a good lover is almost close to zero. I just want you to know that you are never my burden. I admit that I don't know how to be romantic and gentle but I am not your girlfriend only during times of joy." said Sowon as she rubbed the back of her head.

"And I just love you for who you are." Eunha replied.

"Can we... don't put an end to our relationship?" Sowon asked softly.

"Are we really okay now?" Eunha questioned back.

"For now, yes. But couples do quarrel, and we grow up through all these fights. Anyway, that day at town, I wanted to tell you something." said Sowon.

"What is it?" Eunha asked curiously.

"You know, I used to not fear death. Just because I am born with an undeveloped heart, everyone is worried that I won't live. But I don't care, because I thought since I am an orphan, it doesn't matter if I live or I don't. But until you stepped into my life and became my girlfriend, I found the meaning in life. I am afraid of dying now, which is the partial reason for quitting my bad habits. I am worried that if I die now… I won't get to take care of you anymore." Sowon said.

“Sowon-ah, you won't die. I won't let you die. I will make you take care of me forever." said Eunha as she placed her head on Sowon's shoulder.

"I will, don't worry. Are you going home later?" Sowon asked.

"The whole party will end quite late. So I think I will go home later." Eunha replied.

"Can I ask permission from your mom to let you stay at my place tonight? Since you are already done with your exams..." said Sowon.

"But how?" Eunha asked knowing how hard it is to approach her mom.

"Don't worry about that. I just want to give you a good massage for working so hard this week." Sowon said as she rubbed Eunha's knuckles.

"Massage?" Eunha asked.

"Yeah, in my bathtub…" Sowon joked.

"What are you thinking again!" said Eunha, giving a light smack on Sowon's head.

"Just kidding. But after a week of not seeing each other, I am sure you missed me. Because I do." said Sowon.

"I missed you too." Eunha whispered into Sowon's ears already blushing.

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LilChouette #1
Chapter 18: Thank you for giving us a really good end for the story. Even though we had to get through some dramas. But, still I personally enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for making such a beautiful story like this.
Chapter 18: This story is amazing. I love how you portray Sowon's character.
Chapter 6: The effect of cake'ssweetness
Chapter 3: Uwu bichis
Chapter 1: Tzuyu be bossy. How i wish jihyo is there
Chapter 18: Fantastic story, I love it
The setting got me
Love wonha as always
Chapter 18: Finished the whole story in one day :))) <3 how is this story not in the featured section of AFF? I was surprised at every part I thought I could predict but didnt :) I laughed at the chalk rings lol Ure amazing author nim
Chapter 3: I really like this story :) You're very creative and knowledgeable about snooker :) very poetic too
Chapter 18: Lol about the rings...what yumji did in the bathroom tho??? Haha
Chapter 18: Thank you for this great story..