chapter 4

the lonely cue ball

"Sowon, by all means your cue ball can go dating but don't pocket it today, please." Namjoo reminded Sowon about the previous game they had.

"This is a competition, you better know what you are doing." Nayoung added.

"Yerin, do you have something to say too?" Sowon asked.

"Nothing, except that..." but still, Yerin decided to keep everything to herself until the competition is over.

"Okay, so let me see my opponents for today." said Sowon.


Sowon looked through the list and said, "Don't know."

"What do you mean by don't know?" Yerin asked.

"I don't know anyone in this list, which means I have a higher chance in winning." Sowon replied.

"You are thinking too highly of yourself." An unknown voice came from nowhere.

"Who are you?" Sowon asked.

"You won't know me either since I am inside the list too." That guy said.

"Maybe I will know it, that's if you get into the finals." Sowon said and stare hard at the guy.

"See you then." He said and walked off.

"I wonder who is that guy." Yerin asked.

"We know who he is." said Yuju popping out from nowhere.

"He just came back from US." SinB added.

"Eunha's cousin." said Umji.

"Look, he is over there chatting with the association directors." Namjoo said as she pointed over to another side.

"And the four adults over there, are Eunha's parents, her aunt and uncle." SinB replied.

"No wonder Eunha's parents always force her to play snooker, I see..." said Nayoung.

"Calling for all competitors, please go to your respective tables." said the announcer through the mike.

"Sowon, don't get too agitated alright?" Yerin reminded for the last time. Sowon walked towards her table, at the same time taking out her half-heart necklace and kissed it. "Don't fail on me today, okay?" Sowon said to herself.


Without much effort, Sowon took over 3 rounds and is already inside the semi-finals. Competitors were given a 30 minutes break and Sowon is already feeling exhausted. So she sat in one corner, trying to catch a breath and cool herself down.

"Didn't I tell you not to overwork yourself?" said Yerin as she pass a towel to Sowon and sat down.

"I'm fine... just need to rest for a while." Sowon said.

"You are risking your life when you start to play more than a game." Yerin said looking worried.

"I'm okay. Really." Sowon replied, not wanting to speak so much.

"We want you to join the competition but that's provided you report your illness to the association." said Nayoung who just came into the resting room.

"Just two more rounds. I will be done. I will bring the trophy to teacher." said Sowon.

"Eunha's cousin is the semi-finals too, if you win the next round, you might meet him in the finals." said Yerin.

Sowon did not say anything except to nod and nod to her friends' constant reminders.

"Did you all see Eunha?" Sowon suddenly asked.

"Yeah, we saw her, but I think she can't get away from her parents, so we didn't get to say hi yet." Nayoung said.

"Time to go." said Sowon as she heard the announcer's message.


"Look at the way she play." said Eunha's dad.

"You noticed her too?" Eunha's mom asked.

"Isn't it rare to see someone clear a semi-final game within two minutes?" Eunha's uncle said.

"Unnie, do you happen to know her name?" Eunha's mom turn to Eunha's aunt and asked.

"Sowon, oh wait, same birth date as Eunha." Eunha's aunt said as she browsed through the list.

"Dear, maybe she is our..." but before Eunha's dad can finish her sentence, Eunha's mom said, "Don't ever mention about it."

"No matter who she is, I'm sure Sungjae can get the first place." said Eunha's aunt confidently.


"And I announce, the players for the final round is Yook Sungjae and Kim Sowon. Five minutes later, we will start the game. In this game, no snooker rest is allowed, cue ball is not allowed to do a jump-shot, and a reminder, the player who pocket number 9 ball will be the winner." said the announcer.

"For the coin flipping later, pray hard that Yook Sungjae is getting the first turn." Nayoung said.

"Why? What if he go for a straight nine balls shot?" Yerin asked.

"No matter what, Sowon's heart won't be able to take it if she is going to take the first turn, understand?" said Nayoung.

"Hopefully." Yerin said, with Namjoo nodding in agreement.


"I didn't really expect to see you in the finals." Sungjae said. And perhaps Sowon is too tired from the games, she didn't reply except to give a weak smile.

"But I am sure I won't give you the chance to take the trophy over there." said Sungjae as he looked over to the audience and smiled at his parents. Just then, Sowon also took a glance at where is Eunha sitting, and saw Eunha mouthing the word, "Fighting!".

"Sowon, let this be a one minute game." Sowon said to herself.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, five minutes break is over, the game starts now." said the announcer as he rings the bell.

As the judge flipped the coin, it seems to take forever to land down for Sowon because every minute, she is losing abit of her stamina. And when the coin dropped onto the judge's palm, first turn belongs to Sungjae.

"Watch me." Sungjae said as he gets into a ready position. He strike the cue ball hard and shot in 8 balls one by one, simply by making the cue ball rebound here and there. Just this thirty seconds, the audience are cheering and shocked over Sungjae's performance.


"Oh no! Last ball." Namjoo said.

"And for Sowon to pocket the last ball, she will need a snooker rest, it's in an awkward position that right handed players can't reach." Yerin said.

"He did it on purpose. Knowing that Sowon is a right handed player, he strike the cue ball from the right side, causing the last ball to stop at a corner that she can't reach." Nayoung said and went out to pick up a call.


"That's how much both of you pay to train Sungjae?" Eunha's mom asked.

"Our Sungjae has that talent." Eunha's aunt replied.

"Unlike my daughter." Eunha's mom said and shook her head.


"So sorry to made the ball stop here. Maybe you can beg the judge to let you use the snooker rest?" said Sungjae with a smirk on his face.

Sowon knows that it is impossible to finish the game like how she always do but maybe she is so tired that she started to hallucinate about her teacher.

"Sowon-ah, do you know there will be a time that you can no longer play with your right hand? Look at this ball, you will either need a rest or play it with your left hand."

"But how? I am trained right handed."

"It's the same, instead of worrying how to control your hand, let them relax and do the work for you."

Sowon switched the cue stick to her left hand, leaving all the audience in shock. She then placed the cue stick over her right hand and get into the ready position with her half heart pendant dropping out.


"Why do I feel that Sowon looks so tired?" Eunha said to herself as she saw Sowon's perspiration is dripping down on her pendant.


"Sowon-ah, now relax, pull your cue stick back, follow this rhythm, 1..2...1...2....1....2....3 and let it go!"

Just then Sowon woke up from her hallucination and realised that her cue ball is moving slowly towards number 9 ball, gently sending it into the pocket. Right after the pocketing sound is heard, the audience cheered so loudly with Nayoung, Namjoo, Yerin, SinB, Umji, Yuju and Eunha running towards her.

"The champion for the 9-ball competition is... Sowon!" said the announcer.

Sungjae and his family went off angrily together with Eunha's parents. Especially her mom, she can't wait for Eunha to get home and explain how is she related to Sowon.

"Sowon... the hospital just called for us to go and see teacher for the last time." said Nayoung.

"What? What happened?" Sowon asked, grabbing Yerin's shoulders.

"Sorry for not telling you beforehand, teacher was already very sick the last time I visited him..." Yerin said, trying to stop her tears from flowing down.

"Collect your trophy first." Yerin said. And Sowon turned to Eunha, "Can you please help me collect the trophy?"

Sowon then ran off together with Namjoo, Yerin and Nayoung, leaving Eunha and the rest speechless.


Sowon drove at the fastest speed with the rest asking her to slow down. And thankfully, nothing happened on the way to the hospital. As they get off the car, Sowon ran as fast as she could, afraid that she will not get to see her teacher the last time.

When she pushed open the door, she saw her teacher lying on the bed, looking very fragile and weak.

"Doctor, how is he?" Sowon asked.

"All of you came in time, or maybe he is just waiting for all of you to come before he let go of his last breath." the doctor said and left the room.

"So..won...ah.." the teacher called out softly.

"I won the competition just now." said Sowon as she held tightly to her teacher's hand.

"Sowon... I have something to tell you." the teacher said.

"No, you rest first. Please..." Sowon pleaded.

"I have to say it now, if not, I will regret even after I die." and the teacher continued to say, "Remember the first day you met me? You are the first kid that I've seen to be sent to orphanage at age when you already know what is happening around you. You never like to mention but I know, you hated your parents who brought you to me. But there is a secret that I kept for so long, and that is... they are not your real parents."

Sowon was shocked to hear what the teacher has just said. And she asked, "Then who? But they are the one who is taking care of me for five years before I was sent to the orphanage."

"The parents whom you thought are your parents, were your real parents' bosom friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kim are teachers and coincidentally Mrs. Kim was found to be pregnant at the same time as your real mother. That got the two families even closer. Unfortunately, when your real mother went for a check-up, she was told that your heart is only half-developed. Your real parents needed someone who is healthy so they could make their next generation a snooker player too. And they went to Mr. and Mrs. Kim to offer for an exchange. At first, Mr Kim rejected because no one will give up their own flesh and blood. And so, they bribed the school to sack Mr and Mrs Kim, leaving them no way out but to accept the deal after your real parents offer to add some money into the deal...."

"Then what happened after that?" Sowon asked, feeling lost and angry at the same time.

"Yet, coincidentally, both you and the healthy child were born on the same day, which made the exchange easier. And indeed, you are only born with half a heart. From then on, the two families stopped contacting each other. Mr and Mrs Kim treated you like their own child, therefore they took out all the money they have to make sure you get treatment. Until five years later, they really can't find any more money, and they came to me."

"And how did they die?" Sowon asked.

"That was left a mystery. Rumors said that they were both killed in a made up accident from that family just to make sure they will never reveal the secret. No matter what really happened, both of them is already not in this world..." the teacher said with tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Sowon, now you know why I refused to teach you snooker in the past? But I remembered, you will always sit in one corner wiping those snooker balls and skipped around happily when you heard sounds of snooker balls being sent into the pockets. That is when I decided that you are fated to play snooker..." said the teacher as he coughed a few times.

"I think it's time for me to go... Sowon, sorry to leave you alone... again." that was the last sentence the teacher said before he closed his eyes.

"Dad..." Sowon called out knowing that the teacher's wish is to hear this word from Sowon.

Namjoo, Nayoung and Yerin who were standing behind Sowon all along, hugged together and cry.



After the doctor confirmed the death, Sowon and the rest walked out of the hospital with a heavy heart.

"Sowon... do you want me to drive instead?" Yerin offered. Sowon did not say anything but only to gesture that she can still drive. Throughout the journey back to the lounge, they spoke nothing. To them, the teacher is just like their father. He is the one who took care of them and started the lounge to make sure they can still earn a living in the future.


When they went back to the snooker lounge, Eunha, SinB, Yuju and Umji who were sitting at one of the tables opposite the lounge rushed over. They wished one of them could tell them what is happening but everyone's expression is totally different compared to just now. Instead, Namjoo signaled to the girls that it is not convenient to say it now and they understood.

"Sowon, are we going to close for today?" Yerin asked. Sowon gave a slight nod and went over to the bar counter. She opened the refrigerator but slammed it hard just because she couldn't find what she wanted. So instead she grabbed a bottle of whiskey and sat on one of the snooker tables. Instead of drinking from a cup, Sowon just drank from the bottle straight and took out one cigarette to smoke.

"Sowon, don't be like this. You can talk to us." Nayoung said.

"All of you, leave me alone and get out!" Sowon shouted.

Namjoo and Nayoung wanted to punch Sowon for being so selfish about her emotions but Yerin stopped them.

"Don't." Yerin whispered and gestured everyone to leave the lounge.


"What exactly happened?" SinB and Umji asked.

"Our snooker teacher, also our guardian, passed away in the hospital just now." said Yerin making Nayoung and Namjoo started cying again.

"But why is Sowon... like this?" Yuju asked.

"She got to know some stuff about her past and she was really very close to the teacher." Yerin replied.

"Teacher didn't want any funeral so we still have to go and settle some administrative matters. There is nothing you all can do here, go home and rest, okay?" said Namjoo.

Although Eunha kept quiet from the start till now, but she is taking everything to her heart. She don't know why her heart is feeling sad together with Sowon. And she knows that she just can't go home.

"Can I stay?" Eunha spoke finally.

"It's pointless. I don't know how long Sowon will be in there." said Yerin.

"It's okay. I will wait. You guys can go first." Eunha said. So the rest left and told Eunha not to pin too much hopes that Sowon will see anyone.

"I need to go and get some strawberry milk first." Eunha said to herself and walked to the mart holding onto Sowon's trophy.


"Sowon-ah, get off the snooker table!"

"But I want to play!"

"You can tell me, but climbing onto the snooker table is very disrespectful."

"Come, stand on this stool. Let dad teach you how to strike the cue ball."

"You are not my dad!"

"Okay okay, watch how the cue stick moves..."

"Teacher, when are my parents coming over to fetch me?"

"If your parents come and fetch you, you won't be able to play snooker anymore."

"Then tell my parents not to come, Sowon wants to play snooker!"


"Sowon, open your birthday present!"

"Wah! A mini snooker ball, no.1!"

"I will give you one every year, till the day you complete the whole set."

"But why didn't you give me the cue ball first?"

"Cue ball will always come the last."

"Why! It's so sad..."

"Sowon-ah, remember, you must learn to be a cue ball, always put yourself last."

"Yes, teacher!"


As Sowon recalled those times with her teacher, she wanted to cry so much, but she didn't dare to. Because she haven't been crying for so many years and she promised herself not to cry.

"Dad, you gave me snooker balls for the past years, I'm just left with one more..." Sowon said to herself as she drank the last bit of whiskey left in the bottle. Realising that she already finished her pack of cigarettes, she decided to go home and rest.



author notes: if someone of you is confused let me explain it a bit:

-Sowon was born with undeveloped heart.

-Sowon's REAL parents were more concerned in their snooker business and wanted their child to continue the business, which made them force the Kim family (Sowon's 2nd family) for an exchange. And to get a healthier baby as well.

-Sowon's 2nd parents were the ones who send her to an orphanage because of financial problems due to Sowon's heart treatments and medicines.

So this chapter is kinda sad and all about Sowon's past, but the next chapter is sort of kick off a start between WonHa. :) Please look forward to it~


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LilChouette #1
Chapter 18: Thank you for giving us a really good end for the story. Even though we had to get through some dramas. But, still I personally enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for making such a beautiful story like this.
Chapter 18: This story is amazing. I love how you portray Sowon's character.
Chapter 6: The effect of cake'ssweetness
Chapter 3: Uwu bichis
Chapter 1: Tzuyu be bossy. How i wish jihyo is there
Chapter 18: Fantastic story, I love it
The setting got me
Love wonha as always
Chapter 18: Finished the whole story in one day :))) <3 how is this story not in the featured section of AFF? I was surprised at every part I thought I could predict but didnt :) I laughed at the chalk rings lol Ure amazing author nim
Chapter 3: I really like this story :) You're very creative and knowledgeable about snooker :) very poetic too
Chapter 18: Lol about the rings...what yumji did in the bathroom tho??? Haha
Chapter 18: Thank you for this great story..