
MEMORIES: A Guy I Once Knew
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It wouldn’t have been a lie to say that he liked her...this Irene girl.


Anyone could tell. It was like some sort of unspoken secret that was obvious within the school’s population. Because of course, like the fact that birds fly and fish swim, good looking people attract good looking people. And both Suga and Irene were undoubtedly good looking people.


It was practically the most annoying thing to watch at that time. Yes, Jennie Kim had wandered off to the cafeteria. And no, she wasn’t there to spy or so called keep an eye on them. She was there for to settle the unbearing burn of hunger that was surely going to eat away at her stomach lining if she didn’t do anything about it. It wasn’t her fault that they were there in the centre, and despite the vast vicinity, the duo was so easy to spot.

Him, with his broad frame draped in an oversized attire of depressive dark colors and she being tall, long legged, and just stunning; a timeless beauty. It helped that majority of those around were equally attentive to them. Even if the boy wasn’t showing much emotion (it was rare for him to do so), Jennie could tell that there was something there. Even if he wasn't saying anything, which he seemed to not be doing. There was something he felt for her.

But, whatever.


What bothered her more at that time was how Irene was the type to order a salad and just pick at the veggies not once really eating and sipping on water, while there Jennie was with her pasta and garlic bread--carbs on carbs.

There was a moment where Jennie’s gaze crossed paths with that of Suga. It was a one time thing because the boy’s eyes were glued to the beauty beside him practically always, besides then. But at that single second, Jennie would only smirk at him, raising her water can of sode in a cheers motion sarcastically. Surely there was no jealousy there, but she quickly devoured what else remained on her plate after. Because unlike others, she was definitely going to eat.


She’s almost out of the zone, when she is rudely hit in the head with a freaking water bottle. Thank goodness it’s empty, but that doesn’t leave her impressed either way. The culprit is Jungkook and his miserable inability to aim. He’s just about born without a single athletic bone in his body, so it came to no surprise that he had missed the mark. He had tried out for the varsity basketball team two years in a row and failed each time before he finally got in. Jennie’s pretty sure that the acceptance was more due to his outstanding showcase of perseverance more so than any talent. But who knows, maybe one day he'll improve. 


“Sorry Jen Jen,” the smiley boy laughs. Jennie could never understand how he’s often so merry those days or how he came to the conclusion to address her in such a nickname.


“You really need to work on your throw. Or else you’ll always be benched,” she goes off to pick up the item off the floor, but is proven to be too slow when a hand snatches it away first.


“Why are you picking up garbage Jen?” Taehyung laughs as he straightens up, taking the emptied tray from her hands and placing all items into the appropriate bins.


“Shut up,” she nudges at her friend as she thanked him. He throws his now available arm over his short girl.


“Jennie…” Unaware to when it happened, but Suga had entered into the picture. She’s not sure what happened to Irene, for she was obviously gone by then. There’s a part of her that’s ever so slightly curious as to how things had ended with their little date, if one could call it that.


“Uh, hey,” nevertheless, she wasn’t going to ask.


“Didn’t think you were hungry,” There was something in the way that Suga said it that irked her.

She gave him no reply, not even a friendly smile. Her eyes just shot at him for a second before looking away. It was neither quite nice nor rude, but rather lacked any sort of emotion.


Taehyung and Suga were in no way considered friends. They didn’t have any beef with the other nor were they enemies, but so far within the months, they didn’t hold much of an opinion. It also didn’t quite seem like they really wanted to get to know the other either. Plus there wasn’t any apparent intention to try. At that time, that was their thing, floating in this ambiguous relationship of being peers or something like acquaintances.


There was always an awkwardness that would swoop in

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Chapter 6: #Team Tae
Chapter 6: This is my official go-to fic. Even if I know what's going to happen, even when I know the characters; it's always interesting to try and figure out what each if them is feeling exactly. Jealousy? Love? Platonic feelings? Or maybe someone just misses his/her best friend. My thoughts change everytime I read it and it will def continue to change in future.
anapaola1998 #3
Chapter 6: Please keep updating!!!!!!!! this is soo good #teamtae
Chapter 6: there's just something about your writing style. i keep coming back to your works even when i know what's going to happen. it takes me on a certain journey and it's easy. to understand, to imagine, to love.

Thank you for giving me something to come back to.
Chapter 6: It’s been a while since I’ve been hooked on a story liked this . I keep woundering what’s taehyung going through that is making act wierd? Is it his friendship with jennie, or Is it something within himself that he is tring to figure out ? Anyways in rooting for jennie and taehyng, you can how much she means to him. Althought suga seems interested in her , he still has something for irene. I believe his interest with jennie has to do with her being different and how he likes different also how he likes to feel different, and that’s confusing on how he actually views her ? That’s just my guess. I can’t wait for what’s to come!
Chapter 6: Team Taehyung here
Chapter 6: im rooting for everyone to sort out their feelings. its been awhile since I found a fic to get hooked on. even though its based on your personal experiences, your writing style is too good for people to be consciously aware of that fact - i make no sense. just know : I love this ?
Chapter 6: i root for taennie!! theyre so sweet T.T jennie baby pls dont cry, i hope tae go straight to her place after he arrived to console her and give her hugs UGHH IM CRYING
LuRongLu #9
Chapter 6: TAEnnie
MonsNostalgic #10
Chapter 5: Updateeeee