The meeting! :D

Yahh Son DongWoon, I dated you just because my mom told me too!

*enters the car*

Dongwoon: 'Hey why dint you wait for me?'

Yoonika: 'Should i? You'll just laugh at me if i did'

Dongwoon :'Haha okay okay. I wont laugh at you again. I promise!' He shows his little finger at me and we made that pinky promise.

Yoonika: 'Good!' ^^

Dongwoon: 'Well unless you makes something funny...........hahahaha!'

Yoonika: 'What?! But youve just promise me!'

Dongwoon:'Okay okay, im just kidding okay? So where are we going now my assistant?'

Yoonika: 'Hm, we have a meeting with CUBE on 12.30 p.m. But now is 10.30 so we got 2 hours more before the meeting'

Dongwoon; "2 hours? Hmm so what we're going to do now?' *Lower the seat, stretch his self*

Yoonika: 'Want to eat something?' I ask him when i stop at a traffic light.

Dongwoon: ' Sushiii!!' :D

Then we went straight to the nearest sushi restaurant. Its located on a path with many shops besides it. We ordered and sit at a table besides the window. We chat a little bit about the fanmeeting last three days. But then he got up and

'hey, wait for a while'

He got up and went outside. I have no idea where did he went to.

*10 minutes later*

Yoonika: 'Where have you been?'

Dongwoon: 'Aww im sorry, i went to buy something. Now lets eat!'

Yoonika: Hey about the meeting that we're going today, is Gikwang Oppa gonna be around?

Dongwoon: ''GiKwang hyung? Why would he'd be around? Its gonna be my music video. Single right?

Yoonika: Yeah i guess so.

Dongwoon: ''You guess so? What do you mean?

Yoonika: Well i dont know if there will be any change.

Dongwoon: Hmm youre right, but i hope it'll be a single music video. Just me. Hehe. Btw, why do you want to meet him? Arent you SHY? HAHAHA''

Yoonika: I do. But i have to apologize.

Dongwoon: '' Dont worry, i dont think he mind''

Yoonika: Jinjja? How do you know?

Dongwoon:'' Guessing. Hehe'' *I know Gikwang hyung minds about it, atleast a little bit*

Yoonika: Never mind. Ill ask for his apologize when i see him. Or, can you give me his phone number?

Dongwoon: ''Mwo? Wae? For what?''

Yoonika: Aishh, for apologize ofcourse!

Dongwoon: ''Wont give to you''

Yoonika: Why?!

Dongwoon: ''Hehe. No reason.''

Yoonika: Pfftt. K fine.

We eat and chatting at the same time. After that we went to our office. Which is CUBE entertainment <3 Haha!

*in the car*

Dongwoon : ''Omoo im so full. Can you send me back to my dorm? Im sleepy already~~ *yawning*''

Yoonika: ''What? Haha cant do. We have a meeting remember?''

Dongwoon:''Aish, can you go alone? Then you tell me the detail about the meeting.''

Yoonika:''Sure, i can do that. But youll get scold!''

Dongwoon:''Pftt who will scold me? B2ST? JoonGun hyung? Haha!''

Yoonika:''Hong Seung Sung! '' :D

Dongwoon:''Oh shoot! I forgot about him. He will be in the meeting too?''

Yoonika:''Ofcourse! He is the directer remember?'

Dongwoon:''Hey whats with you? Sounds so excited?''

Yoonika:'' Well, its gonna be the first time for me to enter CUBE's meeting room! Goshh im soo excited''

Dongwoon:''Pftt.. tell you this, its boring in there. Everyone is serious and you can barely see them smiling''

Yoonika: ''Oh yeah? Good then, so you cant laugh at me when i did any mistakes in there''

Dongwoon:''I will laugh if i want to'' *dongwoon turn his head* ''Wake me up when we got there okay?''

Yoonika: ''Okay!'' *haha he closed his eyes already before he can see that we have already here xD Now, where can i park?*

*2 minutes later*

Yoonika: ''Hey wake up, we're already here!''

Dongwoon:''What? I just closed my eyes for like 2 minutes''

Yoonika:''Yeah, you closed your eyes when we're already here. Serves you right for mumbling all the time! Hahahaha''

He keeps pouting but i cant hear what he said xD So cute when he mumbles.


'Hey look, its Gikwang oppa, i want to ask apologize from him. Plus, i want to get a book and a pen!' I forgot to bring them. Ill need them to jot down important details from the meeting. I turn around to head to the counter. Hehe actually i did that coz i saw Gikwang oppa at the counter but before i turn my body, Dongwoon pull my hand and drag me into the meeting room -_-

''A book and pen for what? Theyll be preparing some paper and pen in there. Plus, if they dont have any, you can jot the details down to your phone. Youre using IPhone4 S right?'' Dongwoon said that without looking at my eyes. I wonder why. Maybe he wants to focus already? But the meeting havent started yet.

Me and Dongwoon greet everyone in there. Finally the meeting started when Seung Sung-ssi comes in. We discuss about the theme, the places, time and etc. But then while we're jotting down all the details.....

Hong Seung-sung-ssi: Hmm... I think i want to make some differences. Yoon Yoonika-ssi, may i go further?

I was shock that he suddenly call my name? Am i that important that he only calls out my name? O.o

Yoonika: Err, Yes sir. Sure. Go ahead.

Hong Seung-sung-ssi: Hm, its been awhile since B2ST make a comeback. So, can i use your song for the comeback? Instead of Dongwoon-ssi alone, we can take B2ST to sing it along. What do you want to say about this?


Dongwoon: What?!

Everyone has their eyes on Dongwoon x) Dongwoon was right, they're all serious in here.

Hong Seung-sung-ssi: 'Dongwoon-ssi, kwaenchanaeyo? Any objection?''


Dongwoon: Err.. No. Yoonika, do you wants to say something?'' *death glare* *You better object!*

Yoonika: Err, sure sir. I dont mind at all. I do agree that its been awhile since B2ST made a comeback.

Dongwoon: *sigh*

Hong Seung-sung-ssi: ''Okay good! Now, JoonGun-ssi, Ive checked their schedule just now. They're free now right? can you call the rest of the member? Tell them to come now.


JoonGun: Sure, just a sec.

JoonGun oppa took his phone and call them. *OMG Gikwang oppa gonna be here! >.<

*Brrrrr* *phone vibrate*

I opens it and its.....Dongwoon -_-

(P/s: Purple for Dongwoons phone and pink for Yoonika's phone)

~ Dongwoon-ssi:: Yaah, why dint you object? :( ~ 

~ Yoonika: Hong Seung-sung-ssi request that, its not something that i can object. Im so sorry :< ~

*15 minutes later*

B2ST: Annyeonghaseyoo~~  *bows*

Hong Seung-sung-ssi: Please, have a seat you guys. Have JoonGun-ssi tell you the reason why i call you guys?

Doojoon: ''Yes, he have. About Yoonika's song is it?''

Hong Seung-sung-ssi: Yeap. Okay, now we will discuss your position and parts. About that, Yoonika will get it arranged for you guys. We will set your schedule back. Well, you will get busy this two month with your comeback stage and....

B2ST except Dongwoon: ''Comeback stage?!' :O

Hong Seung-sung-ssi: Yes, i thought JoonGun- ssi have told you that?

Junhyung:''He only tell us about the Music Video" *Junhyung gives a glare at JoonGun oppa*

JoonGun-ssi: "Hee, i forgot. Sorryy. Mianheii"

Then we discuss everything back with B2ST so that we dont get our schedule clash with anything and got messed up. From the discussion, Dongwoon gets to be the main role play. As the song was actually for him. There will be be a model to act as the 'heroin' The shooting for the MV gonna be 2 weeks from now. My job is to arrange their parts. Okay now im excited! :D Cant wait to tell Eomma.

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Lol I was updating mine, then suddenly saw yours xD Coincidence huh?:3
woonieka #2
@Shaaaa: Im updating it....Haha how did you know huh? xD
woonieka #4
@FiefaPalooza: Thankyooouu, keep loving it. Hehe. <333
SuNia_: Stay and read! Im gonna update soon! Thank you guys for commenting ;) <33333333333
SuNia_ #5
woaa~ what will happen??? update soon please :D
Ehem ehem gambar....
Jealous ah....
How I wish I am her.... :(
The fight?? Don't worry Dongwoon is there!! Yay!
woonieka #7
I miscopied -_- It was suppose to be just until "Dongwoon realise this but he couldnt help himself from avoiding it as he is struggling with Stranger1 but suddenly...." But i copied and paste the whole thing. No cliff hanger -________- :'(
Can't wait for you to update:3 IKA HWAITING!:D
woonieka #9
Yeah. Hehe we'll see about that! ;)
Kekeke!!! YOOOOO!!!

They're getting closer, and closer and closerr...
Heehe I wonder what will happen on the MV shooting????