So near but not yet!

Yahh Son DongWoon, I dated you just because my mom told me too!



I woke up that morning and it was 2.30 pm :) Rise and shine! and..........................wait, LIKE SERIOUSLY?!!? IM LATE!! I wake up late coz im too excited? Wth?. I rush to get my self ready and ask eomma to send me but.....
Eomma: Im so sorry dear but i have an urgent meeting now. I have to go now. Im so sorry 
Me: BUT EOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Eomma had already left. So what am i going to do now??!?! Go on other day? NO WAYY!! I have no other way than to go by myself. I grab my wallet and headed out. I went to find texy but unlucky me. I got non. So i went to the bus stop. Im lucky that the bus to the train station came just as i reached the bus stop. When i reach the train station, IT WAS JAMMED PACKED! I saw the train headed to seoul but im too late. Plus, i havent buy the ticket yet. How am supposed to get there? :'( I buy the ticket and wait for the train. Suddenly i heard a familiar voice.....

 Yahh hyung why dint we take that train just now?this station is jam packed! How do we gonna get there? Uhhh im getting upset you know! 

*Chill down yoseob, we cant take the train just now coz it was too jam packed. Im afraid that people will recognize us and itll be a trouble.

Yoseob: Ahh why is Joon gun hyung busy today? Arent there any other day?

Doojoon: Hey thats not nice! Poor Joon gun hyung. He is managing  of our busy schedule and he also have other job you know! Have a little mercy

**Hyung, is that our train? 
Doojoon: Youre right Dongwoon! Kids, lets go!

Just as i heard them, i follow them quietly because they dont want people to recognize them. So ill just greet them when we've arrived at the building. I know
 we're heading to the same place when i heard them talking

Hyunseung: Thank god our train arent full.
Junhyung: Yeah! I like it. Hey how about, after this, Joon gun hyung doesnt have to send us. We can go by ourself  like today. 
Yoseob: Yahh , if you want, you go by yourself. I dont want to. 
Doojoon: I ll follow you!
Hyunseung: Doojoon hyung gonna follow yoseob or junhyung?

Doojoon: Junhyung. Im following junhyung :3
Hyunseung: Yeah!! Me too. But besides that, i can just walk from our dorm . Lets leave Yoseob alone.
GiKwang: Stop blaffing hyunseung! Youre not that strong to walk from our dorm to the office!.
Yoseob: Aha.. i still have Dongwoon and Gikwang :3
Dongwoon: Mwo? Who said my name just now?
Yoseob: Its me! 

Dongwoon: Why you mention my name? Why did i do?
Yoseob:  Yahh! Where were you just now? Junhyung hyung said that he wants to go anywhere with a train like today. He said Joon Gun hyung doesnt have to send us. So who do you with? 

Dongwoon: Ill go with Junhyung hyung. 

Yoseob: Whatt??!? Yahh maknae, how could you do this to me.
Dongwoon: Kekeke , sorry hyung. Gi kwang Hyung, how bout you?
Gi Kwang: Hmm depends to where im going.

Yoseob: Yeayy!! Gikwang is coming with me !!!!
Gikwang: I said depends on where we're going. But i like it this way.
Dongwoon and Hyunseung: Aww poor Yoseob. 
Doojoon: Yeahh. Haha forever alonee

*Getting appart from B2st*Yoseob: Hey do we know each other? 
B2ST : No. You must be our fan right? Hahaahahhaha
Yoseob : FINE!! Ill go sleep now. I hate you guys

Dongwoon: Okay bye hyung. Cause we're already near to Cube's building. See you tomorrow! 

Yoseob: Maknae why are you so like a beast. Dont you have heart!

Dongwoon: No because I am BEAST :D

Im going to laugh to hear their conversation. So cute and my Gikwang oppa. Are you kidding me? Im gonna SCREAM when i know that im so close to him!! Thank god that i finally make it to Cube Entertainment building. 


Short and boring update. Yeah i know. I cant think for any idea -.- But thanks to my friend Amira Adilla for giving me ideas! ME LOVES CHYA TO THE MAX OKAY!! :* 
I love my subscriber and my reader oso :3
This update is for Della :3 Hehe 



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Lol I was updating mine, then suddenly saw yours xD Coincidence huh?:3
woonieka #2
@Shaaaa: Im updating it....Haha how did you know huh? xD
woonieka #4
@FiefaPalooza: Thankyooouu, keep loving it. Hehe. <333
SuNia_: Stay and read! Im gonna update soon! Thank you guys for commenting ;) <33333333333
SuNia_ #5
woaa~ what will happen??? update soon please :D
Ehem ehem gambar....
Jealous ah....
How I wish I am her.... :(
The fight?? Don't worry Dongwoon is there!! Yay!
woonieka #7
I miscopied -_- It was suppose to be just until "Dongwoon realise this but he couldnt help himself from avoiding it as he is struggling with Stranger1 but suddenly...." But i copied and paste the whole thing. No cliff hanger -________- :'(
Can't wait for you to update:3 IKA HWAITING!:D
woonieka #9
Yeah. Hehe we'll see about that! ;)
Kekeke!!! YOOOOO!!!

They're getting closer, and closer and closerr...
Heehe I wonder what will happen on the MV shooting????