Chapter 5: Crepe apology?

Is being pretty everything?


After a long night of shivering nights and endless quivering, Shin Hee decided to finally go back home. She left  L’s bread untouched and just continued walking her route home. As much as she didn’t want to come back, she had no choice, either live or die from coldness.



Once Shin Hee arrived at her home, she noticed that all the lights were off, she unlocked the front door and entered the house with silence captivating the entire room.


“Umma?” She yelled,



No one seemed to be home, Shin Hee entered the kitchen and found the wine bottle from earlier and pieces of their wine glass shattered on the floor.


“God, They must’ve been really drunk….”


Shin Hee grabbed a broom from the closet and began sweeping the mess,
But at an instant the home phone rang,


Shin Hee’s ears perked up like a dog and she quickly ran towards the home phone.




“Yeobosayo?” Shin Hee answered,


“Shin Hee? It’s me.”




“Neh, How’ve you been?”


“Appa! I miss you so much! I-I’ve been doing…… Good.”


“Really? How’s mom?”


“She’s been…. The same. She’s really nice, she always cooks me meals, and loves to spend time with me.”




All lies…..

But the last thing she wanted was for her dad to worry.


“Ah really? Is she still with that man?”


“Yeah, but don’t worry! He’s really nice to me too!”


“Oh I see… Well, I just missed you a lot. The house seems to be empty and lonely now.”


“I know Appa. I miss you too. You should come visit soon.”


“Haha, we’ll see…”




“Night sweetie, don’t be discouraged! Fighting!”


“Neh, Love you! FIGHTING!” Shin Hee chanted and hung up.




Right when she dropped the phone, she immediately fell and kneeled down onto the floor, crying her eyes out.


“I’m not okay Oppa…. It’s so lonely and miserable here…. Oppa….. Please visit soon…..” She mumbled those words as she put her head down and placed her face between her knees.








The next morning was no different. Her mom wasn’t home of course, no sign or note, or even calls when she’ll be coming back, but it didn’t make Shin Hee worry too much. Her mom did this a lot during her freshman year during the time her parents were in the peak of their divorce.



Shin Hee walked across the street and arrived front of the school, still no one recognized who she was, but it didn’t matter. She liked it this way, people finally treated like a person.


Shin Hee saw the Infinite Kingkas in front of the school but annoyingly she also saw the Queenkas with them also. Shin Hee was really furious inside but she was hiding her image and just kept her head low at a ninety degree angle,


Out of the blue,



“Yah Shin Min!” Woohyun called out,


Shin Hee’s head cocked and she saw the Kingkas and Queenkas looking straight directly at her.


“ U-Uh….”

Shin Hee paused in the spot.


“Yah come over here!” Woohyun smiled and waved to come towards them.



She didn’t want to be rude, so she dragged her feet towards them even as much as she hated it.


The Kingkas examined her from head to toe, seeing how innocent and cute she was, The Queenkas also didn’t seem to have a problem with them since she was a pretty humorous person after the tryouts.


Woohyun walked up to Shin Hee and faced everyone as he stood by Shin Hee,


“Everyone, this is Shin Min, the new student who transferred here from America.”


“H-Hi….” Shin Hee smiled with a pierced face,




“Hi! I’m Songjong!” He greeted formally,
Shin Hee indeed remembered sweet old Songjong, innocent from looks, but the master of schmoozing. She remembered the first time they met; he tricked her multiple times to copy off her assignments, tests, and even projects.


“I’m Sunggyu.” Sunggyu politely shook her hand.
Sunggyu was the most skin ship of them. She remembered how whenever she would pass by, he would flip her skirt multiple times and yell out all the color she wore.


“I’m the choding Sungyeol!”
Oh Sungyeol…. Prankster Sungyeol…. He would prank her the worst. Whoopee cushions, stuffing needles in her desk, and throwing large water balloons from above. As much as happy and chill he looked, he was the most immature.


“I’m Hoya.”
Hoya…. Seems like he’ll be your friend at first, but that was just his plan and then he attacks…. He was sweet to her at first, but then she trusted him too much and told her secret of how she kept a picture of L in her binder. Didn’t take too long for him to tell the entire school and people thought of her as some ert.


“I’m the Dongwoo!”
Very talented and charming guy but also the most disgusting child ever. She remembered when she had to go the restroom, top of the stall, a bucket of urine from who knows where tumbled down on her and she smelled like crap the whole day.




She bowed politely and had a fake plastered smile,
“Uh, I’m Shin Min…. It’s nice to meet you all!” She tried to be her polite self.


“Wah, she’s so cute now that see her close up~” Sungyeol grinned,

“Yah! Where are you getting these ideas huh!?” Woohyun questioned and flicked the choding’s forehead.


“ These are our friends too. Jihyun Hyuna Soohyun Gayoon Jiyoon.”
Sunggyu introduced politely,



And how could Shin Hee forget the worst out of them all…. The Queenkas who would 24:7 bully her.



“Hey! You’re the girl Shin Min who tried out for mascot right?”
Hyuna asked,


“Uh…. Yeah, that was me...”


“Haha, no need to be embarrassed, I kind of thought it was kind of cute.”
Gayoon smiled softly,


It was kind of awkward how nice they were treating her so suddenly,
Even though they thought of her as Shin Min, she was still Shin Hee.
But of course she couldn’t tell them.



“ Uh…. Thanks.”


“Where do you hang with?” Jihyun asked,


“Well I hang with So Young, a sophomore.”


“So Young!? She’s my Nampyun!” Songjong exclaimed,


“Calm down Sonjong, she already has a thing for our Nam Star over here.”
Hoya pointed out,


“Not in a million years…” Woohyun rolled his eyes.


Songjong pouted to himself and Shin Hee chuckled,
She saw how much everyone changed, especially the kingkas. They seemed more mature and handsome. But was it only cause they acted like this because she was Shin Min?



“Perfect! We can all hang out since we’re all practically together!”
Dongwoo pointed out.


“Speaking of together….” Woohyun raised a brow as soon as L accompanied with So Bin.



Once Shin Hee saw that L, she immediately ducked her head and ran away from the group,

Just seeing L with another girl and seeing him so suddenly from their little argument yesterday, she just could not stand seeing him at all.







During the whole school day, Shin Hee mostly hung out with just So Young. In class, she was mostly just quiet and did her assignments. The Kingkas and Queenkas didn’t find anything suspicious about her. They thought she was just the new kid and she was just really shy.


However, L couldn’t stop but think there was something wrong about this “Shin Min” girl. He didn’t know what it was, but he couldn’t avoid it. Every time he saw a glance of her from far away or she’d just past by, he had a pain of guilt just cut him through his chest.


He wanted to know why though.




After school, the basketball team, cheer leading and mascot practices were held.

Shin Hee remembered she had to bring the players food so she just made sandwiches for them since she didn’t really know how to cook.


“Are you going to practice?” So Young groaned,


“Yes, I already told you…” Shin Hee mumbled as she placed her mascot uniform on top of her head.

“Aish…. We need to hang after school!”


“I can’t! Only on Friday I’m off.”


“ Friday!? Perfect! We all are going ice skating that day!”


“As in all, you mean?”

“You know! The Kingkas, Queenkas, me, L, and my sister!”


Once she heard her sister, she felt a slight pinch of anger in her.
“Uh…. Can’t it just be us two hanging out?”


“Why? Do you have problems with anyone?”

“A-Ani…. It’s just---“


“Is it L and my sister?”
So Young interrupted,


“I told you! I don’t like that kid!”


“Tsk, Tsk, from head to toes, you are all lies!”



“I’m sorry, but can you please come? It’s my sister’s birthday and she wants me to come, but I don’t have any girl friends close as you.”


“Your speech made me guilty….”


“YAY! So you’ll come!?”


“ I…. I suppose----“


“You’re the best Unnie!”
She yelled and hugged her tightly.


“Aigoo….. I really don’t know what

I got myself into….”








Shin Hee entered the gym with her mascot outfit and held the box of sandwiches in her hands. Woohyun immediately stopped once he saw Shin Hee enter the gym.


“Shin Min Ah!” Woohyun shouted,


Shin Hee turned her head and saw the Namstar adorably wave at her.
She was kind of confused why Woohyun was being so nice to her,
She awkwardly waved at him and flashed him a weird smile.


He chuckled and continued practicing his basketball game with Infinite.



Shin Hee sighed and continued walking forward.
Se saw how talented the Queenkas were at their cheer routines, but how short their skirts were. Indeed, cheerleading did in fact fit their image.


“Shin Min! You’re late!” The coach scolded,

“S-Sorry coach, I had to pick up the lunch and dress out.”

“Well since you’re new, I’ll let you off with a warning.”


“Thanks coach! I’ll work hard! Oh…. But where do I practice?”


“At the dance room, it’s over there next to the bleachers.”


“Oh I see! I’ll work very hard today!”

Shin Hee turned around and began to ran but something stopped her,
“OW! Who when was there a wall here!?” Shin Hee yelled,


Shin Hee removed her mask and saw L in front of her.
He wore the same outfit the basketball players were wearing,
But of course in her eyes, he looked like some super hotshot



Shin Hee felt her face redden and looked away,
“What are you doing here?”


“Yah L! Get over here!” Woohyun shouted,


“Y-You play!? ”
Shin Hee asked amused,


L flashed a smirk and threw his towel on top of her head, he ran to he court and Shin Hee’s fan girl eyes just followed. She saw how fast he slammed dunk and how talented he was. She remembered why she liked him in the first place; he was always talented in everything.



‘What are you doing Shin Hee?!’ She questioned herself and literally slapped herself,




Shin Hee turned around and quickly skipped off to the dance room as L secretly eyeballed her.







After practice was done, the coach loudly blew the whistle,


“Okay! Everyone bring it in Lunch Time!” The coach yelled,


Everyone sighed from exhaustion and everyone hurried around the water cooler to get a drink.


Shin Hee arrived and brought the box of sandwiches she woke up really early to make for everyone. Infinite gathered around her and was starving.


“Yah! Calm down! There’s enough for everyone!”
Shin Hee yelled.


Everyone had a sandwich and the lunch indeed looked well home made.
Everyone drooled over the sandwiches and couldn’t wait to taste their first bite after a hard days work.




Once the first munch was heard….







“BLEGH!!!!!” Sungyeol yelled, the first one to eat the sandwich.


“What the hell is this!?” Dongwoo immediately spit his sandwich,


Everyone coughed and did a spit take on the terrible food,
Shin Hee was shocked how bad everyone thought it was.

She wasn’t the best chef at home though; she’d always cook too long or not cook it long enough. Her parents always avoided her cooking; she couldn’t even make the instant ramen successfully.



“I-t’s…..g-g-good….” Woohyun quivered,


“Stop lying, I know it’s bad….” Shin Hee frowned,


“Y-Yah Ani! It’s really goo---“


“Shut up Woohyun, it .” L frankly spoke and threw the sandwich to the trash.


Shin Hee wanted to just bury her head and never be seen again,
it was bad enough she embarrassed herself in front of her crush more than three times; he even got to taste her bad cooking skills.


“I’m sorry… I-I…”


“Are you really bad at everything?”
L asked,


That statement made everyone silent.
Even the queenkas were shocked, usually L wouldn’t hurt someone’s feelings in the spot just like that unless if he was that irritated.




“You can’t dance, you embarrass yourself, and every time I see you, you always mess up something. You’re tiring you know that? An eyesore to see.”



Usually she would take criticism from someone….


But those words from L badly stung her in the heart.



She grabbed the box of sandwiched and threw it to L,
Everyone was completely unaware of her actions, no one ever treated L like that since the day he was born.


“You… are so annoying!”
She yelled,


Even L himself was shocked,


“Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP !!!!!!SHUTUP!!!!!!” Shin Hee barked at him loudly,


“You are such a shallow jerk you know that!? You think you’re so cool and all that because you have this beautiful face, but because of your arrogance, all I see is this fat revolting fool! So what I can’t cook?! So what I embarrass myself!? But at least I’m not a shallow fool like you! No wonder that Shin Hee girl moved all the way to America! She’d be out of her right mind to ever come back to ever see you again!”



Shin Hee shouted at the top of her lungs as her tears fell down of her eyes like a fool.


Even L was speechless from this.
He never thought Shin Hee would be the type to just burst into a tantrum.


Shin Hee rubbed her tears away with her arm and quickly ran away from everyone and everything.








After at least two hours of non-stop crying in the bathroom,
Shin Hee finally had the audacity to finally leave the stall.
She looked at herself in the mirror, she didn’t think of herself any different than when she was fat. She looked like a mess… A miserable and lonely girl.



Even years of her becoming beautiful didn’t even help her.


Shin Hee walked out of the bathroom and took a deep breath,
out of no were, she saw Hyuna outside of the bathroom, looking like she was about to come in, but stopped once she saw Shin Hee.


“Hey, you okay?”


“O-Of course…. Why wouldn’t I be?”


“You don’t have to act like it’s okay, that was some rude stuff L said to you…”


“It’s fine.”


“…. Hey, how do you know Shin Hee?”

“Sh-Shin Hee? Uh well… I kind of heard about her from someone.”


“Oh I see…. Well, are you okay?”


“I’m seriously okay…” Shin Hee smiled,


“Okay, well if you need anything, come tell me.”


“Ah… Neh… But Hyuna, why are you being so nice to me?”


“Well I thought we were friends.”




“We are, am I right?”


“O-Of course!” Shin Hee smiled,

“Funny…. Something about you is so familiar… Maybe I’m jut imagining…”

Shin Hee and Hyuna smiled and ended up laughing together.

Shin Hee never thought in a million years she would ever be friends with a Queenka, what they did was unforgivable…. But Shin Hee liked being Shin Min.

She felt like she was finally given a second chance as a new person.






Shin Hee exited out of the school and looked at the time,
time flied really fast, it was already 5pm, Shin Hee didn’t realize how much she cried back in there.


Once Shin Hee exited out of the school gate,
A familiar face was next to the gate.


Of course, it’d be none other than the charming L.




“A-AH! I-I forgot my textbook!”
Shin Hee pretended she didn’t see L and said to herself.


She was about to turn and leave until,
“Yah, polk a dots, come here.” L spoke,



Shin Hee froze and only her head turned to L’s direction,
“Ahahahaha! L!? When were you here!?” Shin Hee laughed,



L rolled his eyes and approached Shin Hee,
“Yah…. Are you…… O-Okay…”
L mumbled, looking as if he was forced to say that.


“ Why wouldn’t I be? An arrogant guy made fun of me in front of the Kingkas and Queenkas.”


L sighed deeply,
“Did you eat yet?”







“Oh my god!!!!! So good!”
Shin yelled as she planted her face into her crepe.




“Calm down! I’m gonna be broke at the end of the day!” L yelled as he spent his third large crepe for Shin Hee.


“I can’t! Oh my god! I haven’t had sweets in forever!!!!”
Shin Hee smiled as a whole trace of cream and chocolate went around .



L looked at her disgusted,
“Children are so easy to please…”


“Yah!! Children!? When’s your birthday!?”

“March 13.”


“ Bwoh!? Me too!”




“It’s the truth!”


“ Liars go to hell!”

“I’m no liar! We must be….. LONG LOST SIBLINGS!”


“mwoh? Are you stupid?”


“Do I call you Oppa or Dongsaeng?”


“PFT! Oppa of course!”


“But we’re born in the same date!”


“I feel whoever has the most potential should.”


“And I’m not!?”

“Just look at the way you eat, little pig…”


“You’re no fun you know that? So sarcastic…”
Shin Hee pouted and bit her crepe.


L placed his hand on his cheek and rested his face as he stared at Shin Hee.


“Yah, are you calmed down now?”


“H-Huh? Why wouldn’t I?”


“Because I saw you cry.”


“I wasn’t cr-crying.
More like a warriors cry!”


L smirked at her and it made Shin Hee’s heart beat suddenly,
“You have chocolate.” He pointed at ,
“It’s all over your face.”

Shin Hee wiped her face embarrassed,
“You still have some here.” He pointed,




He placed his thumb over the chocolate stain and wiped it,
He then his thumb.


“Y-Yah! What are you doing?! People are staring at us!” Shin Hee blushed,


“It’s your fault you look like a starving pig.”





“What is it now?” Shin Hee asked annoyed, she just wanted to finish her crepe.

“Don’t cry anymore.”




“Don’t cry in front of me anymore… It makes me…. Feel icky.”


“Kim Myungsoo, are you feeling guilty?”


“I’ll be more careful with my choice of words, warn me if you’re about to cry in front of me. I’ll just take you somewhere to eat after.”


“….” She tilted her head, confused what L was trying to say.




“… Kim Myungsoo…”




“… Are you trying to say sorry?”


“… I was trying….............. 


Did it show?”


Shin Hee giggled and bit her crepe,
“Yup, a lot.”


“Am I forgiven?”


“I suppose…”


The two smiled at each other and Shin Hee began munching on her crepe.
L stared at Shin Hee and his lips slowly curved to a very small smile.


Seeing her happy and comfortable around him made the guilt in his heart finally go away.





And even made his his heart fluff and cheek turned to a slight shade of red…







I know! I haven't update for a while! :( You know! Trying to catch up in Ap classes....
Please forgive me! Writers block! And I know this chapter ! But next update will be better!


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nirvanaaaa #1
Chapter 7: i really like your story but i'm so sad that your last update was in 2012
it.s 3 years and it's really long time but i'm reaaally curious about it and excieted to read it
so i don't know why you stopped writing it but even if i'm the only fan of your story although i believe there's alot of readers felt sad that you stopped updating so can you pleaseeeee update again :D please don't let me down
nana_lve_fanfic #2
ahjumma, can't you think for your daughter instead of your jerky BF?! L , you're so blur and i like this chapter ^^
update soon please~
aww, shin min/hee! hehe. her moms boyfriend is the worst D:< L, please comfort her :(
aww L why you so stupid >.>
meeshelly #5
No :( being pretty is not everything! Stupid L :'(
hahahaa XD updateee againn :D
Haha this is like the Korean movie<br />
200 pound beauty
oppa-is-mine #8
asdfghjkl!! It's so embarrassing! XD myungsoo really thinks she's crazy! ahahaha!
meeshelly #9
Cute! Hahaha xD I cant believe she smacked into the tree and accidentally let Myungsoo see her underpants xP
wahh she so cute!<br />
it may be super embarrassing, but i still think she's cute