Six Years

Six Years

Six Years

Patzmelody01 Productions
A DongHo OneShot

Beep, Beep, Beep.

Shin DongHo laid his head on the hospital bed, his crossed arms supporting his head. The twenty-three year old was tired. His throat was sore, his eyes wanted to drop and his body felt weak. He was worthless.

From the back of the hospital room, his U-KISS members looked at him with sympathy in their eyes. They stayed rooted in their spots, not even daring to go near grief-stricken adult.  It was the second youngest, Kevin, who broke the long chain of silence.

“DongHo,” he cautiously took a few steps towards the man and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “You should go home and rest. She’d want you to do that.”

The raven-haired singer only shook his head. “She needs me here hyung. I don’t want her to wake up alone. Please…let me stay. Just a little bit longer? I don‘t want to leave her.”

Kevin gave him a disapproving look. “DongHo, you haven’t eaten since we got here. At least think of your health!” He was cut off when the oldest, Alexander, grabbed a hold of his arm.

“Kevin,” he said in a quiet voice. “Just let him. He needs this.”


“Let’s go Kevin.” Eli, who couldn’t stand looking at the unconscious body that laid on the bed any longer, forcefully lead the dirty blonde out of the room. He looked back at DongHo, before leaving. “Don’t do anything stupid, okay?”

Not bothering to meet his eyes, DongHo silently replied, “of course, hyung.”

He heard shuffling behind him before the gentle shutting of the door came. He was now alone with no one to talk to. But DongHo didn’t care. At that moment, his whole world had already fallen apart. He didn’t need the false lies that his hyungs would tell him about everything turning out for the best. He knew that that wouldn’t be the case. Not when the woman he loved the most -the woman he wanted dead when they first met-, laid unconscious, with countless bruises and cuts on her body, in front of him.

And his baby. Baby Jonghyun.

DongHo felt new tears building up as he thought about his son. The eight month old embryo that wasn’t due to come out for another month. SangHee's once bumpy stomach was now flat. He didn’t know what had happened to him. All he knew, was that the doctors had tried to save the baby first before they had tended to his wife.

“They never even told me if he made it,” he whimpered.

June 17, 2017

“Where are they?!” DongHo came charging in through the hospital doors, his U-Kiss hyungs right behind him. His face was pulled in a horrified expression, fist clenched at his side and body stiff from head to toe. He stomped up towards the receptionist, glaring at the nurse who cowered behind the counter. “Where are they?” His voice was menacing. The anger and frustration in his voice was hard to misinterpret.

“I-I’m s-sorry sir,” the small nurse stammered and handed him a clipboard with a paper attached to it. “You have to sign this first and tell me who y-you’re l-looking for before I can tell you a-anything.”

She instantly regretted her decision when DongHo slammed his hands down hard on the counter, and growled. “My name is Shin DongHo. My wife Shin SangHee is in the emergency room
right now! I want to know where she is! She is pregnant with my son! If you don‘t give me the number of the floor they are in, I will sue you. Not this hospital. YOU.”

“I-I’ll go check!“ Nodding, the nurse scurried off, obviously afraid.

“DongHo,” Kiseop asked unsurely. “Are you sure that it was the hospital that called you?”

“Yes. Manager hyung said that it was.”

SooHyun looked worried. “Does this mean SangHee was really involved in that car crash?!”

“What about her baby?” Kibum asked.

It was at the statement when DongHo walls fell and he collapsed to the ground with tears spilling from his light, brown eyes.

The singer took a hold of his wife’s hand and held it firmly in his. His focus was on her and her alone. Everyone now and then, he would check the heart monitor at the other side of the bed, making sure that it wasn’t drawing a straight line.

“SangHee,” his voice was hoarse and tired from all those screaming and crying from earlier on. “You need to pull through okay? I can’t live without you.”

It was ironic how those words came out of his with such ease. Six years ago, he had hated her with a pure passion and had wanted nothing to do with her. As the years passed, that had changed. DongHo had grown very dependant on her and would be very lost if SangHee ever left him.

When no reply came -not that he expected one-, DongHo continued to babble on. Inside he was hoping that SangHee would hear him and listen to his desperate pleas. “I used to hate you, you know that?” DongHo caressed her hand as a small smile formed on his lips. “We’re even though, because you used to hate me too…Do you even remember when we first met?”

December 19, 2011

It was Christmas. As usual, DongHo’s parents had planned a Christmas event at their mansion. It was a tradition that was done every year. The seventeen year old singer was not amused. It wasn’t really much of Christmas party. It was more of a business meeting, only they were surrounded by giant Santa Claus figures that his mom had bought, even if both DongHo and his dad had refused on buying them. 

It was the same as every year. Not knowing anyone who was invited, the singer locked himself up in his room. He would usually be on the computer, chatting to one of his friends or hyungs online. Normally, his parents wouldn’t mind. And so, DongHo had expected this year to be the same as all the others. But there was one thing that DongHo had learned from that day on.

He was always
never right.

Hours later, he had found himself in a tux, entertaining guests and desperately trying to keep himself from turning into his obnoxious self and telling them all off. After all, Christmas was his only holiday that year- jumbling both his singing career and his father’s company at the same time, it was hard to find some time for himself.

Finally managing to escape from the crowd, DongHo sought refuge in his balcony. He had expected it to be peaceful, expected to be alone but it seemed like fate had other plans.


A red shoe came flying towards his direction, hitting him right on the forehead. It was at that time when DongHo figured out that high heels were highly dangerous.

He cursed rather loudly to himself and grasped the aching part of his head, yowling in pain. He heard footsteps coming his way. With one eye open, he saw a girl limping towards him, one shoeless foot raised up. 

“I’m so sorry,” she apologised in clumsy Korean, her brown curly locks falling down her face. “I was trying to hit this guy! It wasn’t meant to hit you!”

He glared at her. “Do you think that it’s ladylike to throw shoes at people?”

She raised a questioning brow at him. She was taken back by how he reacted. “Ladylike? I’m sorry but whatever you may think of me, I am not ladylike at all!”

“Figures,” he scoffed at her. This only angered the girl in front of him. “Or else you would have had manners.”

She gave him a blank look before fury took over, “was saying sorry to you not enough?” Even though she was small in size, DongHo could see that she was feisty.

“It was hardly enough!” DongHo shot back, shoving the shoe back to its owner.

“Don’t think that I’m going to bow down to you, bastard.”

“, that’s exactly what I want you to do,” he smirked.

She laughed and slipped her shoe back on. “You’re embarrassing yourself.” She gave him a pathetic pat on the shoulder. Then she turned and proceeded to walk away.

DongHo seeing this, ran after and spun her back around to face him.

“Hey! Do you even know who you just talked to you?!”

“Erm, a weirdo,” came her sarcastic reply. She fiercely took her arm back from him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some business with my parents that I need to attend to. Be a good boy and tell me where Mr. and Mrs. Shin is.”

“What do you want with my parents?”

Suddenly, realisation hit her like a ton of bricks, “y-you’re Shin DONGHO?!” 

I grinned in triumph. “The one and only.”

“Eww!” She instantly took a few steps back away from him. “I have to marry you?! You have such a horrible personality! Eww!”

“Marry me?”

She rolled her eyes at me. “Please tell that you’ve known that we’ve been engaged even since we were seven.” 

“You’re joking right?” He raised an eyebrow in question.

“I really thought that you were joking,” DongHo chuckled sadly. “At that time, I really hoped that you were joking. But as soon as those words came out of your mouth, I knew that my worst nightmare had come true. I, being the son of one of the richest man in Korean, couldn’t escape the whole idea of arranged marriages. I didn’t want to marry in order to extend my family’s company. I wanted to marry for love.

I already had a girlfriend at that time, and I really liked her. I was happy- contented with my life. I was a famous idol with a sweet and caring girlfriend, and my parents spent more time at home with me. Then, you came into my life and messed everything up.” With a shaky breath, he continued. 

“Would you ever forgive me for cheating?”

And a tear finally escaped his eyes.

July 29, 2012

DongHo and SangHee had married quickly. Both their parents wasted no time in organising it together without their children’s consents. The two mothers were best friends and it had always been their dream to see their children ending up together.

However, DongHo and SangHee were not amused. They had only met each other five times for the past six months. All of their meetings were awkward, and the two didn’t exchange words when they didn’t need to. When the day of the wedding came, they were forced to pretend to be a happy newly-wed couple in front of hundreds of cameras and many of U-Kiss’ (angry) fans. It was an arranged marriage and no one had to find out.

They went home that night to their new modern house. It was comfortable, homey and big enough for thirty people. But to them, it felt cold and lifeless. The couple had agreed to sleep in separate bedrooms, each had a set of rules concerning the other.

“You are to stay out of my room and out of my way, understood?” DongHo told her as he flicked her forehead. And he walked away before she could curse at him. “I don’t love you, despite what people think.”

The Next Day

Cursing to herself, SangHee shoved her house key into its key hole and twisted the knob. She did not have a good day.

After a long, stressful day at the college, the eighteen year old girl had about enough of people badmouthing her. She had gotten involved in so many fights that day that she was surprised that she did not get in trouble.

The next thing she saw as she entered the house, was the last thing she needed that evening.

There sprawled out on the couch was her husband DongHo, locked in a passionate and fierce kiss with a brunette. He towered over her, one hand crawling up the girl’s shirt, his mouth slowly trailing down her neck. The girl giggled as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, one hand getting tangled in his black locks. She whispered something in his ear, making DongHo produce a rather y, low chuckle. SangHee watched in horror when DongHo proceeded to take the brunette’s skirt off.

“STOP!” SangHee furiously threw her schoolbag to the ground, glaring darkly at the two.

At the sound of her voice, DongHo and his companion separated as if they were on fire. Giving no time for their excuses, SangHee had stomped over to them and slapped DongHo hard across the face. He looked at her in shock but he was not prepared for her next action.

Overwhelmed with anger, his wife had grabbed a handful of his girlfriend’s -mistress‘- hair and yanked it hard, which caused the brunette to fall off the couch, face front and landed on the floor, howling in pain.

“You !” SangHee screamed out, pulling her hair in all kinds of direction. She jumped on top of her, giving her no room for escape and began to claw her with her nails. “YOU SICK !”

“Please,” the girl pleaded unable to fight back, “stop!”

SangHee did not listen. DongHo, who had finally regained himself, hurriedly wrapped his arms around SangHee and hoisted her up, away from the beaten up girl. Scared, she crawled away from them as far as possible while SangHee trashed around in DongHo’s arms.

“Let me go, you ing cheater!”

“What is wrong with you?!”  DongHo said hotly. Anyone could tell that he was furious too. “You could have seriously hurt IU!”

“You,” SangHee, eyebrows narrowed, pointed to the girl on the ground. “You better run. Get out of my house, get out of my face and STAY AWAY FROM

IU, scrambled to her feet in fear. Shaking, she turned her attention to DongHo and bowed down to him. “O-oppa, I think we should break up. I‘m sorry but I-I c-can‘t handle being with you anymore.” And she ran out.

“Wait IU!” DongHo ran out after her, after he dropped SangHee to the ground. But he was too late. IU was nowhere in sight. His heart broke knowing that their relationship was all over. And SangHee was the cause of it all. He stormed back into the house, to find his wife heaving, trying to control her temper. “What the did you do?!”


It was the second slap that he had received from her. “Y-you!” SangHee accused in a shaky voice. “You do not get to cheat on me! I gave everything up when I was forced into this marriage and I expect you, you stupid er, to do the same! We haven’t been married for twenty-four hours yet and you’re already cheating! I don’t care if we don’t like each other but I’m a woman and I deserve to be respected!”

She shoved DongHo to the ground, grabbed her school back and walked away.

And for a fraction of a second, DongHo thought that he saw tears falling down her cheeks.

“I’m so sorry if I had hurt you back then,” DongHo sobbed, tightening his grip around his wife’s hand. “We still didn’t like each other back then but- I still managed to make you cry didn’t I?”

It was a memory that he didn’t want to remember, so he pushed it to the back of his head. He forced himself to remember something happy. Something that was worth remembering. A memory that had lead them to where they were now.

“Do you remember how we became friends, SangHee?”

February 18, 2013

It had been a year ever since DongHo and SangHee married. Their relationship was no better than before. They still cursed at each other, made one another miserable and only spoke to insult or when needed to. DongHo resented her for losing IU, and SangHee hated him for taking her life away.

Fortunately, they had been both busy for the past year. DongHo was now a worldwide sensation, along with his fellow U-Kiss members. After releasing their new single, ‘Shut Up!’, they finally managed to reach the top of the charts, taking Asia by storm.

SangHee had finished college and was the youngest heiress ever in Korea to take over a company. With her intelligence and creativity, she had managed to bring her company to the top. And through hard work and determination, she -with great difficulty-, found herself as one of the top hundred richest women in the world.

It was during that one night, when everything suddenly changed.

DongHo had come home that night after a concert in China. He was exhausted, being deprived of sleep for twenty eight hours straight, and hungry. When he arrived home, he expected SangHee to be sitting in the dinning room, having her dinner like always, waiting for him with that annoyed look in her eyes.

She wasn’t.

Normally, DongHo would have just brushed it off. After all, they weren’t on good terms. However, this was so unusual that he just had to wonder where she was.

“Ai Rin,” he called out for one of his maids. Ai Rin, a small teenage girl, immediately scurried over to him from the kitchen. “Yes sir?”

“Do you know where SangHee is?”

“Ah, Miss SangHee! She got a call not too long ago from her parents. She’s in her room right now,” then the expression on Ai Rin’s face became sour. “I think something terrible is happening right now. SangHee‘s mother was crying when she got the phone call.”

‘It must be about the business,’ DongHo thought. Because he was technically part of the company, if anything ever happened to it, he would be worried too. “I see. I’ll just go to her room then. You’re dismissed.”

He didn’t know why he was so curious to know what was wrong with her. But he found himself running up the staircase and not a moment later, he was in front of her room. He should have walked away as soon as he heard her voice, but he didn’t. He should’ve just pretended that he didn’t hear anything, but he didn’t. He should have just discarded the whole situation as if it didn’t happen, but he didn’t.

Why? Because his tough, short-tempered, witty, sarcastic wife…was crying.

It was the first time for him to see her in that state. A voice was telling him to stay and watch over her. Somehow, he listened to that part of him and his whole body remained frozen outside her door. No-he couldn’t walk away.

“W-what do you mean?” SangHee sobbed on the phone. Her back was turned to him, but DongHo could see her shoulders shaking. The sobs that escaped from didn’t go unnoticed. “Dad? What happened to Dad?”

“He died, honey,” DongHo’s mother in law’s distraught voice echoed through the phone speakers. “H-he had a h-heart attack in America. T-They’re sending his body back here in Korea in a-a week.”

“No,” SangHee fist tightened. “NO!” And she threw her phone across the room making DongHo flinch.

The brunette collapsed on her bed in a hunched position with her fist clenching her covers. She froze in fear, and shivered in disbelief. The cold air sang around them, silence eating their surrounding, leaving the sigh of her loneliness shooting air out of with each breathe she exhaled. Her eyes were screaming for justice with each translucent trickle of emotions. A loud sorrowful cry erupted from her and DongHo felt his heart break in two. He knew how much she loved her dad.


Her head snapped around at the sound of his voice. She looked broken and lost. DongHo didn’t know what to say or do. “What?! Are you going to make fun of me now?!” She tried to be strong-tried not to look weak in front of him but failed. DongHo saw through her even if he didn’t want to.

Not a moment later, he had pulled her into his arms, securing her in in his warm embrace and started whispering sweet things in her ears to calm her down. She fought back at first, not wanting to fully break down in front of him. In the end, she lost the battle and clung onto him for dear life, burying her face into his muscular chest. “DongHo…a-appa…he’s gone!”

“I know,” DongHo softly answered. His shirt was already wet with tears but he didn’t care. She needed someone and he wasn’t that much of a jerk to just leave her like that. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

“It was the first time that I’ve ever seen you cry. I thought that you were a strong girl but as it turns out, you’re nothing but a baby,” DongHo teased. But no reply came from SangHee.

He wanted to scream in frustration. His wife was so close to dying and his only hope was on the life machine which was still showing signs of her heart beating. And that was enough for DongHo.

“I was surprised that I held you that night. I always thought that if I ever saw you in your weak state, I’d take it to my advantage and make your life miserable. I guess things don’t always go as planned.”

February 19, 2013

The next day was awkward for both of them. SangHee had woken up beside a sleeping DongHo and to her amazement, she was still tangled in his arms. She had been flustered and didn’t know what to do. Not being able to think of another way of waking the nineteen year old up, she poked him. All DongHo remembered was him muttering an apology and running out of the room, once he woke up.

It was during their breakfast when SangHee finally mustered the courage to speak.

“Ah,” she stammered out. “About yesterday-”

“You don’t have to thank me,” DongHo quickly said, hoping that the subject would soon be dropped.

“But…I want to.” And the U-Kiss magnea looked at her surprise. “Yesterday, you…comforted me when I needed someone. I never thought that you’d actually do that. For the past year, all we’ve done is scream at one another and hurt each other. I never thought that you, of all people, would have a heart. I know that if I was in your position, I would have just left you like that. So…thank you.”

DongHo shifted in his seat, uneasy. “Well, it was my first time seeing you like that. I knew I had to do something. And it’s not like I had a choice! My body moved on its own accord. If I had any say in it, I would have left you there too!”  He was stubborn. He didn’t want to show that side of him to SangHee.

Instead of getting angry, SangHee giggled at him. It was the first for her to be genuinely happy around him. “You say that but you really don’t mean it. I’m glad that I saw that side of you last night DongHo. Now I know that you’re not such a bad person after all. Maybe if  we can both put everything that has happened between us in the past, we can be friends?”

DongHo observed her closely, listening to her words. Finally he replied, rather reluctantly, “do what you want.”

“And we became friends.”

July 9 2014

DongHo had never thought of SangHee to be such a cheerful and carefree person. He had been so used to her cursing and insults that he never really thought of her as a nice woman. It had been a year ever since her declaration of wanting to be friends with him. They were both twenty now. They shared secrets -one which was of DongHo being still in love with IU- and dreams. But she acted like a thirteen year old girl on her first date every time they went out.

At first it surprised him, but after a while DongHo found himself getting used to her new personality. He found her antics cute, her witty remarks hilarious and her sarcasm and smiling face just added to her charm. Inevitably, DongHo slowly fell in love with her. And he lost their bet.

A few Months Ago

“DongHo, I’m bored!” SangHee puffed out her cheeks and poked him.

They were both lying on his bed after a long day of work. SangHee had decide earlier on that day to raid his room. They were both comfortable with each other now and DongHo found himself anticipating their every hang out.

He gave her a pointed look. “Then go do something.”

“But there’s nothing good to do when you’re alone!” SangHee drawled out, crawled towards him and finally placed her head on his lap. “Pleeeeease?”

The man scratched his head. He knew that he wouldn’t win the argument against her. He gave in. “What do you want to do?”

“Let’s make a bet!”

“What kind of bet?”

“Hmm,” and she pointed to her chin, thinking deeply. “Oh! I know! Let’s bet on who will fall in love with who first!”

DongHo laughed at her. “I thought that we agreed to be just friends.”

“I know, but this is just for fun! We’re married right? But neither of us is in love with the other. Say, in some crazy twist of fate, one of us do fall in love, that one will be the loser! Okay?”

“Okay, okay.”

“But if you fall in love with me, you have to tell, okay?”

DongHo raised a brow at her and flicked her head. “What makes you think that I’ll fall in love first?”

“I’m adorable, that’s why,” came her blunt reply, while she clutched her forehead with one hand. DongHo chuckled at her.

“Deal,” DongHo raised a brow and folded his arms, “but if you fall in love with me, you lose.”

“I’ll never fall in love with you. I promised myself that a long time ago,” she pouted.

DongHo smirked at her and kissed her forehead. “We’ll see.”

DongHo didn’t know why he was in love with her. He couldn’t pinpoint the time when he fell in love with her either. All he knew was that he did and that was all that mattered. His heart raced whenever she walked by. He found himself inhaling her scent every time they hugged. And he found himself smiling when ever he was around her. There was no doubt that he was deeply in love with his wife.

All he needed to do now, was confess.

“SangHee,” he entered her room but froze immediately at the sight in front of him.

SangHee was packing.

“D-DongHo!” She exclaimed, panicked. “You’re not suppose to be home!”

“What are you doing?” He asked her and grabbed the t-shirt from her hands. “Why are you packing?!”

She avoided his eyes and simply said, “I have to.”

“No you don’t,” he told her coldly. “I know you SangHee. You’re running away from something. Why? Is our friendship not enough for you? Is there someone else?!”

“NO!” She denied hotly. “Of course not!”

“Then tell me why you’re leaving!”

But she refused. She began packing her stuff at a faster pace, while mumbling incoherent things to herself.  DongHo couldn’t stand the site of it. His heart was being ripped out of his chest. She was leaving him with no explanation.

“SangHee please,” he grabbed her hand and pressed it to his cheek. He was crying now. “At least tell me why.” He pulled her to his chest and held her there, not wanting to ever let her go. To his happiness, she didn’t pull away.

“I’m- I’m in love with you DongHo.” And he felt his heart burst with joy. He couldn’t stop the smile forming on his lips and he had to stop the urge of kissing her then and there. “But I don’t want to be in a one-sided love all alone. That’s why I have to leave. Please let me go.” She gently pushed him away and gave him a heartbreaking smile. “I love you but only on my own. That’s why I have to set you free. Do me a favour and find that one woman for you, okay?”

DongHo shook his head at her. He took her face in his hands and reached down to her height level. “Silly girl. What makes you think that it’s not you?”

He didn’t give her a chance to speak. He pressed his lips hard against hers, muffling her protest to his confession in the process. He felt her gripping his shoulders hard, but he could endure that as long he could claim her as his. The kiss started to get heated. DongHo had pushed his tongue forwards, opening hers in the process. He fought with her tongue for dominance, playfully at first until it became a game of who would win and who would lose. In the end SangHee had lost, but she didn’t care. She melted in his arms, wrapped her arms around his neck, and tried to fill the unwanted space in between them. She stumbled back when DongHo hoisted her hips against his, and fell onto the bed, which made her suitcase fall to the ground. His lips were already trailing down her neck when SangHee gently pushed him away. DongHo needed more, he tried to attack her supple skin again but SangHee wouldn’t let him.

“Say it,” she told him, breathless.

DongHo look at her, astonished, “say what?”

“Say that you love me,” she gripped his shirt and pulled him down, her breath tickling against his face “Say it out loud.”

“I love you,” he whispered. And he did.

Once again, he placed his lips on top of hers and they moved against one another, gracefully, like they’ve done it before. They made love that night and DongHo couldn’t remember a more special moment in his life.


“When you confessed,” he told her. “I was happy. I thought that everything would be fine after that, but, you were insecure. You were really stupid to think that I still loved IU.” 


August 5, 2015

“Goodnight,” SangHee kissed his cheek with a small smile in her face. DongHo returned it before gathering her in his arms and placed his head in the crook of her neck. “Goodnight,” he mumbled against her hair.

They stayed in the position contented, peaceful and happy. Until-



“Go to sleep,” SangHee ordered in a tired voice. She turned to face him and gave him a mild glare before she ever so slightly closed her eyes. DongHo leaned in and kissed the top of her nose.

“Shouldn’t I be the one telling you that?” DongHo asked her concerned.

She moved her head from side to side furiously, “I can’t- I can’t sleep before you do.”

“Why not?”

“I just can’t,” and she hastily avoided his eyes.

“There must be a reason to it. You always fall asleep after I do, SangHee.”

DongHo was curious. He wanted to know why she always sacrificed her health for him. She would stay up late every night with him, until she could make sure that he was sound asleep. He always wondered why she never slept before him. Why she always observed him.

SangHee clenched her jaw tightly. Her husband could see that she was hesitating to answer. “I’m…afraid,” she finally admitted in a quiet voice.

DongHo reached to caress her cheek. “Of what?”

“Of losing you,” she looked at him with her big, doe eyes. They were pooling with tears and DongHo couldn’t stand the sight of it. “Of waking up in the morning and finding you gone. I’m scared  that one day you’ll realise that I’m not the one for you and that you’d go back to IU.”

DongHo finally understood.
‘You’ve got it all wrong, you silly girl.’

“Don’t ever think that,” he said in a reassuring tone. “I love you and only you SangHee. I’m married to you. I want to start a family with you and no one else. Understand?”

“You promise?” SangHee looked at him cutely.

“Promise,” and he linked his pinkies with her as he silently whispered, “I’ll love you and only you, forever till the end of time.”

She fell asleep almost immediately after that. SangHee trusted him. Although she still had her doubts, she trusted him enough to be beside her the next morning, and mornings to come after that.

“After that night, I’m proud to say that I took care of you better, loved you more heartedly and spoiled you like the child that you are.” DongHo smiled to himself as memories of them came flooding back to him. If he could, he would return to those times, right all the things that he had done wrong which would have made his life so much easier.

Beep. Beep.

“You don’t know how happy I was when you told me that you were pregnant with my child.”


October 18, 2016

DongHo came home that night, half-awake and lazy. Sometimes being an idol took a lot out of him. He was contented with his job though, so he never complained and accepted the blessings that came his way. Dragging himself up the towards their bedroom -his and SangHee’s-, he found his wife sitting nervously at the foot of their bed holding something alien in her hand.

“SangHee,” he yawned. “Aren’t you sleepy yet?”

“We need to talk.” He heard the slight tremor in her voice which caused him to turn alert.

“Why? What’s wrong?” He immediately began to inspect her, checking for any injuries that she might have had.

Before he could continue, SangHee had shoved some stick into his chest rather forcefully, which made him stumble back.  It was a pregnancy kit. And all DongHo could see was the pink positive sign written on it. He looked at her with wide-eyes. He was not able to produce a sentence to assure her of anything. He was confused, happy, excited, yet scared at the same time.

“I’m keeping it,” SangHee told him, a hand snaking around her stomach where their baby was. “You can get angry at me all you want DongHo, but please let me keep the baby.”

He reached out to touch her belly, taking in the information that he was just given. He already knew what to say before he even though of it. “I want to name him Jonghyun.”

The smile that appeared on her face was the smile that DongHo wanted to see forever. “Really?”

DongHo nodded. He pulled her to him and hugged her closely. Already he was being careful with her, and made sure not to squish her in his arms like he usually did, to protect the baby.  The next words that came out of his mouth were not planned. He did it on impulse, still overwhelmed by the news and he didn’t even have a ring to give her yet. “Marry me again SangHee.”

But he knew that that was what he wanted. He wanted to marry her. He wanted to do it properly this time. He wanted a church wedding and he wanted to be happy about it this time around. They got married shortly afterwards. This time they went on their honeymoon. Every time that DongHo remembered those times, all he hears is SangHee’s laughter and her beautiful smiling face.

SangHee was suppose to come home with him that night from her friend’s party. DongHo had strictly told her that he would pick her up. He was worried that something might happen to her and their unborn child. She was heavily pregnant and DongHo was afraid that she would hurt herself driving.

To his misfortune, SangHee had decided to wait for him outside. A drunken man had decided to drive home recklessly that night. The moment their fate intertwined, he crashed into her.

Six years. Two to be friends with her, two to fall in love with her and two to be happily married to her. He didn’t want just six years. He wanted more than just six.

“We’ve only had six years…but I want to give you infinity. SangHee,” DongHo, who was not able to take it anymore, gathered her petite body in his arms and held her close. “Please wake up.”

When the door to her hospital room opened, DongHo wanted to rip out the arms of whoever came in. He was angry- frustrated. He didn’t want anyone interrupting them, afraid that this would be his last moment with her. The eyes of the doctor had stopped him.

“Doctor-” he cut himself off, not knowing what to say.

Understanding the situation, the doctor had approached him with a small smile on his face. Gently, he placed a hand on his shoulder and made DongHo look at him. “Your son is stable. We were able to save him just in time. He's one month pre-mature, but he'll make it. He's a strong boy.”

DongHo felt the air being knocked out of him. He wanted to run around and yell in happiness. ‘Jonghyun’s fine! He’s not hurt!’ But one question still didn’t leave his mind.

“And my wife?” He was afraid of the answer but he needed to know.

“Your wife is doing great, Mr. Shin. She should wake up in a day or two.” Giving one last smile, the doctor had walked out that door leaving a relieved DongHo in the room.

The man walked back to his wife and took her hand in his once again. When she opens her eyes, he’d be there. When she panics about their son, he’d be there to reassure her. She had always been there for him, during his weakest times and sad times, guiding him like a light. This time, he would be the one walking beside her. It was his time to show how much he cared.


Woooh! This was my first angst/fluff oneshot! How was it? Not too bad I hope. T.T

I was thinking of making it into a two-shot? What do you guys think? ^^

This was inspired by a story I read. I can't remember what it was though. =/ If you know, please tell me. Haha!

Anyways, leave a comment. ^^ I'll update my other stories soon!

Annyeong! ;]

Fake Boyfriend

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Shizzness #1
beautiful story!!
I'm happy that I read this. I was really crying!
it touched my heart so much! :"> <3
it was written beautifully :>
SandeeMaknae #3
Ahhh.!~~~~~ Stop, you're making me cryyy!
AWEE ! So cute~ A lot of the parts made me cry... <br />
Great storyy! <3
This is written beautifully! And the fact that sanghee is my korean name..... Kyaaaa thank you for writing this fic!
This Story Made Me Cry! This KindOf Stufff Never Makes ME Cry! EVER! Not Even TWILIGHT! Oh MY Goodness. You Must Be One Of The Best Writers Ever! I Really Liked That You Went Through Their Life Story And Went Through All Of THe Memories. It's Really Great. Good Job And Continue On Writing Stories. You Truly have A Talent. This Was Amazing. One Of THE Best Fan Fictions I've Ever Read.
wow i really loved it!! thank you for making such an amazing fic <3
NoEul95 #8
i cried a river! wow! how old are you?(random question) Xp dunno why but i started cryiing when he...IU...nvm =.=
hyeamazing #9
Awww, how cute, yet saaaaaaaaaaad~! :(
Omg!! I'm so Love with this story~ it made me cry hard core... Best story I've read so far^^ :)