An eventful day

To be or not to be

Taeyeon POV

And there she goes. The 6 months without Tiffany have begun. As we’re all walking back to the car, I can hear everyone crying softly. We’re all gonna miss her, and I really didn’t want her to go. On the car ride home, no one speaks, we’re all sad. I’m pretty sure the next few days are going to be slow and quiet. I’m just glad that we don’t have to perform for a while, because it would be weird and depressing with just 8 of us.

“Well, it’s gonna be a sad 6 months.”

Tiffany POV 1 week later

I’ve only just gotten used to the fact I’m back home. Even though San Francisco is nice this time of year, I’d rather be back in Korea with my friends. This morning I woke up with a feeling of dread. My mum gave me a few days before I had to see my dad, and I’m not ready, but I guess I might as well get ready now. I get up and decide to have a shower. The hotel I’m at, has really nice showers, and I’m glad I picked a hotel over staying with my mum. All she would do is spew my dad’s bull , and I don’t need to hear it for 6 months straight.

After my shower, I put on some make-up and find the hat and hoodie combo that I’ve been wearing all week. With the make-up I’m wearing, it looked really pretty, but I’m not going to impress anyone. Despite the fact, I don’t want to be here, I still try and feel good about myself. My dad probably isn’t going to be in a good mood with me, but I just need to get it out of the way. I go downstairs and get in a taxi.

“Local hospital please.”

The taxi driver nodded and took off towards the hospital. It took about 10 minutes before we got there, and it was the blandest taxi ride ever. After we arrive, I pay the man and thank him for the ride. I go into the hospital and take a deep breath. I really don’t want to be here. I walk up to the reception lady and ask for my father’s room. She points out where the room is and she tells me where it is, and I make my way there. As I’m outside the door, my stomach starts feeling weird, but I need to enter.

I enter and I see my dad on the hospital bed. He has all these wires hooked up to him, and it looks really bad. Maybe, in the state that he’s in, he’ll be nice to me.

“Good morning father.”

“Hello Stephanie. Sit down.”

He tries to gesture the seat that’s next to the hospital bed.

“How are you feeling?”

“Not so great. Doctors didn’t say I have much time left.”

“Big surprise there. You have cancer.”

“Thank you, Stephanie.”

He looked angry now. It’s not that big of a deal, because he always used to be angry at me. After a while, you get used to crap like this.

“They said I have a year left. A year and a half at best.”

“Wow. I didn’t realize it was that serious. What does the rest of the family think?”

“They’re still deciding who should take my place at the business.”

“Who do you think it should be?”

“I want you to take my place.”

“Me? Why me?”

“Because people know you Stephanie. You’re famous, and our business could use the exposure.”

“what would need to happen for me to do that?”

“You’d have to leave the music industry entirely, and move back here permanently.”

“I’m not going to do that.”

“Why not? You’ll make more money than you do in that stupid group.”

He really just went there. You insult my friends, and you get hurt.


“How dare you! That ‘stupid group’, have been more of a family to me then you ever have.”

“ you.”

“No, you. You have never been good to me. My whole life you have verbally abused me, and the rest of my family. I’m glad that mum divorced you.”

“Why wouldn’t you want to work at the business? You’ll make lots of money.”

“You know what? Money isn’t everything. And it’s a ing run down drug store, how much money could it make?”

“Enough. For you.”

“But you liked working that stupid store. I love my friends, and being an idol is the best thing for me.”

“Not anymore. You don’t have a choice.”

“I do actually. You see, I’m not the one that’s dying, and you are. I can do what I want with my life.”

“You didn’t need to say that.”

“I don’t care what you think. I’m leaving. Not just the hospital, I’m getting on a plane tonight. Have fun in hell!”

As I start getting ready to leave, he grabs my arm and yells at me.

“Stephanie! You’re staying right here.”

I try and pull away, which is now made easy in his weakened state.

“I’m not coming back to see you ever again.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“I do. Very much so. And after all the I’ve had to deal with from you, you don’t know how much I mean it.”

I slam the door on my way out, and I walk past my mum. She could see the anger on my face, and she stopped dead in her tracks. She looked like she wanted to say something to me, but didn’t think to do anything about it. I didn’t want her to say anything to me, and I could sense that she noticed it. I honestly don’t what she has to say right now. I’m just so angry right now, and I don’t even know what I’m going to do now. All I know is, I’m leaving the country as soon as I can. I can’t stay anywhere near my father anymore. I don’t think I should tell Soshi though. I want to surprise them with my return. I walk back to my hotel, and hope that I can try and relax.

As I’m packing my bags, I find the note that Taeyeon had given me. I didn’t think that I would be reading it so soon as I would be, but I don’t need to do it now, I might just read it on the plane. I know it’s only been a week, but I really miss my friends. Maybe it’s the fact I’m on the other side of the world that makes it hard, and I know they’re gonna be happy to see me back. I decide to take another shower before I go, because I knew it would relax me, even a little bit. I’m just glad to be able to fly back to Seoul tonight.

Taeyeon POV (earlier the same day)

First week of no Tiffany is almost over. I’ve been cooking a roast all day to try and take my mind off of how much I miss her. I just hope that she hasn’t read the note yet, but knowing Tiffany, she probably already has. I put some calm music on and hope that it will be able to change my mood around, and make me happy. Without noticing, Seohyun and Yoona walk into the kitchen, and they start going through the cupboard.

“There’s nothing to eat. Where is everything?”

“I think Taeyeon is cooking something.”

I decide to turn around and make myself known.

“I’m making slow roasted pork for dinner.”

“Oh, hi Unnie. Didn’t know you were there.”

“How long will you be cooking for?”

“About 6 more hours.”

“Oh. We’re really hungry.”

I go to my bag and get out give Yoona some of my money.

“Go out and have something to eat. I know you guys are hungry, and I’m sorry.”

“Thank you Unnie, this means a lot.”

They both give me a hug and head off. They’re so cute. I hope they enjoy themselves.

Tiffany POV

I arrive at the airport, and it feels weird looking at it from this angle. I walk in and have a look at the flight times. The next flight to Seoul isn’t for another 3 hours. Why does it have to leave at 11pm? I decide to buy a ticket now and make sure that I get a good seat. The lady at the desk was really nice, and she hands me the ticket. I go and buy some food to have while I wait, and I get an iced tea too. I pull out my phone, connect to the free internet, and start looking at the news. After about an hour of this, I start to listen to my music. I do eventually get bored of that, so I start going through my bag. I find the note that Taeyeon gave me, and grab it out to read. I know that it’s early, but I think it would be best to read it now.

“Dear Tiffany

I decided it would be best to tell you this way, even though it seems kinda cowardly. Before we started promoting, you confessed to me. Just before you left, I realized that I love you too, which is why I gave you that kiss. I really miss you, and wish you had a safe trip. When you get back to us, to me, I’ll be ready for you. Hwang Miyoung, I love you.

From your byuntae, Taeyeon”

Wow. I didn’t know she loved me that much. I sat there for the next 30 minutes extremely happy. As I go to the plane, I realize that I’ve got 14 hours of boredom ahead of me. But at least I’ve got Taeyeon on my mind now, which is a good thing.

~14 hours later~

It’s 2 pm, and I’ve just arrived. I look at my phone and check what the schedules are. It was a good idea to save them on my phone. I jump on the closest bus and head towards the dorm. I didn’t expect to be here this soon, but I’m glad that I’ve come back as soon as I did. I really missed my friends, and my Taeyeon. I finally get to the dorm about an hour after I officially landed. I’m honestly nervous as I approach the door.

*knock* *knock*

“Hey everyone.”

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