Missing you

To be or not to be

Taeyeon POV

I’ve been cooking for hours today. It’s about 2pm and the maknae’s have only just gotten back from lunch. They look really happy, and full of food. I wanted to know what they had, but couldn’t really be bothered, and I’m basting my off with this pork. If it goes well, I’ll cook it fresh for Tiffany when she gets back. But if it doesn’t go well, there’s a few months ahead of me to perfect it. Jessica just got back from the mall with bags full of clothes, and they look expensive. She also looks happy, which everyone but me seems to be.

“Hey Tae, what are you doing?”

“I’m slow roasting some pork. Just trying some meal ideas for when Tiffany gets back.”

“Nice. Any reason in particular.”

“Something to do. To kill time, I guess.”

“Is it our dinner tonight?”

“Yeah probably. What do you think?”

“Sounds yummy. You know I love pork.”

“I know, and so does everyone.”

She giggles and leaves to her room, and I forgot to ask her what she got from the shops. I must ask her later, because I really want to see what she get, because it’s probably something really pretty. As I get back to cooking, I get a text from Sooyoung, who went for a walk.

“Taeyeon, there’s someone suspicious outside the door.”

“Can you see who it is? Should I be worried?”

“I can’t see who it is, but they don’t look like trouble. Just be careful.”

“I will, thanks Soo.”

“No worries Tae, just be safe.”

*knock* *knock*

Oh god. I grab a knife, just in case I need it. The door opens slowly, and the person steps in the door, and I can’t believe who it was.

“Hey everyone.”

I drop the knife and run up and hug her like my life depends on it. I start crying again, but for once, it’s not sadness but instead joy. She was back, and that’s all that mattered to me. It feels like time has stopped around us, and like nothing else happened or even mattered. But as soon as Sooyoung jumps in the door, she screams.

“What the hell?!”

“Oh hey Soo, how’s it going?”

Slowly but surely, everyone starts to come out to us.

“What’s going on?”

“Holy crap.”

Everyone freaks out and joins in on the hug. Jeez. I know it’s only been a week, but I guess we all must have missed her a lot.

“Jesus Fany, why are you back?”

“What happened to 6 months away?”

“Are you ok?”

Tiffany POV

“Everyone, slow down. I’ll go one question at a time. Oldest to youngest, but Tae, I’ll talk to you privately later.”

“Ok Fany, I’ll be in my room for now.”

She heads off looking really happy. I guess she thinks that I read the letter. But now, time to answer the questions that everyone has.

“Alright. One question each, oldest to youngest. Just don’t overwhelm me with them.”

“Alright, I’m first. Why did you come back so early?”

“I needed to come back to my friends.”

“How’s your dad doing?”

“He’s dying, and I can’t wait until he does.”

“What did your dad say to make you come back?”

“He tried to make me quit Kpop all together, and did so with a bunch of insults to the industry and you guys.”

“Do you regret leaving?”

“Hell no I don’t.”

“Did you like the food?”

“I knew you’d ask that Soo, but not really. Barely anything was fresh.”

“Other than your father, did you see the rest of your family?”

“I ran into my mum at the hospital, and she didn’t say anything.”

“Well, my questions have been answered, so I’m just gonna say one thing.”

“What’s that Seo?”

“I’m glad you’re back. We all missed you.”

She came up and hugged me, and it felt like the most genuine hug she’s ever given me. As I’m hugging her, I can hear the others getting emotional.

“I’m gonna go talk to Taeng now.”

I turn to leave and, I notice something, the oven is on. Smells really good.

*knock* *knock*

“Tae? You here?”

“I’m here. What’s up?”

I sit down next to her on the bed and hug her. I’ve missed this, and it’s still as nice as it was the first time.

“I missed you Tae.”

“It was only a week.”

“It felt much longer for me.”

“Based on what I heard just now, I bet it would have.”

“You heard?”

“Yes, I did. I’m so sorry about what happened.”

Taeyeon hugged me even harder than she already was. I tried not to cry, even though I could feel it happening. I broke the hug off, reached into my pocket, and pulled out the note. The note that she gave me before I left. Taeyeon could see that it had been opened, and I saw her smile.

Taeyeon POV

Oh my god. She read the letter. I hope this means what I think it’s going to mean.

“I read it Tae.”

“And what are your thoughts?”

“I want to hear you say it though”

“Oh, come on, really?”

“Yes Tae.”

I take a deep breath, and get ready to say it.

“Ok fine.”

I might as well say it, what’s the worst that could happen.

“Tiffany. I love you with all my heart.”

She grabs me for a passionate kiss, and it’s deeper than the one I gave her at the airport. Her lips are so soft and sweet.

“Now was that so hard?”

“Not really.”

We both smile at each other and hug deeply.

“So. Are we together now or something?”

“Oh you know it Taengoo?”


After this story is completed, I'm thinking of doing a Red Velvet story. As of yet, I don't know what member/s will be focused on, or if it will be an in group relationship or with an original character. But I really would like to branch into other groups, other than Soshi. Tell me what you guys think in the comments below :) I really want your guys opinion on this.

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1122 streak #1
Chapter 8: Yes finally Taeny ^_^
1122 streak #2
Chapter 7: Way to go Fany you said what you should've said to him long ago and I hope his mind omalready absorb your words and regret everything...
1122 streak #3
Chapter 6: So how long is tiff gonna stay there? and ivthinkvthats a love letter hehe
tipco09 #4
Chapter 6: Is that a confession from Taeyeon?
1122 streak #5
Chapter 5: Tae tell her tag you feel the same way now before something unexpected happens
tipco09 #6
Chapter 3: I hope they confess to each other.
derikys #7
Chapter 3: Continue please TT