An emotional time

To be or not to be

Tiffany POV

Last night was the last night of promotions, and I’m starting to feel scared. In a weeks’ time, I’m leaving to back home, but I’m not ready. I know I need to leave, and I don’t want to leave all my friends behind, but I know I have to. I wake up beside a still sleeping Taeyeon, and she’s out like a light. I reach for my phone to check the time. Crap. It’s 3am, and I probably won’t be able to get back to sleep. Maybe I should get some warm milk or something? That helps me most of the time, and it shouldn’t be any different now.

So, I quietly leave and sneak into the kitchen. I grab the milk from the fridge, pour some, and put it in the microwave. In the state I’m in right now, I don’t really worry about the beep, or if someone came out to say anything, which is exactly what happens. And it’s Yoona, who looks like she just woke up.

“Fany, it’s 3am, what are you doing awake?”

“Sorry Yoona, I just couldn’t sleep. I didn’t wake you up did I?”

“Yeah, you kinda did.”

“Sorry. I’ll let you go back to bed now.”

I grabbed my milk and went back to Taeyeons room. I wish my dad was ok. Why didn’t he just listen to what I said before I left to come here? Maybe if he had listened to me, and stopped smoking when I told him, he wouldn’t have gotten cancer. I guess that’s what he deserves. As I’m putting my glass down, I can see Taeyeon stir. I hope she doesn’t wake up. She’s been working so hard the last couple of weeks, harder than most of us, even though she didn’t need to. I lie down and try to sleep. It takes about 40 minutes, but I finally fall asleep.


I woke up with half my body on top of Taeyeon. It’s not that surprising anymore, because it’s happened a few times now. But as I go to get up, Tae wakes up too.

“You fell asleep on me again.”

“No I didn’t.”

“Then how do you explain the fact that you were just on me a second ago?”

“I don’t know. Maybe, you fell asleep under me?”

She looks at me with an expression that says, ‘you’re so full of ’. To be perfectly honest, I don’t even know how it happened. I think I might have snuggled into her to help distract me from all the thoughts I was having last night.

“Well it doesn’t matter. What do you want to do today? Anything special?”

“I don’t really know. Last night was the end of the promotions, and I leave in 3 days.”

“Really? That soon?”


“Well that really .”

“I know. Those 10 weeks went by really quick.”

“Yeah they did.”

We’re both silent as we start getting dressed. I made sure that Taeyeon turned around before I started changing. Don’t need her being a ert this early in the morning. I just put on some comfy jeans and a simple t-shirt, and Taeyeon puts on basically the same thing. It’s gonna be a slow couple of days, but I need to mentally prepare myself for leaving. I’m really gonna miss my friends, but at least I’m not leaving forever. I need to stop thinking about this, or I’m gonna start crying again. Tae and I leave her room and head for the living room. The royal family, or whatever Sone call them, are all watching TV.

“Stop changing the channel Yoong. It’s starting to annoy me.”

“Yeah. It’s annoying. Stop or I’m taking the remote.”

“Why don’t you guys just stop complaining? I’ve got the remote, and I choose what we watch.”

“Then bloody pick something! You’ve been scrolling through channels for the last 30 minutes.”

There they go. They’re at it again. They do this every 3 mornings. And the funny thing is, is that they still haven’t notice Taeyeon and I standing behind the couch.

*couch* “Excuse me you lot. Can you, I don’t know, shut up?”

I just leave them and go to the kitchen. It’s probably best if I don’t say anything. I’d rather make breakfast than listen to them again. Scrambled eggs are on my mind, and yet we’re running low on eggs. I look around to see if there’s any more hidden away, and low and behold, I find a couple of extra boxes. They’re full. Thank god. I don’t know if I should make some for the others though.

“Yoona! If I make you eggs, will you shut up?”

“Yeah, probably.”

She passes the remote to Yuri and comes to the kitchen with me.

“Jessica, don’t even think about taking the remote off me.”

“Hey, it’s better for you to have it then it is for Yoona.”

At least they’ll shut up now. I reach into the cupboard and pull out some bowls and a few other things. Crack some eggs, add the milk, and start mixing. Yoona has the biggest eyes watching me put everything together. She must be hungry, and this might be a way to make up for the fact I woke her up early this morning.

“Hey Yoona, sorry for waking you up this morning.”

“It’s fine. You’re going through a tough time right now.”

“Will these eggs make up for it?”

“Yeah. You’re the only one that makes eggs the exact way I like them.”

“Thanks Yoong.”

By this point, Taeyeon has sat down to watch TV with Yuri and Jessica. They all seem to be having fun, which is nice. Hopefully they won’t miss me too much when I go. As I’m preparing the eggs, I start to feel a tear on my cheek. Not again. Not in front of everyone again. I need to be strong, for my friends. I’m really gonna miss them all when I’m gone.

“Unnie, are you ok?”


I wipe the tear from my cheek and give Yoona her eggs. I can feel more tears coming, so I take my eggs and head to my room. I lock the door so no one comes in the room. As I’ve finished eating, I can feel my tears freely falling now. Why am I so weak? I’ve cried almost every day since I found out my dad had cancer. I can’t bear to see him go, but he never seemed to care for me to begin with. I still don’t know how to feel, but I just wish that I could at least bring one of the members with me. I’ve run out of time to ask the manager if I can get someone to come. It’s all hurting, and I have to deal with it all on my own.

I lie down and cry for another hour or so, just weighing all my options. All of them made my tears fall harder. I don’t really care to know what’s going on outside the door, even though I keep thinking that one of the members will try to get into here. I just can’t deal with anyone right now, which is why I locked the door. Eventually, I get a text from Jessica. I guess she can’t come in.

“Hey Tif. I know you need to get out of the house, and I’m going to the shops. Do you wanna come?”

“Sure Jess. Who’s coming?”

“Just us. I know you need someone to talk to.”

“Thanks. Just give me a minute to get ready. I look like a mess.”

“I’ll be outside. Don’t take too long.”

I decide to not write anything back. I just clean my face off, grab a hoodie, and head for the door. Taeyeon has taken Jessica’s place on the couch, and Yoona has returned to the couch and continued the war for the remote. Omg they’re so childish sometimes. As I go outside, I can see Jessica playing games on her phone waiting by the car.

“Took you long enough.”

I give her a soft punch to the shoulder.


“It’s ok Jess. Let’s just get going.”

“Ok Tif.”

She opens the car and we get in. It’s relatively silent on our way to the shop. I don’t even want to talk right now. We get the shop, and Jessica can tell I don’t want to talk. When we get in, Jessica grabs a cart, and we start looking. Jessica starts to ramble on about food, while I just nod. Should we get this, or this, or that. That kind of thing, until she asks me straight out.

“Tiffany. Talk to me. What’s got you hurting so much more recently?”

I don’t say anything. She asks again, and I still don’t say anything. She raises her voice at me.

“Hwang Miyoung. You better answer me.”

“I’m sorry Jessica.”

“Just tell me what’s going on. You’re one of my best friends, and it breaks my heart seeing you like this.”

I take a deep breath.

“When I was young, my dad would abuse my mother, and my older sister. I hated him for so long because of it. Now I’m expected to cry and miss him? I don’t think so.”

For once, I don’t cry. I’m just angry.

“I’ve been crying the last couple of months because I’m gonna miss you all. My best friends. I know it’s only it’s only for 6 months, but that’s too long for me.”


Jessica doesn’t say anything else, but she just pulls me in for a hug. It was nice. I always loved Jessica’s hugs.

“Thank you for this Jessica.”

“I’ll always be here for you Tiffany.”

This is where I could feel my tears coming again. But this time, they were tears of joy. We finish getting everything we need and head for the car. We head home, and for once, I’m happy. Maybe I won’t be sad for my trip, and I really hope that it stays like that. As soon as we get back, Taeyeon runs up and hugs me.

“What was that for?”

“You’ll find out.”

~3 days later~

Today is the day that I leave. Everyone sees me off at the airport.

“Thank you for seeing me off everyone. I’m gonna miss you all.”

Everyone came in for a group hug and all started crying. I really love you guys. You’re the best things in my life. After everyone leaves, Taeyeon stays behind for me. I wonder what she wants.

“I’m really gonna miss you Fany.”

“I’m gonna miss you too Taengoo.”

We both hug for about 5 minutes. I’m really glad that we are, because there’s not gonna be any of this for half a year. After we finish hugging, she pulls me in for a passionate kiss.


She doesn’t say anything, she gives me a cute smile, and just reaches into her pocket and pulls out an envelope. It says “to Tiffany” with a big kiss on it.

“What’s this for?”

“Open it the night before you come back. Don’t open it before. Ok?”

“Ok. I promise.”

I flash her an eye smile before I head to the plane. I’m really gonna miss them.

“Don’t have too much fun without me guys.”

I say to myself as I’m getting on the plane.

*sigh* “Time to go.”

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1122 streak #1
Chapter 8: Yes finally Taeny ^_^
1122 streak #2
Chapter 7: Way to go Fany you said what you should've said to him long ago and I hope his mind omalready absorb your words and regret everything...
1122 streak #3
Chapter 6: So how long is tiff gonna stay there? and ivthinkvthats a love letter hehe
tipco09 #4
Chapter 6: Is that a confession from Taeyeon?
1122 streak #5
Chapter 5: Tae tell her tag you feel the same way now before something unexpected happens
tipco09 #6
Chapter 3: I hope they confess to each other.
derikys #7
Chapter 3: Continue please TT